Entrenched Positions For Infantry and Artillery

  • A house rule i tried out last week and really seamed to highlight a couple of good battles between Germany and Russia-UK.

    Entrenchment- Any infantry (not Mech) and artillery positioned in a country with a victory city dig in and dig deep and are awarded a +1 for defence.

    This rule helped the U.K. prolong Sealion for an extra round and added a bit of realism to the game, because any hostile city is far harder to take than just open country.

  • great idea. take it one step further, maybe a separate battle for the victory city inside the territory.

  • Granted, I haven’t tried it, but it seems to me like that’d make Russia way too hard to conquer.

  • I thought of the extra battle but then during the first battle you would have to remove planes, tanks, ect. so you can save your inf and art for the second fight it didn’t wrk very well for the defenders

  • @kdfsjljklgjfg:

    Granted, I haven’t tried it, but it seems to me like that’d make Russia way too hard to conquer.

    it doesn’t really it just makes the attackers attack more costly so it takes a little longer to resupply and press on to the next country.

  • Good for WWI not for WWII.
    I prefer blockhaus or capitals defender rules(stalingrad) or something like that.

  • @crusaderiv:

    Good for WWI not for WWII.
    I prefer blockhaus or capitals defender rules(stalingrad) or something like that.

    I never did get D-Day so I don’t have any blockhouses. Would you mind telling me how these work, and does only Germany get them?

    I was also wondering if Marines for US and Japan could be added or would those pieces not work well for Global. They could be great for defending the pacific Islands.

  • Maybe a NA for Japan could be Entreched defenders on Islands + 1 defence on first salvoe

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