Are these pieces for the A&AG40 game or A&A Miniatures?? If these are A&AG40 scale - HOLY CRAP! Very nice…

Best posts made by DFWSupertrooper
RE: HBG U.S. Naval Sculpts Preorder
Latest posts made by DFWSupertrooper
RE: HBG Gaming Convention "Battlecon"
We are finalizing our dates and Hotel and have it narrowed to 2 Hotels and 3 weekends of May of 2014 in Tulsa, OK
Please vote for the 2 weekends that will best work for you.
This will help make our decision but not be a absolute depending on the polling.
Thank you.
CoachAny weekend works good for me so long as I got notice! I’m in FOR SURE! Quick drive from Houston, and I’ll have a plus one join me from Dallas at least.
RE: HBG's Japanese Sets
I was just wondering about the “heavy infantry” in the Expansion set. What will they be? Is it like the guy with the Panzerfaust in the Axis Minors sets?
We are still working on that, we have a Paratrooper in first set, SNLF with light machine gun in Amerika, thinking about Infantry with rifle in second with soft hat or Heavy Machine gun.
I’d like to see an Imperial Guard unit for the third. That way you get a marine, airborne, and elite infantry.
RE: HBG's Japanese Sets
I know you guys are working on the new set but do you have any early teaser shots to show us? :-D
…I second that! :-D
RE: FRANCE and ANZAC COMBAT DICE - HELP us design them!
Personally, I’d rather see one with the blue/blue SEAC roundel for India.
RE: New Gaming products soon from
Those are SWEET! I want some!!
RE: FRANCE and ANZAC COMBAT DICE - HELP us design them!
WOW! We’re all here for you Jeremy. Whatever we can do to help, let us know. Maybe more pre-orders to secure some capital? I for one trust you to throw in my share towards the end result - ESPECIALLY if you’re using either the same factory or one equally as good as HBG is - they seem to be on the ball for them and a proven record of delivery and quality as expected. Luck of the draw I suppose when dealing with specialty manufacturers.
Keep us posted on what you need and what you expect - we’re with you 100%!
RE: FRANCE and ANZAC COMBAT DICE - HELP us design them!
Also being of original MB A&A age, I agree that we have waited YEARS for this kind of thing, so I will ALWAYS support with 100% of my available efforts (and funds) the efforts of FMG and HBG both.
Hang in there Jeremy - sorry to hear they almost “sunk” you. Were you able to get to the nearest Naval base to repair the damage to yourself during your non-combat move?? :-D
RE: Need Help to Finalize HBG Japan Set!
Bicycles & Sidecars - hilarious!!! That would be cool. :-D
I guess from a scale standpoint, I consider those as regular infantry (Berlin to the Rhine in one move). And I agree with Tall Paul, many may wonderful thanks to all the folks at HBG - they make this game WAY COOLER than it already was - no matter what pieces come out I buy them.
RE: Need Help to Finalize HBG Japan Set!
…Not to mention the HUGE parachutes on their backs. Just check out these guys.
“Tall Paul”
Another idea to help us all Paul is this (ESPECIALLY if you’re painting anyway like we are/will)…
Assuming the SNLF vs Army uniform statement by DrLarsen below is correct…
The thing is with sculpting SNLF is that there was almost no difference in their combat uniform versus the army: usually just a different symbol on the helmet if I remember correctly…
…then you could use Fimo to sculpt an added-on parachute prior to painting on some of the SNLF troops. My grandma used Fimo when I was a kid to completely sculpt a replacement Japanese (curious coincidence) infantry that a dog chewed from my original game - you could hardly tell the difference!!
I may try that to make Tieshin Shudan paratroopers!! :-D
PS - Fimo (for those unfamiliar) is a clay-like substance they sell at most major craft stores - comes in many colors, adheres easily to plastic, AND takes paint well!
RE: Need Help to Finalize HBG Japan Set!
While I truly congratulate you on your magnificent plans for Japanese sets,…
I couldn’t help but notice that you didn’t include a Paratrooper unit. Three complete sets and no Paratrooper??? I believe they’d add another dimension to our games and would be a worthwhile unit for inclusion. After all, if we don’t get Paratroopers for ALL of the countries, my “Screamin’ Eagles” will be out of work.
Thanks for your time and consideration.“Tall Paul”
I gotta agree with Tall Paul on this one. I mean, maybe they weren’t used and maybe they were (based on the discussion between him and knp) - either way, it’s related to a technology used by most players (part of the series) and that’s part of the dynamic of PLAYING the game - CHANGING what was done in history based on YOUR strategy with production and resources.
There is sufficient evidence to point to the historical existence of paratroopers for every major power on the board (except China) whether they were ever deployed in combat or not! It’s also a matter of game balance - you can’t very well give them to US only without seriously tipping the balance in their favor for longer range actions.
My rules call for it being a technology owned by US/UK/Germany and available for everyone else by die roll/technology.
Now, I know we could easily use another regular sculpt painted or whatever, and if the decision’s made - then that’s what I’ll do and I won’t cry one bit, but it’d be cool if we had them. Obviously, in the game Japan never had much opportunity for tech development anyway and if they did there are many other techs that would benefit them much more!!