• '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer


    Here’s a pic on Germany’s next turn. Germans have Rostov and will get Stalingrad since Moscow can’t send most troops that way based on eastern front pressure with Raspituta season - move only 1 and there’s 34 tanks in Rostov. Italy can drop off 8-10 ground in Rostov to defend plus turkey units moving out in middle east since Turkey was influenced by Germany on turn 2.
    But on Japan side it be tougher and if axis wins it will be on turn 6 but depends on pacific.


  • OK. Next game Saturday. After many games and trying to find that 1 more point for Japan to get and help more with the win is going to be Rangoon is a VC now. It’s Gotta bring more action to Burma. If FEC slips up than japan may get to hit Calcutta too. This may open the door a bit more for axis to get Cairo to. Depends on which ground units are gonna jump around for the triangle affect. Also open Middle East up a bit. Gives axis more options for wins.


  • Here’s some pics of the game. Germany up hill after turn 1. Some bad rolls etc etc. japan doing ok. US late start in Pacific. Can be costly.
    Allies pretty much gonna win.

    9C033D97-1BAE-4530-980C-B5A320CE648A.jpeg 2F9D96E1-5F2F-4F6F-88BD-FAC173666EA9.jpeg 2590C071-6750-4E6C-8473-DF5B19C12959.jpeg 3B6F5042-7EF8-43CF-B97F-548583315D61.jpeg 8BA7952D-2E9A-4C7D-AFF9-871198672D04.jpeg

  • We are going to go to each country gets there own tech chart now instead of getting a bad one every so often. This way now it will be good. Still have to roll a d6 dice to see what you get.

    Tech-Income chart 4.0.png

    Also going to add the Armistice of Italy to game.
    If Southern Italy falls this is what happens now.

    1. Italy out of game.
    2. Conquer gets Italy’s money.
    3. Roll for Italy ships.
      Roll of 1 Germany receives ship and move to Rome sz.
      Roll 2-6 ship is destroyed.
      Roll 7-12 UK recieves the ship and moves to Malta sz.
    4. Any controlled territory under Italian becomes Germany and they
      can collect the money.
    5. Remove all Italian inf ground units and planes from game except
      in Northern Italy and Rome. All theses units become German.

    Allies joint strike now even in play for med now too.

  • '19 '18 '17


    Thanks for all the pictures!! Looks like you guys had a great time.

    The chart looks interesting. Is the new technologies something you guys have been playing with lately or is it just new!!

    Looks so fun!!


  • @aagamer said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:


    Thanks for all the pictures!! Looks like you guys had a great time.

    The chart looks interesting. Is the new technologies something you guys have been playing with lately or is it just new!!

    Looks so fun!!


    The tech chart is new. Most of it finalized unless somebody may have another one. We Ave about 6 techs per game. We want tech to be good if you get now for all with Italy basically getting more NA’s since they really didn’t have any tech.

    Ya great time at game. Carl got diced and or played Germany a bit different ( no Idea ) and seems it was a up hill battle from there.
    Japan took Schezwan and Rangoon with 3 other cities there so it was nice for Japan to get that extra point or 2 and force even more action in Pacific but this game US didn’t come right out which it needs to do.

    Good action down by the Dutch Islands. But again the India and Anzac fleet didn’t hookup with US fleet.

  • '19 '18 '17

    Very good. Yes from playing the Anzacs they really need to hook up with the British and US as fast as possible otherwise there is really no threat for the Japanese down there since it does take time for the US to get there to really make a nice group. What country did you play this game? Carl, got diced – that is funny – that normally never happens to him - he is incredibly lucky normally.

  • I played Japan. Ya as far as Carl you’d have to talk to him on what really happened.

    Had a somewhat new guy for US Pacific but don’t know what he was thinking. Attacked Marshall’s and Carolinas without his fleet and all planes. I work with him and he wouldn’t talk about game on Monday. Lol We told him end of game what he should of done.

    With Rangoon in game now hoping the allies need to make a attack move now.

    As you know need more games in to see how that works out.

  • @general-6-stars said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:

    I work with him and he wouldn’t talk about game on Monday.


  • @barnee said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:

    @general-6-stars said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:

    I work with him and he wouldn’t talk about game on Monday.


    Ya. I was laughing my ass off. Got a taste of play and dice. Lol

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Redid the Armistice of Italy

    This goes in to effect if either Rome or South Italy is captured by the allies.

    1. Italy is no longer in game now.
    2. If Rome is captured first. the allies receive all of Italy’s money.
    3. If South Italy is captured first the allies receive half of Italy’s money
      and rest goes to the bank.
    4. All Italian and German units in Africa are removed from the game
      map now. They are considered surrendered. The US and UK split
      the territories in Africa for control with US getting first.
    5. Germany gets control of all the Italian territories that they own
      and collects income for them on there next turn.
    6. Germany does not get to receive any Italian tech or NA’s.
    7. Germany must now roll 1 d12 dice for each Italian unit in a Italian
      control territory. Refer to charts.
    8. All Italian infantry and motorized units converted to German units
      must stay in the territory they are in at time of roll.

    SHIPS : 1-2 Goes to Germany. Move to Rome sea zone.
    3-5 Destroyed
    6-12 Goes to UK. Move to Malta sea zone.

