@farmboy said in Sealion G1 - Economic Warfare:
@dazedwit as shadowhawk notes, this is not a likely outcome of G1. If 2 bombers and 2 tacs are going to London and you are splitting your remaining units between 109,110, an 111, you are normally going to lose most of your German ships and air. Depending on how the remaining forces are distributed between those zones, I would certainly scramble 2 if not 3 of those zones and normally the British will have some units survive and the Germans will take significant losses, making Sea Lion much harder. Assuming no air goes to 109, an even distribution of the remaining German air between 111 and 110 ( and an additional sub in 110), the Germans have about 10% odds in 110 and 45% in 111. The average outcome is that 2 British battleship and 2 figs survive and all German units are destroyed.
If you are going for Sea Lion, you also don’t need the strat bombing G1. Its better to be sure that you have destroyed the fleets in 110 and 111 (hopefully without losing much air). You have anohter opportunity for a strat bombing on G2 and likely don’t need to spread your forces that thin to do so.
If British navy survives, and Germany loses fleet and air (which is the most likely outcome of your opening attacks) Sea Lion will be much harder. The British can put a blocker to deny the Germans access to 109 and stack navy (supported by a scramble) in 110. That will mean that much of the German air that you would want to support the assault on UK has to commit to 110 instead.
If Germany is going all in on sea lion, than the British should try to stop it or make it as costly as possible. So likely all inf although with a possibility of an AB in Gibraltar if necessary to allow the med fleet to stack 92. That gives you additional air and land units (which will more than make up for what you spend on the AB) but also allows you to stack 110 with fleet on UK2, which forces Germany to again commit air to 110 that they otherwise would need for the UK.
I’ll also just note that tehre are opportunities here to play online including in league play (which is fairly relaxed). Worth checking out as it gives opportunities to try strategies against other players.
Good luck doing sea lion if UK still has 2 function fleets and an airforce and you got nearly no airforce left. Might even kill your fleet and taranto on UK1 and get any hopes of sailing the high seas out of the european axis minds.