• '17

    DiceRolling 1d100:

  • '17

    wittman 2
    captain walker 22
    dawgoneit 44
    wheatbeer 62
    Snigg 65
    Colt  67

  • '20


    2: wow!

    Herr Wittman with some moderator magic!

  • @Colt45:


    2: wow!

    Herr Wittman with some moderator magic!

    he deserves it he had the bad roll last game

  • '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    :dice 1d100;

  • '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    DiceRolling 1d100:

  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    DiceRolling 1d100:

  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    wittman 2
    captain walker 22
    dawgoneit 44
    Degrasse 45
    wheatbeer 62
    Snigg 65
    Entek 65
    Colt  67

  • Would someone pleaee download the map we will be playing? I thought I knew which it  was, but then found another the same , but with Holland and Belgium Orange (not Neutral) and more units! Holland has 11 units in it, while the Rhine (German) @@only has 2.
    Oh, and France comes before Italy .

    On a side note, the game crashed when I had a battle with the Neutrals . This was playing the version with fewer units, that I am sure I played with you guys last year. Anyone else found that?

  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    DiceRolling 1d100:

  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    dawg’s version crashes when he attacks the neutrals in our game.  We don’t know why, but I load the game and do the dice rolls to the server for him then upload for him to continue.

    A real pain.

  • Can hope it dies not happen again. Happened to both Mark and me in the Napoleon game.
    Unlucky roll Whackamatt.

  • Would someone set to the gane for me? I would like to be Germany. The Pacific side looks too confusing fir me. My eyes are suffering with these smaller maps, bit with more territories.

    Steve next then .

  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    witt and snigg, here is a write up about the World At War game I found.  A bit different than G40, but similar enough.

    What I’ve learned playing World At War:

    1)  Transports are old school defend at a 1 and take hits in combat.

    2)  You purchase armored cars and artillery two at a time, effectively making them 3.5 ICs each. Remember to factor that in on your unit count for deployment.

    3)  In SZs connected to another SZ via multiple canals, you (and your Allies) must own ALL of them to pass through.
    a.  EXAMPLE: Above Northern Australia & Townsville, there is SZ 73. Directly north is SZ 110. Between the two SZs, are 3 canals, between the territories of Flores, Nayumo, Ceram, & Okaha. Your side must own ALL FOUR territories before you can pass between those two SZs.

    4)  You don’t have back-up capitals you have multiple capitals.  If you lose ANY of them, it counts as losing your capital.
    a.  Example: in one game, Russia lost Kaask, the Soviet far east capital with a production value of 6. Hisachi took it, and Russia lost all his money, even though he still had Moscow and that one in the middle no one really uses. Lol.
    b.  On your next round, you’ll collect income if you still have at least one capital left.

    5)  Most powers have Late War units that don’t become available for purchase until the beginning of your Round 4.

    6)  Bunkers are immovable, 2-hit unit that repairs at the beginning of your turn, defends at 3, and  can be built in any territory, regardless of factory. Only available for purchase as a Late War unit, costs 6 ICs.

    7)  Patrol boats, cruisers, and super subs can carry units. 
    a.  I didn’t say just infantry, because they can carry armored cars as well! An armored car weighs as much as an infantry (2 carrying capacity).

    Cool  A battle transport can carry two tanks (3 cap) and one infantry (1 cap), or FOUR infantry/armored cars.

    9)    Subs and transports can block naval movement.

    10)  Planes can hit subs.
    a.  But if no destroyer is present on the attacking side, they can submerge AFTER the first round of combat.

    11)  AA guns have no combat value, and get a shot at EVERY plane. (Classic rules). Capturable. Moveable during NCM if you controlled it at the start of your turn.

    12)  Deployment is restricted to the production value of the territory.

    13)  You can build a new factory in any territory you control at the beginning of your turn with a value of 1 or higher.

    14)  SPECIFIC UNITS that you have to learn through play:
    a.  Long range bombers: US/JAPAN/UK  They not only move 8 and attack @ 5 and can bomb, they give artillery support to supportable units if used in combat!
    b.  Battle Carriers: US/JAPAN  They are two hit repairable units.  THEY CAN ALSO STILL HOLD PLANES AFTER TAKING A HIT.
    c.  Mechanized Infantry give artillery support, as do Stukas (German only).

    15)  Capital Count! All capitals bear the national symbol on their capital territories.
    a.  Germany � 1: Berlin
    b.  Russia � 3: Moscow, Aleksandrowskoe, Kaask
    c.  Italy � 1: Rome
    d.  French � 2: Coral Harbor, Paris
    e.  Yamamoto -1: Tokio
    f.  China -1: Xining
    g.  Hisachi -1: Seoul
    h.  British � 3: Quebec, London, Dheli
    i.  Anzac � 1: Melbourne
    j.  Dutch -2: Borneo, Dutch Guinea
    k.  Finns -1: Helsinki
    l.  Romania -1: Romania
    m.  Thai � 1: Phuket
    n.  US � 2: Washington and San Francisco

  • '22 '21 '20 '17 '15

    Thank you for the write up Matt…that is helpful, as it can be hard to spot (and remember) the differences between versions of the games.

  • Thanks for that, Whack.
    But are we playing the old version or the newer one?

  • Looks like th rules of the old one. I hope I can still load it!

  • '17


    Thanks for that, Whack.
    But are we playing the old version or the newer one?

    I think you’re referring to WAW (old) and WAW1940 (new)?

    Regular WAW starts with the territories of Belgium and the Netherlands as neutral.

    I don’t know anything about pros/cons between them.

  • '17


    dawg’s version crashes when he attacks the neutrals in our game.  We don’t know why, but I load the game and do the dice rolls to the server for him then upload for him to continue.

    A real pain.

    I just downloaded WAW today (via TripleA) and both WAW versions are 2.1.1,
    The tripleA engine version on my laptop was

    I experienced crashes with both versions while attacking neutrals.

    I am going to update my tripleA, see what happens, and report back.

  • '17

    I installed TripleA engine version (the promoted version on http://triplea-game.org/) and then installed WAW.

    In this version of TripleA, in the Download Maps interface, World at War is now under the “Experimental” tab (that may be because WAW added a bunch of other variants?)

    Anyways, TripleA and WAW 2.1.1 seemed to work fine for me (I attacked a dozen neutrals in the regular WAW variant and none triggered a crash this time).

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