👋 Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current)

  • Interested. I’m from Hamilton

  • '22 '20


    Excellent, I’ll send you a private message.

    Here’s a link to the past event post as well:

  • great. Thanks

  • Hello all, my name is Michael.
    I’m fairly new to the world of Axis and Allies having just started the summer of 2019 and been playing since; however, my excellent writing and rhetoric skills that I’ve learned in my university studies have led me to study the rulebooks in the world of Axis and Allies in order for me to semi-master/quickly understand the concept and play styles of the game. I’m a university taught environmental engineer.
    I like to play AA50 anniversary edition and just recently took on the venture into 1940 Europe with my cousin.
    As to how often I play, my cousin and I try to play whenever we get the time. Sometimes it can be once a week or every other week, but at the very least try to have a tradition where a game is played monthly.
    I have bought the the 50th anniversary edition and just recently Pacific 1940 and Europe 1940 both 2nd edition so I play with the standard out of the box boards so no I play with no customizations in terms of equipment. However, I guess our (my cousin and I) house rule regards bombardments where you bombard for the first round of combat and the hits on the defending units result in them not being able to return fire. Before that we were misinterpreting the bombardment rules and bombarding every round of combat. But quite frankly, he and I both agree that the bombardment rule as written is probably the worst piece of trash in the rulebook.
    This concludes my introduction. My very next post which I am going to work on will be on the “by the book” bombardment rule and what my cousin and I see wrong with it. So please everyone give me feedback on my thoughts about bombarding.

  • @rulebook_reviewer
    Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

    Please post your understanding of the rulebook’s bombardment rules in the appropriate dedicated game-categories.


    Thank you and have fun :slightly_smiling_face:

  • I’m theskeindhu on Axis and Allies online. I played basic A&A as a kid, now enjoy losing as the Allies online.

  • Hello,
    My name Is Jason. I live in Mount Vernon, Washington (about an hour north of Seattle). I am 55 years old.
    I am currently playing the anniversary edition, after a long hiatus. I remember playing the original Milton Bradley release way back in ‘84, with my good friends, and did so for three or four years, (along with Fortress America), when I was just 20 years old. Just before Christmas of 2019 I decided I wanted to play a strategy game and remembered good ol’ Axis And Allies.
    I received the anniversary edition that Christmas and got going.
    I play mostly solitary as I am having a hard time finding other players. That, of course, makes re-learning the rules a little slow for me, but with the help of this forum I hope to get back to speed. I play a game about every other week.
    I have seen some videos on YouTube where players made some stands for their air units. I liked the idea and made some of my own from wooden dowels (for the bases), and finishing nails. I then superglued some straight pins into the decks of my carriers and a small magnet to the underside of my air units.
    I think they turned out nice.
    Thanks for your time and having me here.

  • Hi, I’m “Mars”, currently living in The USA. I just purchased 1942 2nd ed. First played A&A in 1984, so yea, I’m Old. Never kept up with it for lack of players…no longer have that set :(. Haven’t’ played since before the fall of the Berlin Wall, but is set up on my dining room table, ready for Friday.

  • Greetings again from Colorado.
    Formerly Phelan Kell.
    My granddaughter had a problem with my phone, decided it needed to be reset. The recovery process has been fun. Had trouble reconnecting, just signed up new.
    Been playing war games since high school, old A.H. titles like Tactics II, Bismarck, Submarine, Richthofens war, Air force etc.
    Have copies of G-40 2nd ; '42 2nd (for newbie recruiting) ; '14 and I’m pretty sure I’ve even got my old classic and Xeno boards and books floating around somewhere.

    Have fun.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Hi from Denmark,

    I live right outside Copenhagen, Denmark - and have been playing Axis & Allies since 1993 (started with Classic 2nd E).

    Back in 1995 we started up a small group of commited Axis & Allies players - this veteran members group still exists and has expanded over the years.

    Since 1995 we have played all Axis & Allies variants from Larry Harris Game Design.

    We focus mostly on Axis & Allies Global 1940 2nd E. For the first 2 years we played out of the box rules.

    Now we use a set of 4 Expansions (House Rules) which we have made ourselves, inspired by online existing house rules, Gamers Paradise, Xeno Games and Avalon Hill.

    We also turned to World War ll History, to find inspiration.
    These 4 sets of house rules are compatible with most A&A variants.

    Today, we play (training) twice a month. Our Tournament schedule includes 3 major tournaments every year - each lasting a whole weekend.

    We would very much like to contribute to the Axis & Allies community with our house rules, which are avilable for free.

    Best regards
    Axis & Allies Klub Danmark

    The Captain

  • @The-Captain
    Hi Captain
    Welcome to the site. Would you post your house rules under “customizations” ? I would like to see what you came up with :)

  • @barnee

    Hi Barnee,

    Thank you for the welcome.

    I have uploaded Expansion 1 - and the Historical Timetable that we use to keep track of units and rules to enter game.

    Also, I have uploaded the NPC that is compatible with the Historical Timetable.

    We play with painted pieces - and several speciel units, purchased from various producers.

    Included is magnetic aircraft carriers etc.

    Later I can upload Expansion 2, 3 and 4.

    Feel free to ask any questions - I’ll answer as soon as possible.

