World War II in Europe turn by turn

  • Customizer

    Since I am only posting the end of a full turn (both Axis and Allies have gone), you are not seeing the attacks and moves that are being made. Here are my Sovit counterattacks against the Germans. He is scrambling his airforce to reinforce Kursk and Smolensk. I’m not using my fighters as he is too strong in the air.


  • Customizer

    Yeah, didn’t work out. I took Bryansk, but lost the other 2. Italy may very well take all the Middle East. But I have pressure from Algeria. Thinking I may also land in France next turn.

    As for battle of the Atlantic, I lost 2 transports in my convoys to Germans subs, but he lost 2 subs as well. And I’m building more transports than I’m losing. But the growth of the British army is slow because I’m spending $30 a turn on Transports.

    Winter is next, so the Germans will be less effective in Russia.

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  • Customizer

    So the Germans are attacking my Caribbean convoy and my Canadian convoy, since they are not as heavily defended. My destroyers in Bristol failed the interception roll, so the subs continue unmolested.

    Even though both subs are attacking the same sea space, because there are 2 convoys, he has to choose which subs will attack which convoy. He chose to attack my Canadian convoy with 1 sub, and my Caribbean convoy with 2.

    In the Canadian convoy, he rolls a 3 (hit), and my destroyer rolled a 5 (miss). All sub hits can only be applied to transports, not destroyers in Strategic Warfare, so I lose the transport. In the Caribbean convoy, he rolls two 2s. Both hits, but destroyers cannot be hit, so only my transport is lost. I roll back a 3 (hit), so he has to lose a sub. Strategic Warfare is over, so he returns to port.

    Luckily, I have extra transports to fill the convoy when it is my turn, so I can keep the money and supply flowing. He has 2 subs coming on the board, so his losses are replaced as well.

    I will add more destroyers to these convoys to keep him from attacking these.

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  • Customizer

    OK, so I filled up my convoys again and added more destroyer escorts. I am backing off from the Germans in Russia, leaving him the Donets basin. I did have a successful attack in Rostov, but he has heavy hitting power in the area, so I need to keep my distance until I get a better defensive line.

    I’m ready to land in spring 1943. Probably Brest so I can get the port so I can keep my units supplied. I bombed him in France, but his fighters took out a coupe of mine.

    Italy has just one more push to get the British out of the Middle East. I will make my stand in Kuwait.
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  • OK a few things…

    please play out to the end.

    i get the convoy ferry’s 10 ipc, but what is represented by the missing ships off the “fence” When there are gaps does this mean the money is not received? or you view the entire route as one convoy box guarded by say 10 ships? Or do the ships in the convoy gain some magic movement?

    Does the game have any Waffen SS or Shock Armies? V weapons?

    I assume ships still move 2 spaces?

    The purple infantry in Smolensk is airborne?

  • When laying out the track for convoy… wouldn’t it be better for a player to make it less tracks in length? Like Gibraltar to UK using 4 sticks, rather than 6 in length? It seems UK could get her 30 ipc from Mideast with way fewer ships since Germany has only 2 subs and her Kreigsmarine is too far away.

  • Customizer

    Well, took another hit in the convoys, and he’s building more subs. But I landed in France. With the air units in London, I have air superiority, which means I’m there to stay now. Russia took some hits. He’s ready to take Stalingrad next turn. y strength is ebbing with the Russians.

    But Italy lost a battle in Kuwait, and now I have some breathing room in the Middle East.

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  • OK he lend lease route is an example of what im saying…

    looks like you could use one ship for the entirety of the route to Murmansk to send the 10 IPC, while in other places ( also out of harm) you got like 12 warships in the Queue.

  • @Imperious-Leader said in World War II in Europe turn by turn:

    OK a few things…

    please play out to the end.

    i get the convoy ferry’s 10 ipc, but what is represented by the missing ships off the “fence” When there are gaps does this mean the money is not received? or you view the entire route as one convoy box guarded by say 10 ships? Or do the ships in the convoy gain some magic movement?

    Does the game have any Waffen SS or Shock Armies? V weapons?

    I assume ships still move 2 spaces?

    The purple infantry in Smolensk is airborne?

    The purple guy is an airbourne, yes.

    There are options to play with elite units and tech. I choose not to. I don’t play tech in any Axis game.

    Ships and planes do not move like they do in A&A. Ships must always begin and end their turn in a port. Which is why you never see ships at sea in my pictures. Its not that my opponent or I haven’t set sail. It s just that we always have to return to the port we were based in. Ships can move 10 spaces in total, as long as they can get back to their original port. Which effectively gives them a range of 5 spaces from their port.

    Planes are the same. They must always land back on the space they came from. Planes move 4 and bombers 6, which gives planes a range of 2 and bomber s a range of 3.

    As a defender, I can intercept enemy ship movements. I have to roll for a successful interception. Interception is harder the further from my port it is. Same for planes.

    As a defender, on land, planes don’t intercept, but can fly out to the maximum of their range to give ground support.

    As for the convoys, the markers are just showing the route of the convoy. I can have as many ships in the convoy route as I want. The entire route is considered to have all those ships in it, regardless of where you attack it. But you can only attack it once a turn, not in multiple spaces.