    INF : 1-3 Becomes German. Leave there.
    4-12 Remove from game map. Prisoner of war now.

    PLANES : 1-8 becomes German. Move to N. Italy or Rome
    9-12 becomes UK. Move to Malta

    AA/MOTORIZED : 1-6 becomes German. Leave there.
    7-9 destroyed
    10-12 becomes UK. Move to nearest allies territory.

    That’s it.

  • This is what we have for now for tech. May make a tweak. Lol


  • @general-6-stars yea I’m just going to #6 if I’m US of A. Everybody would get in line real quick lol

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    @barnee said in General 6 Stars 1941 Global War Game:

    @general-6-stars yea I’m just going to #6 if I’m US of A. Everybody would get in line real quick lol

    Not as easy to get as you think. Already looking at removing it. Probably replace Bomb with Armored carriers. Just feel the H bombers is better across the whole map.
    Heavy Bombers: C12 A5@6 ground A4@6 naval SBR 1d6+4 DF@2
    1 round only
    Got to watch it so this tech doesn’t get out of hand.

    Also working on a another way to get tech using dice rolls and adding up totals and making the tech secret from other countries. I’ll post a chart to show kind a what I’m talking about.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    OK. See If I have this right. Russia is going for a tech. have 1 token. cost 5.
    Now they roll 1 d12 dice on turn 1. They get a 8. They are going for Assembly line. But the token on chart on back side has the tech on it but nobody else can see it yet. He needs 24 in total dice rolls to get this tech. Chart says 30 but I fixed it. So here is turn 1. I’m going to use the income chart to make it easier. I’ll probably make own type of token to represent the tech.
    Could convert to D6 too

    Turn 1 Russia Tech-Income chart 4.0.png

    Turn 2 rolls a 6 so now has 14 total for tech.

    Turn 2 Russia Tech-Income chart 4.0.png

    Turn 3 rolls a 8 and now has 22 total points for tech.

    Turn  3 Russia Tech-Income chart 4.0.png

    Turn 4 rolls a 5 and now has 27 totals points. Russia gets the tech.
    then shows what tech he got to other players and places token in the correct box showing everybody.

    Turn  4  Russia Tech-Income chart 4.0.png

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Ok. Here’s the tech chart we are going to use. For each tech token you get to roll 2d6 dice. Add your total and mark on income chart. Once you get to the number you need in total dice rolls you get the tech. Can use right away on your turn. This should make things more interesting in game. The tech will be a secret too until you get it.
    Max tech tokens per tech is 2. max tech is 2. Unless you get a free tech event card and you haven’t gone for tech or you already have 1 or 2 techs. If you don’t have your techs yet then the free tech goes towards one of the techs your going for.
    Cost is 5 icps per tech token. Now I can see Russia buying a tech token.

    Tech-Income chart 5.0.png

    We will be playing this hopefully a week from Saturday. Also have in game now the Armistice of Italy.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Here’s a game result from Saturday March 25th. The Italians 2 National Advantages were German Influence and Puppet State. So Germany could build 2 units and place at a Italy IC and build 2 Italian units too once per turn. But it seems that Germany over spent for Italy and the Russians were able to push back the German stack in later turns.
    The Germans had sub Interdiction and was doing a good job for battle of the Atlantic. UK even had ASW Tacs Planes attack subs @4 and still couldn’t take out all the subs. LOL.
    Germany wasn’t able to take out 1 of the UK fleets with his major wolf pack attacks with first strikes so that gave the UK a fleet which always helps to a certain point.
    Axis got Cairo and was at 30 points for a few turns for the win but allies were able to take back a few cities and or bonus points as game went on.
    Germany did influence Spain and did help take out the first allies landing in game.
    Also it looks like US has 22 units that are going to land in France or West Germany… Germany probably will need to move its big stack back to protect Warsaw.

    Japan did well in game most part. Allies baited the Japan to come out with 2 sets of planes to kill the FEC/Anzac fleet and Anzac transports to the point of now US fleet could now move into Hong Kong and Shangia to take a few points away. Game ended with axis having 24 points and looks like Allies were going to get Paris and probably win the game. Don’t think axis could recover in time. Could go for Cape Town and oil but Russia could afford to start sending troops to middle east.
    here’s some pics of map at end of turn 6.
    You can double click map to get a blow up
    Of map and pieces.

    C89994C2-7729-45C4-B7A4-057D7B085730.jpeg E0547425-A16A-4C0C-A290-144B73A002D5.jpeg 085FB804-775C-49BC-95BE-46071998B8DF.jpeg 23677024-7B06-47C8-B226-D46147D2BDF3.jpeg

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Here’s the tech that was in the game. What a change to game here. Seemed at first it was to strong for axis early but seemed to mellow out.
    As you can see the Italians were still going for a tech on income tracker we used for that too. Will have some tech country tokens made up for this.


  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    here is the National Advantages each country got at start of game. Germany & Japan had there best 2 NA’s for game plus Italy had both German LL NA’s. The chart also shows where axis are at in victory points at end of turn 6.

    Some NA’s will make you go for more of a certain tech in games.

    Any way was a great game and probably no changes.


  • '19 '18 '17


    looks like you had a great game!!


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