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Post League Game Results Here
Variance over Suprise Attack
Variance Allies Suprise Attack Axis Bal Mod rematch
Game ID 41163 -
Well, this is a pretty bad start to 2018.
Desert Admiral (Axis) over simon33 (Allies+18) G40 https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=41220.150
AetV (Axis) over simon33 (Allies) BM3 https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=41181.45;topicseen
In both cases Egypt fell early after risky UK attacks went bad. Hmm.
GeneralSvendSved(axis) vs Dawgoneit Mod3 - Dawgoneit wins
havent seen him since Dec 6th
will be glad to continue if he shows up
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=40542.90 -
Simon Axis over Karl7
Farmboy(Axis) v. Mallery29 (Allies)
Karl (Allies) over StuckTojo (Axis +6) BM 3.0
Still learning this BM, thing, and still not liking it very much.
Simon33 defeats csaw_1988. Simon was axis in BM game.
Simon33 defeats csaw_1988. Simon was axis in BM game.
Desert Admiral (Axis) vs Dawgoneit (Allies+18) Desert Admiral wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=40965.180 -
JWW over Giallo(allies) bm3
Gave up London, before that Allies were in great shape…
Mallery (Axis) defeats StuckTojo (Allies +20)
A spirited affair, that one! Good game, just couldn’t pull out the win.
Simone defeats BSD
Adam over Giallo(axis)
It will just never happen….
aequitas et veritas beat variance (allies) - BM3
Dawg Axis vs S.A. Allies - S.A. Allies wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=40343.195 -
BSD over Karl7 Allies
one of the worst dice games of recent memories. Negative TUV battles abounded! BSD deftly exploited it. :cry: :cry:
BSD over Karl7 Allies
one of the worst dice games of recent memories. Negative TUV battles abounded! BSD deftly exploited it. :cry: :cry:
here is link
BSD over Karl7 Allies
one of the worst dice games of recent memories. Negative TUV battles abounded! BSD deftly exploited it. :cry: :cry:
That was an excellent game. WP and thanks for playing me.
Conceding to StuckTojo after my long absence. To the best of my recollection he played this one extremely well!
Witmman over Giallo(allies)
Play off r1