[House Rules] Should allies receive a bid?

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Hi guys

    @Ichabod yea what simon says

    I just updated to git and added these ideas from simon

    7)German Trade With Russia
    When Deactivated Germany will not receive the Trade with Russia National objective if it has any units in Original Russian Territories.

    Prevents Italy declaring war on Russia and taking control of Russian Territory and having Germany move Units into that territory while not at war with Russia and still able to collect the Trade National Objective.

    8)Russia Spreads Communism In Africa
    When Deactivated Russia will not receive the Spread of Communism National Objective for any Territories Not in Mainland Europe.

    Also Mursilis China rules and some of his other ideas

    9)China M
    Adds the Mursilis China Rules. Changes China’s National Objective to 1 PU for each Burma Road Territory that is Allied controlled. Also allows Artillery builds as long as at least 1 of Burma or India is under Allied control.

    If Chinese Guerrilla Fighters have been activated, they will now only spawn once All Burma Road Territories are under Axis control.

    Note UK Pacific is Allied with China from the start, which allows UK Pacific Units to move into China. This is unintended and will need to be Player Enforced. May be fixed in the future.

    10)China M BM
    When used with the “China M” option, Chinese Guerrillas will spawn according to BM Rules .

    11)Italy Controls Original
    Italy receives 3 PUs when it controls all of it’s Original Territories.

    12)USA bonus for North Africa 3 PU
    Reduces the BM North Africa USA bonus to 3. Note You need to turn off the “USA bonus for North Africa” option or it will show up as well.

    13)Western Europe Beach Head 3 PU
    Reduces the BM Western Europe Beach Head for USA bonus to 3.

  • Yet again I see no answer to my question. I would love to know where I can find these “master” strategies that just destroy the Allies every time. Just crickets. I’ll challenge anyone to a real live game on Triple A, unless you live in Houston, TX USA, and see how that pans out for me. Maybe “you” can “teach me a lesson”. Would love to see these axis strategies that require the bids you say you give.

  • @seancb I would like to see your Allied strategies that make you so confident against the Axis. What are you doing differently? How are you stopping Japan from wiping out the Pacific? If it’s a USA killing Japan first strategy then why hasn’t Germany won on the Europe board? Russia can’t hold Moscow on its own. And you can flip that statement around as well. If USA is full board Atlantic well then Japan should have no issues.

  • again no one can tell my why Axis is so dominant. some one needs to explain this to me i guess. maybe i’m just a noob as you say.

  • the only strategy the allies have is time. if they can make it to round 8 usually round 9 the axis dont win ever. maybe you get the outlier once in a while. any allied player worth his/her salt should not make stupid moves. i’m still confused about what these killer Axis strategies look like. maybe someone will enlighten me and kick my ass and show me i’m dumb.

  • '17

    seancb, how much of a bid do you require…is it a 40 IPC bid? Maybe 40 is too much, mostly the best league skilled players for that much. I’ll take you on best out of 3 games, 1 unit per territory or sea zone that already has a unit in it with a 24 IPC bid. If that’s not enough…let’s negotiate more.

    I think many will say that the main reason axis are so strong is air power.

  • @seancb

    I don’t agree with time for allies. I now think time is often more on the side of the Axis if they control key points. They become economically strong and hard to dislodge.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17


    The answer to your challenge is in many of these threads.

    Italy abandons africa and uses tank/mech pairs and its air to kill blockers and ensure the Russians cant stand behind the front lines with a counterattack force (the can opener)
    Germany relentlessly stratbombs the russian factories (Italy and Japan can easily join in, bombing “around the clock” before and after the russians turn)
    Japan takes all the russian money it can starting turn 1 and just needs to make sure their capital doesnt get taken–low risk no odds battles are required to pull this off.

    These, plus a G1 done correctly (no UK navy wipeout) can mean that you are ready to defeat Moscow on G5

    Eventually the Italians and Japanese can start landing large defensive and offensive air forces into German territories so the counterattack possibility is further weakened
    All 3 axis “hail mary” and make relentless attacks against the TUV trade with the goal of defeating moscow which is typically not something the Allies can counter until turn 7-8 no matter what they do or buy (dave will often sacrifice over 100+ IPC worth of japanese planes just to kill 6-8 russian defenders because then Germany finishes them off)
    Weaker Allied players will continue to nibble at the edges rather than throwing everything they can into the defense of moscow

    And finally, with a bid under 20-30, even if Moscow can itself be preserved by extraordinary means (UK all in via persia, USA all in via bomber streams), Russian income is gobbled and once it falls below 15+ IPCs it cannot make counterattacks or fight a war of attrition.

