@baron-Münchhausen said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:
@SS-GEN said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:
Here are the values for pieces updated for next game. These numbers work pretty good now. The question is do we give a destroyer an aa shot at planes ? Of course most say no. But all ships had aa guns. Some better and some ships had more of them. Some were shot down but also when these guns were fired at planes it would divert some planes away from fear of being hit. But if you really look at the d6 games and most don’t agree with ships getting aa, is technically BB CR and DD are getting plane hits in all games but at attackers and defenders choice. So in other words planes are not being taken as casualties too with attacker and defenders choice until last couple rounds of combat. So look at what I’m doing in away is yes you get a low aa ship shot but it’s also forcing the defender to pick a plane casualty in the first round in combat and beyond instead of the last round or so of combat. So now we don’t have the dog fight 1 round before all combat neither.
Plus planes are attacking planes the same time.
So here are the values with the destroyer.
BB C15 AD@3 plane & AD@8 ship. Dam AD@2 plane & AD@6 ship
CR C9 M3 AD@3 plane & AD@7 ship.
DD C6 AD@1 plane & AD@3 ship.
Fig C10 M5 AD@2 plane & AD@5 gr/ship.
Tac C10 M5 AD@1 plane & AD@5. 3 or less pick.
N fig C10 M4 AD@2 plane & AD@4 gr/ship.
N Dive C10 M4 AD@1 plane & AD@5. 3 or less pick.
Stg. B C10 A4@3 1 round only. D@2. Can’t hit naval ships.
AC C14 D@3 plane only. Dam. D@2 plane only.
EC C8 D@2 plane only.
Hi SS,
I wonder what impact do you see in your game with so many units being even off-defense.
I usually based my roster on the disparity between attack and defense such as OOB G40, (D6) Subs A2 vs D1, Carrier A0 vs D2, Fg A3 vs D4.
Usually, defense is higher for most unit because attacker always get the initiative to choose where there is a fight.
Did you try before something like:
Carrier C14 A0 D4 able to hold 3 aircraft
Naval Fg C8 A4 D5,
The reason for the same on A & D is for confusion. With testing the above numbers in 2 games and going back to another change of values based on testing need to stick with one of them.
The list you posted worked great but figs to strong against ships and the ships AA plane kill only was to weak. So I went back to normal casualty hits with a bonus AA ship and DF kill per round for each piece. We even tested the Fig going to C8 AD@4 & AD@2 plane only but was to weak on ground attacks against Inf. The fighter being the hardest piece to get some good balance is a bit either to strong or to weak. This is what we went with last 2 games.
BB C15 AD@8 + if roll is a 1 get a bonus AA plane kill too. This means a double hit.
CR C9 AD@7 M3 + if roll is a 1 get a bonus AA plane kill too.
DD C6 AD@3 + if roll is a 1 get a bonus AA plane kill too.
AC C14 D@3 plane only
EC C8 D@2 plane only
TR C7 D@1 plane only
SS C7 A5 D2 FS ( may got to A4 and pick target )
Fig C8 AD@5 ground AD@4 ships + if roll is a 2 or less get a DF plane kill too.
N Fig C8 AD@4 + if roll is a 2 or less get a DF plane kill too.
Tac & Dive C10 AD@5 + roll a 1 get a DF plane kill too. If roll is a 3 or less can pick target.
Stg, B C8 A3@3 + if roll is a 1 get a DF plane kill too. D2 SBR 1 d6 + 2.
Interceptors and escorts : Figs, N. figs AD@3 and all bombers AD@1.
The Carrier holding 3 planes is a Super Carriers Tech in game. May still just add this to game.
With the bonus plane kill at least it forces A & D having to take a plane casualty because both just save there planes stacks till the end of a battle. These plane kill bonus numbers may go up.