I removed an inf from Novgorod because I don’t think I should get a benefit from re-rolling a battle.
Post League Game Results Here
trent92 (Axis) vs mike64 (Allies)
mike64 wins!www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39636/trent92-vs-mike64/34
BombsAway Axis -VS- dawgoneit Allies + 33. BM
BombsAway Axis Wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39604/bombsaway-axis-vs-dawgoneit-allies-33-bm/74?_=1675518223796 -
@gamerman01 said in Post League Game Results Here:
Thanks for labeling it as playoff -
Notice to all, especially new people, as always, the playoff games count as a regular season game in the current year.
Overwhelming consensus years ago -
Game ON!
learn something new every day.
Martin X vs Dawgoneit L+30 OOB #2
Martin X Wins. -
Freh (X) over Mike (L+20) OOB
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39626/steve-x-v-mike64-l-20/60 -
actually, Freh (X) over Mike64 (L) was in BM3.
Welcome back, freh!
aequitas-et-veritas +24 Allies-VS- dawgoneit Axis BM Playoffs
aequitas-et-veritas +24 Allies wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39545/aequitas-et-veritas-24-allies-vs-dawgoneit-axis-bm-playoffs/85?_=1675593330073 -
Aequitas (3) advances and may immediately play Avner (2) -
aetV over aagamerz13 bm3 https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39292/l22-bm3-aagamerz13-l-22-vs-aetv-x-game-4/138
OOB Playoff result.
L22 OOB Playoff FlyingBadger (A+35) vs ABH
@Arthur-Bomber-Harris over FlyingBadger
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39573/l22-oob-playoff-flyingbadger-a-35-vs-abhVery well played by ABH, dominating on both boards.
L23 max (X) vs dawgoneit PTV
max (X) Wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39602/l23-max-x-vs-dawgoneit-ptv/88?_=1675854392459 -
Thanks for the report, badger -
Congratulations to ABH for a strong game -To be clear, ABH will be playing the winner of TinCan and Martin. Winner of that will advance to the 2nd round.
Thanks for giving ABH the opportunity to be in the bracket - let’s sit back and cheer and see how far the bomber can go! More than 7 spaces?
Tin Can and Martin are in round 7 of their game - fabulous. Scout them out, ABH!!
@gamerman01 I am freaking out - all this attention… :cold_sweat:
You’re only 4 itty-bitty wins away from being the undisputed champ! Sure, there will be some hot, bright lights on you, but that’s the price you pay. Roll all 1’s and no one can stop you.
Er… 1’s for yourself - don’t roll them for your opponent.
Wizmark over LennardF BM4, Allies +21