    While I’ve focused on KJF in the last year, KGF is the only way to delay germany’s direct assault–you may be able to get germany to spend after G4 in pure defense, but either way–the units needed to take moscow are all built before G4 and later turns can all be used in defense or just to buy Stratbombers and seal the deal. If moscow isn’t defeated by the Germans, the Japanese take its money and destroy it from behind.

  • I’m not buying this. This looks like a pump and pray to kill Moscow. Killing Moscow is not the end of the game. I think I’d like to see someone defeat me with this all in BS strategy. Then maybe I’ll understand. SMFH Doh!
    I don’t really believe this crap. You guys must play some real noobs in this league. My challenge stands. I have the same screen name on Triple A. Anytime, any bot. Just slap my @$$ when you think your going to beat me down with this strategy. No, I don’t play by email. You play live or don’t play. Adieu, adieu ladies.

  • one more thing, I’ll take a 16 bid

  • @seancb

    Go win a national live tournament then run your piehole

  • I’m usually lurking around Triple A on most days as it helps pass the time at work when you just babysit machines all day. I’ll run my piehole until someone shuts it. So put on your big boy panties and look me up, PM me when you want to play a game. Maybe we don’t get it all in one setting but we can save and finish later. I think about 12 hours of game play would do it for either side.
    I’ll be waiting.
    PS: I don’t really care if I win or lose, I play for fun, but I’m ready to put this myth to bed that the Allies can’t win without a huge bid. I’ll take 16 which is about normal for our group. Come and destroy me if you can bud.

  • @seancb at 16 bid i will beat your ass 2 out 3 times minimum even at live triple a games

  • Everyone is so touchy. I love it. @Oyster. Your on bud. Find me on Triple A tomorrow. Same screen name. I don’t have to hide behind an alias. PM me if you want. We can play a networked game directly. Anytime little fella. You won’t be beating anyone’s ass especially mine. Never seen you in the Triple A lobby. Unless you got some other name there keyboard tiger.

  • Your manners are well suited to dealing with machines. You can play some of the best AIs in Tripple A by setting all the opposing players to computer AI, I suggest you do so in order to find an opponent who can tolerate you.

  • '21 '18 '16

    Wow?! I set down a challenge, and I all receive is an underhanded insult about my play level. The only game I play against the AI is Eastern Front. It has some of the best XML code written by Veqryn.

    I’ll only address your insult because I want you to know my skill level.
    I’ve been playing 1940 since it was released. We got the Pacific version first then the Europe version when it was released. That being said I’m not sure how you could have much more experience than myself. I’ve been playing some iteration of this game since 1991. I’ve also played World in Flames, ASL and all the other grognard type games. So, no I’m not some noob.

    The challenge still stands. I’m not a troll, so this will be the last time I call your A&A Girl Scout division to the table.

  • @seancb Ive read your tedious curriculum vitae and so feel that you owe me those few moments of my life back. I never questioned your obvious inexperience in dealing with other humans or that you may have, from time to time, played with plastic army men and hoped that someday you could be beaten by the best. That time has not yet come, as many of us prefer smoreys tournaments and the spontaneity of live play to your consultations with the battle calc or a coterie of internet stooges who can advise you of the best move as they stand over your shoulder.

  • I about pi$$ed myself laughing. This has all been worth it. Maybe some day you’ll bring your self to Texas and we can set up a game of Risk or Candyland for you there Minivan

  • You need to take your meds man. It’s just a game. My challenge still stands. Come school me Obi Wan. Oyster did show up today. Alas, I had already started a game. I hope he comes to play tomorrow. As for you Minivan, I’ll play you next. See you round ladies!

  • @seancb, i think you should join the League.
    Play a few games to see wich Tier you belong to.
    Maybe play a few high Tier Players and get your confidence settled once and for all.

    To me it sounds like you want to mess with the best.
    League should be the way to go for you.
    Looks like you ran out of competitive Players online.
    Grab your chance here.😉

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