Moved the italian takns on russia, use the last one please
Post League Game Results Here
Arathorn (Axis) over MrRoboto (Allies) BM3
Uncharacteristically didn’t check game results for a few days - sorry about that. I’m here now.
I was going to make a dumb joke based on the Styx song, and then I found out it’s from an album named after a WWII cultural reference “Kilroy Was Here” … and that the last lyrics of Mr. Roboto are “I’m Kilroy!”
I asked him about the name a couple years ago and he didn’t even know about the Styx song.
But I want to ask you - please explain how Kilroy is a WWII cultural reference - I would like to know about this
You weren’t max334 before, were you? Are you a different player than him? Or did you change your name by chance?
Thank you! :-)
Hey gamerman. No i am not max334. Just Maxi:)
Thank you for confirming, and I hope you have a great time playing A&A in the league
Surfer Axis +10 vs Dawgoneit Allies BM3 - Surfer Axis +10 Wins -
I was going to make a dumb joke based on the Styx song, and then I found out it’s from an album named after a WWII cultural reference “Kilroy Was Here” … and that the last lyrics of Mr. Roboto are “I’m Kilroy!”
I asked him about the name a couple years ago and he didn’t even know about the Styx song.
But I want to ask you - please explain how Kilroy is a WWII cultural reference - I would like to know about this
As is sometimes the case, Wikipedia has a good overview. In a nutshell, it something that the GIs came up with (much like calling themselves “GI” after the initialism on their gear: GI for (US) Government Issue):
Caesar’s Gaul (X) over Desert Admiral (Allies+16)
Bobbarorra (axis) wins over (poor) Mrcunego (allies) -
Axis-Dominion (Allies) over MrRoboto (Axis)
My comeback isn’t looking good, starting with 3 losses. I was never a great player to begin with and the break apparently didn’t help
Axis-Dominion (Allies) over MrRoboto (Axis)
My comeback isn’t looking good, starting with 3 losses. I was never a great player to begin with and the break apparently didn’t help
cheer up, U ll catch Ur rythm soon :wink:
Axis-Dominion (Allies) over MrRoboto (Axis)
My comeback isn’t looking good, starting with 3 losses. I was never a great player to begin with and the break apparently didn’t help
Ha - 3 losses against 3 of the best players on the site over the last couple or several years!! Dial it down a bit, and you’ll start winning. But no, breaks do not help. :-D
JDOW (Axis) over MrRoboto (Allies) BM3 again
JDOW (Allies) over Arathorn (Axis) BM3.
In my first match back in the league in 4 years, I challenge JDOW, in my first matchup in BM3 ever.
Tried to employ a “new” strategy…. hehe…. we saw how that went.
Karl7 (Axis) over MrRoboto (Allies) BM3;topicseen#new
AD over Karl7 Axis
AD over Karl7 Axis
Actually I retract that. AD got super lucky and has 80+% chance of winning but I will play on. So put that win for AD in abeyance for the moment.
AD over Karl7 Axis
Ok, this gets reinstated. AD got luck again. It was a pure dice game.
Axis dominion over giallo(allies) Bm game
Axis Dominion (Allies) over Rubioton (Axis)
majikforce (axis) beats max334 (allies) +20
I am posting this for Max since he asked me too.