• My brother loves playing axis and allies, however, one rule that he has always wanted was some form of artillery Bombardment. The basic concept is artillery can bombard adjacent territories instead of attacking, hitting on a one, or sometimes a two if you have air superiority. Then the artillery in the space you fired at gets to fire back. Sometimes he wants it to be that they can continue to fire at each other until the artillery on the other side is dead but I try and convince him otherwise. I personally feel that a unit with a cost of four with so much power is unbalanced but he doesn’t care. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to make it more balanced?

  • Sometimes he makes it so that you have to research it but I still think it’s unfair.

  • Tactical artillery has a range measured in double digit miles or kilometers. Quite insufficient for attacking adjacent territory’s defending units. But not all artillery is tactical…

    Strategic or heavy artillery has a longer range and a heavier payload. Something like that might be able to engage the enemy in such a manner. Heavy artillery would need to be a separate unit from normal artillery.

    One rule set (and not necessarily the best, just one I’m familiar with) for heavy artillery can be found in this post from 2017. If all of the effects of this version of heavy artillery are too much for your taste, just try the “next door attack” power and tie it to a unit with A3/D3/M1/C6 stats.


  • And what about battleships and cruisers, does it make sense to give them a range into adjacent seazones as well?

  • @Militarized-Milkmen said in Artillery Bombardment:

    And what about battleships and cruisers, does it make sense to give them a range into adjacent seazones as well?

    No. Ships on both sides next to sz border touching 2 sea zones is not represented in game. But ships are closer to shore when they fire. Ships need to be in same sz to hit each other too only.

  • Yeah that makes sense

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