  • @rulebook_reviewer said in Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):

    Hello all, my name is Michael.
    I’m fairly new to the world of Axis and Allies having just started the summer of 2019 and been playing since; however, my excellent writing and rhetoric skills that I’ve learned in my university studies have led me to study the rulebooks in the world of Axis and Allies in order for me to semi-master/quickly understand the concept and play styles of the game. I’m a university taught environmental engineer.
    I like to play AA50 anniversary edition and just recently took on the venture into 1940 Europe with my cousin.
    As to how often I play, my cousin and I try to play whenever we get the time. Sometimes it can be once a week or every other week, but at the very least try to have a tradition where a game is played monthly.
    I have bought the the 50th anniversary edition and just recently Pacific 1940 and Europe 1940 both 2nd edition so I play with the standard out of the box boards so no I play with no customizations in terms of equipment. However, I guess our (my cousin and I) house rule regards bombardments where you bombard for the first round of combat and the hits on the defending units result in them not being able to return fire. Before that we were misinterpreting the bombardment rules and bombarding every round of combat. But quite frankly, he and I both agree that the bombardment rule as written is probably the worst piece of trash in the rulebook.
    This concludes my introduction. My very next post which I am going to work on will be on the “by the book” bombardment rule and what my cousin and I see wrong with it. So please everyone give me feedback on my thoughts about bombarding.

    Why, once you have figured it all, don’t you just rewrite the rulebook completely or partially, so that people can read your rulebook, instead of the official one, and see for themselves how your ability to write is so much clearer than that of the original author (and anyone helping him).

    You can do it with no fear of copyright violations, as game rules cannot be copyrighted (only the textual or graphical explanation of them).

  • Hi, I’m Julien from Québec. I have 2 games under my belt so far, both on Axis and Allies Aniversary Eddition.

    First one was in November where I ended up playing as Japan in a 4 players game which ended up in a draw after 12 hours of play after the Battle of Midway that completely wiped out both the Japanese and American Navy. I did manage to take out China completely and occupy Australia and Siberia, but failed to take India.

    Second Game was in December, 3 players this time, me playing Germany and Italy, 1 playing Japan and another playing all Allies. Managed to take Egypt first turn, but most importantly, rolled Heavy Bombers 2nd turn. After 10 hours of fighting, I finally took Moscow, then proceded to human wave London by the 12th hours.

    Next game planed is Saturday and we’re supposed to have 5 players this time, looking forward to it.

    Originally, I bought Axis and Allies Europe 1940. Figured having a different version to play would be nice, liked the idea of having France and was also playing to switch the french pieces with the italian ones for 1 of our player who’s colourblind and have a really hard time telling Italy and Soviet apart. Sadly, I was a bit disapointed by the lacked of pieces included, actually tried putting all starting units down and ended up missing 1 gray chip for that. The lack of physical money was also disapointing, the IPC chart was way too short, did’nt like the cardboard bases and complexes and I found the Battleboard and Research chart from Anniversary just better. Add to that the 6 wholes dices included and the fact that the unit boxes does not have compartment for sorting pieces… Too bad since I especially like the idea of bases and permanent damage to battleship.

    So, I then of course proceded to buy Anniversary anyway and poured all the Europe units in the Anniversary boxes, neatly sorted by land, air and sea units, even gave the french 1 of the 2 spare boxes used for neutral pieces. Also bought a set of white dices that I plan to use instead of research chips : Just keep the dice instead. Very happy with it now.

    Also in the middle of translating the rules to French for both version(Anniversary and Global 1940) in 1 ‘‘Rulebook’’, mainly so every player can have his own copy of all National Objectives instead of going around the table or asking others for it.

  • @Voltigeurs

    Hi Voltigeurs
    Welcome to the site.

    https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/150059/aide-de-jeu-aaa-1940-global-en-francais is a translation for Global. Not sure if Anniversary has been done.

  • Hey guys, I’m Caspar and im from South Germany.
    I’m a state-certified Graphic Designer and Photographer who loves making WW2 Content and Art in his free-time.
    I like to play Axis and Allies 1942 spring the most. Playing whenever i get the chance with some of m friends.
    Yes i made my own Axis and Allies game since im a graphic designer after all. Took me a damn long time and a few initial attempts to make the best custom version i can. Of course im going to post it on here for you guys to take a look.

    Greetings, Caspar!

  • Hello everyone, My name is Jay and I’m from Iowa. I’ve been an Axis & Allies fan since middle school when my older brother introduced me to Classic. For the past few years I’ve enjoyed getting reacquainted with the game through TripleA and the late 90’s CD-ROM version. I recently picked up 1942 2E to introduce my children to the game I love. Looking forward to all this site has to offer.

  • Yo. Barnee is out that way. Maybe he’ll hookup with u

  • '14 '13

    I was away for some time, so I believe an re-introduction is in order. My name is Jaime Luna, and I call Cedar Park, Texas home. I have several different versions of A&A, but my crew and I primarily play Global 1940. We try to play at least once a month, but life will always dictate when war begins. As far as customizations go, it all started in 2013 when I started reading the custom threads. I now have a table and pieces, see link: (https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/19665/1940-global-table-painted-pieces) Every time I scroll, I still find all kinds of inspiration from others in this community. I have even started painting pieces for other players.

    Lastly, I just want to invite everyone to add themselves to the players list on the thread here:
    I used to maintain and add everyone myself, but it was recommended that I switch to Google sheets and make it shareable. You can now add yourselves and search for players in your area.

  • My name is Chuck from Bakersfield, CA.

    My son bought the Global 1940 Edition about a two years ago and I still blunder now and again adjusting to the capabilities introduced since playing the original (2nd edition) game. We got together to play with my grown boys just a handful of times since. I used to play the original game a lot after getting out of college around 1986. Good times.

    I actually came over and signed on to this board to look for the enlarged maps to adhere to a table top. I saw these when I first YouTubed the G40 games but for the life of me I can’t remember who. In any event, I was nosing around here to shop for things to make the management of the game go smoother and maybe add just a little esprit de corps. I was also somewhat curious if they ever came out with a computer version of G40.

    I like message boards and used to frequent them more often to improve my coaching, airsoft, and fantasy football at different stages of my life. As I get older I learn so much about my ignorance. I will read more as time permits.

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