@general-6-stars I have a physical map that I have made. It’s mostly rules i am trying to develop. Thanks for showing me your map.
General 6 Stars 1941 WW2 Game
Ya all good !
Another epic game. 12 hours. Probably would have ended sooner if Berlin didn’t fall.
Calcutta fell. Cairo fell. Paris liberated but too late. Pics of game
US attacked Hong Kong. Mistake. Lost all its fleet with no back up but that was mostly because the Germans had an unbearable sub attack roll against one of the UK fleets so there was 18 ger Wolfpack subs in Atlantic end of turn 1. Still give Allie’s credit mostly on Europe side to keep them in game longer. Allies may have won if game continued. Hard to say. -
Awesome! That’s a massive yank Fleet in the Carolines lol
@barnee That fleet got completely slaughtered turn 4 by the Japanese.
But I was the East US and Uk. So I have no idea what happened over there. Only after that fleet got completely hammered :) Are you going to come down and play some time?
No it was Admiral Carl Nuk Nuk. !!!He may of moved in with his fleet to block an early axis win ? Possible
This post is deleted! -
Had a game last month. Allies won. Even though Moscow fell. Have another game this coming sat on Dec 14
We are playing now with bombers get to defend on any bombing run. Not just SBR. Technically it’s a SBR any time they attack anything
We are also using the dice rolls of the bomber to force the defender to choose a casualty piece based on dice rolls number.Also can get my hit dice now at combat miniatures for civil war games and any normal game. Good deal going on.
You get 100 dice for 40 bucks. 20 dice of each color. Threw in a grey for de South or your h tanks. -
Updated map looking good
yea was just gonna say map looks a little different. Nice job General !
@General-6-Stars Just missing a few Russian pieces, lol.
oh no ! Couple guys already fell over drunk in Poland !
Got another game in 2 weeks. Last game Rome fell but axis still won based on US lost half there fleet in pacific turn 2. Not good. But it was cool to see S Italy fall to UK. Then right away you roll for all Italian units on map and where they go. So Italy had a bunch of inf in Rome for defense but most of them inf went to prison. Then the US landed in Rome there turn they were able to take Rome based on less Italians there and not enough German units. So that rule is awesome in game.!
Can “Operation Bright Skies” save the day ? !!!
Find out this coming Saturday !!!