  • Customizer

    That’s it for now. My feeling is my opponent is NOT going to win this game.

    He needs to have 2 major powers’ capitals in his control by the end of fall 1945 to win the war outright. I don’t think that is going to happen. But he can win a minor victory (negotiated peace in his favour?) if he has more flag cities in his control than I do by the end of fall 1945. That he could do.

  • Customizer

    @Imperious-Leader said in World War II in Europe turn by turn:

    When laying out the track for convoy… wouldn’t it be better for a player to make it less tracks in length? Like Gibraltar to UK using 4 sticks, rather than 6 in length? It seems UK could get her 30 ipc from Mideast with way fewer ships since Germany has only 2 subs and her Kreigsmarine is too far away.

    So if you look at my convoy to Oran in Algeria, I have 1 transport and 2 destroyers. Those 3 ships are considered to be in all of the sea spaces that convoy runs through. It means that the German subs can find me in any of those spaces.

    That transport can carry a total of $10 or supply 10 ground units, or any combination thereof. So I have $3 of income in that is tracing to Oran from what I control in North Africa, and I have 6 ground units. That takes up 9 spaces on that transport. If I have more units or money, then I would need to add another transport to supply and collect for everything.

    Also, because ships have a range of 10, I can’t have a convoy that runs more than 10 spaces. If I need to go farther, then the convoy needs to add a port in the route. The Murmansk convoy has Iceland to extend the range, and and the Middle East has South Africa.

    Leaving the USA zone or the South Africa zone is the same as crossing 5 spaces.

    Unfortunate SS Gen thinks there is no Battle of the Atlantic here. I’ve lost ALOT of transports trying to keep my convoys going.

  • Customizer

    So here is what happened at the end of the Axis turn. This is not the end of the turn, as Allies still have to go.

    Germany sank my transports in the Algerian convoy again. If I cannot trace a supply line for each unit back to London or another source, they are cut off (unsupplied) at eh start of my turn. They cannot move while cutoff. He has done this a few times, which is impeding my progress in North Africa. If at the end of my turn they are still cut off, then the units are destroyed. Even if I put a replacement transport into the convoy, the landed Italian units are block my supply route to the port of Oran.

    In this instance, I am in more trouble. As the Italians, he brought out his whole fleet to drop off 3 units in Algiers. I rolled a successful interception, but I lost the naval battle, hence why there are far fewer ships in the Med right now. He paid to repair his ships in his port, but mine have to go back to Britain or US to be repaired. He got himself some breathing room. I wasn’t expecting to lose that battle.

  • @jim010 said in World War II in Europe turn by turn:

    @Imperious-Leader said in World War II in Europe turn by turn:

    When laying out the track for convoy… wouldn’t it be better for a player to make it less tracks in length? Like Gibraltar to UK using 4 sticks, rather than 6 in length? It seems UK could get her 30 ipc from Mideast with way fewer ships since Germany has only 2 subs and her Kreigsmarine is too far away.

    So if you look at my convoy to Oran in Algeria, I have 1 transport and 2 destroyers. Those 3 ships are considered to be in all of the sea spaces that convoy runs through. It means that the German subs can find me in any of those spaces.

    That transport can carry a total of $10 or supply 10 ground units, or any combination thereof. So I have $3 of income in that is tracing to Oran from what I control in North Africa, and I have 6 ground units. That takes up 9 spaces on that transport. If I have more units or money, then I would need to add another transport to supply and collect for everything.

    Also, because ships have a range of 10, I can’t have a convoy that runs more than 10 spaces. If I need to go farther, then the convoy needs to add a port in the route. The Murmansk convoy has Iceland to extend the range, and and the Middle East has South Africa.

    Leaving the USA zone or the South Africa zone is the same as crossing 5 spaces.

    Unfortunate SS Gen thinks there is no Battle of the Atlantic here. I’ve lost ALOT of transports trying to keep my convoys going.

    Well it was never mentioned early how far ships moved. If Ger subs can move out and then move back that makes a difference

  • Im thinking a you tube video on the basic play examples would be great and easier to demonstrate…SS gen would like that

  • Customizer

    I can e-mail you the rules, if you’d like?

  • Maybe. Wonder if planes ( Tacs) can hit surfaced subs while raiding

  • Customizer

    Yes, tacs, and destroyers are ASW units and can hit subs at a 3 or less.

  • @jim010 said in World War II in Europe turn by turn:

    I can e-mail you the rules, if you’d like?

    Yes I would. Went to site. Gotta pay to get rules
    I sent a pm. And yes I’ve played a game with convoy routes and u started with so many transport ships in game
    But then seems like all money was spent on protection instead landing.

  • @jim010 said in World War II in Europe turn by turn:

    Yes, tacs, and destroyers are ASW units and can hit subs at a 3 or less.

    Sweet !

  • Customizer

    Yes. I have tried playing without bothering with convoys, but Britain only makes $35 without them from a total of $60. And I still need them to supply armies. So no matter what, I have to invest in transports.

    It may be a case of 6 of one, half a dozen of the other, but if I don’t buy transports, then Germany doesn’t buy subs and spends it on land units. And if Germany doesn’t buy subs to go after my convoys, then I am making an unmolested $60 or more a turn, and NOT replacing lost transports.

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