• Hey guys,
    I’m getting bored with the available maps and would be interested in finding some more, particularly the one I read about on a Napoleonic Wars map and a WWIII/Cold War.  Is there some sort of master list with all of the different available games where I could just click and download the ones that interest me?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Oh, and not that this is the place to post it, but just an idea for a game rule. I find that there is not a strong enough relationship between sea control and economic prosperity in the existing games, and, at the risk of sounding too much like A.T. Mahan, all great powers have been sea powers. So here’s my idea (which may have been done without my knowledge): an enemy fleet in the ajacent sea-zone of a territory with an industrial complex will be considered a naval blockade, with the blockaded player losing a certain amount of IPC’s for their following turn.

  • I second the request for a list of games. Actually, I think there should be several lists. One list of A&A games you can buy, one for expansions that are no longer in production, one for games and expansions that are non-WW II, and one for homebrew. URLs should be included where possible. That would be awesome.

  • What exactly are you asking for?

    Games of any type with a Napoleonic theme?

    Or Variants of games ( in Axis and Allies style) only posted here that are free download, but indexed so you dont have to search for them?

    I have a few things to offer, but seek your clarification first.

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