👋 Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current)

  • Hi, I’m Julien from Québec. I have 2 games under my belt so far, both on Axis and Allies Aniversary Eddition.

    First one was in November where I ended up playing as Japan in a 4 players game which ended up in a draw after 12 hours of play after the Battle of Midway that completely wiped out both the Japanese and American Navy. I did manage to take out China completely and occupy Australia and Siberia, but failed to take India.

    Second Game was in December, 3 players this time, me playing Germany and Italy, 1 playing Japan and another playing all Allies. Managed to take Egypt first turn, but most importantly, rolled Heavy Bombers 2nd turn. After 10 hours of fighting, I finally took Moscow, then proceded to human wave London by the 12th hours.

    Next game planed is Saturday and we’re supposed to have 5 players this time, looking forward to it.

    Originally, I bought Axis and Allies Europe 1940. Figured having a different version to play would be nice, liked the idea of having France and was also playing to switch the french pieces with the italian ones for 1 of our player who’s colourblind and have a really hard time telling Italy and Soviet apart. Sadly, I was a bit disapointed by the lacked of pieces included, actually tried putting all starting units down and ended up missing 1 gray chip for that. The lack of physical money was also disapointing, the IPC chart was way too short, did’nt like the cardboard bases and complexes and I found the Battleboard and Research chart from Anniversary just better. Add to that the 6 wholes dices included and the fact that the unit boxes does not have compartment for sorting pieces… Too bad since I especially like the idea of bases and permanent damage to battleship.

    So, I then of course proceded to buy Anniversary anyway and poured all the Europe units in the Anniversary boxes, neatly sorted by land, air and sea units, even gave the french 1 of the 2 spare boxes used for neutral pieces. Also bought a set of white dices that I plan to use instead of research chips : Just keep the dice instead. Very happy with it now.

    Also in the middle of translating the rules to French for both version(Anniversary and Global 1940) in 1 ‘‘Rulebook’’, mainly so every player can have his own copy of all National Objectives instead of going around the table or asking others for it.

  • @Voltigeurs

    Hi Voltigeurs
    Welcome to the site.

    https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/150059/aide-de-jeu-aaa-1940-global-en-francais is a translation for Global. Not sure if Anniversary has been done.

  • Hey guys, I’m Caspar and im from South Germany.
    I’m a state-certified Graphic Designer and Photographer who loves making WW2 Content and Art in his free-time.
    I like to play Axis and Allies 1942 spring the most. Playing whenever i get the chance with some of m friends.
    Yes i made my own Axis and Allies game since im a graphic designer after all. Took me a damn long time and a few initial attempts to make the best custom version i can. Of course im going to post it on here for you guys to take a look.

    Greetings, Caspar!

  • Hello everyone, My name is Jay and I’m from Iowa. I’ve been an Axis & Allies fan since middle school when my older brother introduced me to Classic. For the past few years I’ve enjoyed getting reacquainted with the game through TripleA and the late 90’s CD-ROM version. I recently picked up 1942 2E to introduce my children to the game I love. Looking forward to all this site has to offer.

  • Yo. Barnee is out that way. Maybe he’ll hookup with u

  • '14 '13

    I was away for some time, so I believe an re-introduction is in order. My name is Jaime Luna, and I call Cedar Park, Texas home. I have several different versions of A&A, but my crew and I primarily play Global 1940. We try to play at least once a month, but life will always dictate when war begins. As far as customizations go, it all started in 2013 when I started reading the custom threads. I now have a table and pieces, see link: (https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/19665/1940-global-table-painted-pieces) Every time I scroll, I still find all kinds of inspiration from others in this community. I have even started painting pieces for other players.

    Lastly, I just want to invite everyone to add themselves to the players list on the thread here:
    I used to maintain and add everyone myself, but it was recommended that I switch to Google sheets and make it shareable. You can now add yourselves and search for players in your area.

  • My name is Chuck from Bakersfield, CA.

    My son bought the Global 1940 Edition about a two years ago and I still blunder now and again adjusting to the capabilities introduced since playing the original (2nd edition) game. We got together to play with my grown boys just a handful of times since. I used to play the original game a lot after getting out of college around 1986. Good times.

    I actually came over and signed on to this board to look for the enlarged maps to adhere to a table top. I saw these when I first YouTubed the G40 games but for the life of me I can’t remember who. In any event, I was nosing around here to shop for things to make the management of the game go smoother and maybe add just a little esprit de corps. I was also somewhat curious if they ever came out with a computer version of G40.

    I like message boards and used to frequent them more often to improve my coaching, airsoft, and fantasy football at different stages of my life. As I get older I learn so much about my ignorance. I will read more as time permits.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hi Bismamillah
    yea that older thing …well… it is very pleasant :)

    You guys can play on triplea. A whole bunch of good stuff going on there :)


    heh heh actually meant it’s not pleasant lol must be the ageing in me :)

  • Hello everyone. I am new to this forum. Nice to be here :blush:

  • @johnmorganhere

    Welcome We are glad you are here :)

  • My name is Josh currently live in Wichita Falls Tx. I have always loved playing A&A but not an easy game to find players for. I own 2 copys of the original but they are lost in my garage. Years ago when I lived in Lubbock, had a game store and we played weekly 2-3 times a month. Mostly original then the original Europe and Pacific then the revised version that’s how long ago it was. Then work life and other things got in the way and have not played since. I just recently wanted to get back into it. Been looking around past few weeks and amazed and confused by the sheer number of versions out there. I just got my copy of 1942 off ebay last night and looked at the board and unit costs. Looks pretty different will take some time till I feel comfortable with it. I will see if I can find some local players for a game.

  • @Bismillah

    Here you can download TripleA (https://triplea-game.org/), which allows you to play every version of the boardgames there are, also other types of boardgames. You can play local (vs computer) or pbem (play by mail) or online (large community).

  • @cds Thank you!! I will do just that. I will try the computer and work out my bugs before I engage others and bring great shame upon my ancestors.

  • @Bismillah

    You are very welcome!! Always nice to have some fresh blood joining the online community. Just a headsup, the computer is fun to play, but youll soon find out that there is much to learn as you play vs online gamers. Most of them are very experienced. The best of luck and have fun playing.

  • Hi I’m ClintA, journalist, airsofter and most lately Axis and Allies fan in Northern Ireland. Have the Global 40 set-up and now trying to recruit opponents on the Emerald Isle.

    Just in process of creating my custom table, few bits and bobs to finish… as you can tell I’m no carpenter but Siredblood’s videos did provide plenty of inspiration.


  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Very nice table :)

  • Hello, I’m Spencer. I’m from Wisconsin Rapids, WI but I’m currently stationed in San Diego, CA. I’ve been playing Axis and Allies for just over a decade starting with Spring 1942. I play 1941, 1942 2nd Ed. and Global 40. I don’t have a copy of 1914 but i enjoy games occasionally. I play about once a month with other sailors. I dabble in painting and have taken an interest in house rules.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hi Sixis
    Welcome to the site. Do you mind stating what ship you’re on ? gotta a couple buddies that were on aircraft carriers . one was on the"Ranger" lol

    Anyway thanks for doing your part :)

  • Hello All - I’m Erinmores. I play some AA G40 Alpha 3+ ish. I’m in the Denver Colorado region For the most part, not into painted pieces or house rules. We do modify some things - Russia moves there 18 plus Art at beginning of turn so that Japan/Germany can go simultaneously first few rounds - really cuts down game time. And we use poker chips in lieu of paper money. Again, speeds up game play. We have some custom built gaming tables that are really sweet. Seeking online gaming.

  • @barnee I am on USS Decatur DDG73.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







