@KraytKing said in Operational Realism House Rules:
I am playtesting this week for the first time, I will write up a comprehensive and detailed AAR. I suspect it will be illuminating.
Awesome :)
Too long of an initial post. If you want feedback and discussion, please pick 1 or 2 of your most important house rules and see how they’re received.
Also, it’s often agreed by a good number in the Axis and Allies community that a HR should be for the purpose of correcting game imbalance and or fixing something else.
My point of view of Anniversary edition is that the Axis have a distinct advantage. What wrecked the game for me is that I played Global 40 a lot where I was used to the US making 72 IPCs per turn. When I played 50th anniversary and within 3 turns Japan is making 1.5x more than the US, it really turned me off to the game. Absolutely ridiculous. And to top it off, tanks cost 5 IPCs which mostly benefits the major land Army country in the game.
Too long of an initial post. If you want feedback and discussion, please pick 1 or 2 of your most important house rules and see how they’re received.
Also, it’s often agree by a good number in the Axis and Allies community that a HR should be for the purpose of correcting game imbalance and or fixing something else.
My point of view of Anniversary edition is that the Axis have a distinct advantage. What wrecked the game for me is that I played Global 40 a lot where I was used to the US making 72 IPCs per turn. When I played 50th anniversary and within 3 turns Japan is making 1.5x more than the US, it really turned me off to the game. Absolutely ridiculous. And to top it off, tanks cost 5 IPCs which mostly benefits the major land Army country in the game.
I hear ya Ichabod. 6 icp tanks and US is at war with everybody and makes 75 icp’s per turn and the most it drops is to 65 -68. In my game. Japan has to earn its money.
The UK: The East India Company: Costs 2 IPCs. Attacks and Defends on 1. Moves 1. (Use the UK�s Infantry from Axis and Allies Classic to represent them. Meant to be throwaway units to slow down the Japanese in mainland asia. Can only be produced with a complex created in the India territory by the UK).
The East India Company was a trading organization, not a military force. In other words, it was a “company” in the corporate sense, not in the sense of being an infantry company.
The UK: The East India Company: Costs 2 IPCs. Attacks and Defends on 1. Moves 1. (Use the UK�s Infantry from Axis and Allies Classic to represent them. Meant to be throwaway units to slow down the Japanese in mainland asia. Can only be produced with a complex created in the India territory by the UK).
The East India Company was a trading organization, not a military force. In other words, it was a “company” in the corporate sense, not in the sense of being an infantry company.
Germany: The Waffen SS: Costs 4 IPCs. Attacks and Defends on 2 or less. Moves 1 (Use Germany�s Infantry pieces from Axis and Allies Classic to represent them.)
Could we leave out the Nazi unit? The last thing I want are people falsely thinking this is game and website is some kind of alt right meeting place.
Besides, Germany doesn’t need any HRs help when they can churn out 5 IPC tanks.