Hello from Dallas,
I am a new member from Dallas as of yesterday.
@sgt-mclusky I think I will. I just bought 1940 eur and pacific. It looks like fun
Hey Guys,
My name is John, I’ve only recently discovered Axis and Allies. My best friends played 1941 when he was in middle school, and introduced it to me a few years ago. He didn’t even know that there were other versions out there, but I became very intrigued by the game and did some research and discovered all the other variants out there, such as Anniversary Edition and Global 1940. Now both of us own 1941 and Global, I own 1942 Spring and he owns Anniversary Edition. I play Global with him over facetime since we now live in different states, but I really want to expand my Axis and Allies collection, maybe even getting into Global War '39 and '36 at some point in the future.
@johnnukacola Welcome to the force, you really should check out the 1942 Second edition for it’s a remarkable improvement over the Spring edition!!!
@nolimit Thank you for the warm welcome! Yes, I actually do have 1942 second edition, my apologies. I said the wrong one.
I like d day.
The Germans were totally overwhelmed by the d day invasion.
Erwin Rommel who was in charge of the defense knew that it was hopeless even before the invasion began. It seems that by the time of d day, the allies had command over the skys of europe. And the germans were overextended in Russia.
Rommel Tried to explain it to Hitler. Who said he knew that he could not win, but he wanted the germans to die fighting anyway,
@Johnnukacola WELCOME! A lifetime of gaming fun awaits you. Good Luck!
The nice thing about axis and allies is the model soldiers and plane. ships, weapons that add an interesting component to the game. Cardboard chits seem to lose something.
My name is Wilson and I just got 1940 axis and allies for Christmas. I’m finding it hard to get people to play with me so I am out looking for game players. Is there a place in the Baltimore Washington area that people play?
@wilsondog You should try playing over the YouTube with others in the community, that’s what I’ve been doing for over 2 years almost each month- I can’t find face to face players either despite living in the Big City of Chicago, seems everyone is into playing video games in this New century!!!🙄
you can play solo… just try to win what ever side you are. let the dice determine the finally outcomes.
Hmmm I beg your pardon
The game setup is all spelled out. Then play each side as you are trying to win and the dice will determine the outcomes…
@eisenhower or you can randomize one side as far as deployments go put deployment locations in a hat and draw them out, then you will not know what the other side is doing.
But actually, reasonably you can almost tell what the enemy will do. For example even the d day invasion, you can select normandy, or pad de calis, or even belgum
for Wilsondog. We have a group in Fairfax County VA that meets twice a month at a county recreation center about 5 miles from where the DC beltway joins I-95. Games have been dormant recently due to COVID, we’ll start up again when it is safe to do so. If you’d like more info, pls contact me directly. regards, Jonathan Rost / jonkrost@comcast.net
@gen-manstein Not sure what you mean by that, could you clarify?🤔
Ha just jivin ya. I’m around to play but covid ain’t helping
@gen-manstein Oh a funny man, eh?😏
@nolimit Sometimes :blush: :blush:
@wilsondog said in 👋 Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):
My name is Wilson and I just got 1940 axis and allies for Christmas. I’m finding it hard to get people to play with me so I am out looking for game players. Is there a place in the Baltimore Washington area that people play?
Hi wilson
you can also play online with triplea until we all get our shots.
Hi fellow A&A enthusiasts, my name is Jeff and I’m in Boise Idaho. Just started playing over the summer and I’m hooked. Started with a few other guys in the neighborhood playing the classic version a friend owned and then we graduated to Spring 1942. Played that all fall and winter and then my wife surprised me with Global for Christmas. I had to set it up right away and it was overwhelming to say the least. I’ve played Europe several times and Pacific once but Haven’t had the chance to play Global yet- I think we’re still intimidated by the rules and sheer size of the game. Considering our ‘42 games could last 12+ hours I can’t imagine Global can be played in less than 15-20!
Looking forward to reading other posts and trying new strategies!