@sniffemonster The First edition of the Classic version had the Commander in Chief Rules, any Allied nation could combine together with another Nation to Attack together- that Rule was done away with in the 2nd edition Classic version!!!
(Anniversary-1941) Chicago rules - Base Rule changes
With the re-issue of AA50, I thought there might be some renewed interest in the Anniversary Edition of the game. My play group has been playing AA50 since it was first issued, and have found it’s flaws and shortcomings. Along those lines, we created the Chicago Rules to fix the issues and enable a viable Pacific Theater of war. There is a base set of changes that includes changes to the National Objective. There is optional Tech Via Point System that tries to even out the techs values by making the ‘better’ tech cost more. Then to spice things up, we took the National Advantage concept from Revised and added these (also optional), enabling greater variances in strategies that can be employed.
I’ll post the Base Rules here (Chicago rules variant 4.8 - Nov 2017), and the Tech via a Point System (https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=41065.0) and National Advantages (https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=41066.0) in separate posts.
I was hoping you’d post these!