Hi All,
This may not be the right sub category, but I had a question for clarification in regard to Russia’s limited production on the 3rd edition of World at War Axis and Allies. The rule states that Russia can only use 16 IPCs until attacked or turn 5. My question is, once turn 5 rolls around or attacked, what does Russia have to spend at the beginning of the turn. So if Germany attacks Russia on Turn 5, once Russia’s turn rolls around what do they have to spend? I know that they get 20 IPCs worth of troops right away, but for their regular build, it would make sense to me that they still only have 16 IPCs gto use, and collect their income at the end of tune 5. Or does Russia get the 20 IPCs for purge and then another 32 IPCs to spend on regular build in turn 5 (starting level of income before attacked) even though Germany has taken several of Russia’s territories?