The Return of Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition

  • @reloader-1:

    Your “rare” cruiser is from the 1941 edition.

    There are no cruisers in the 1941 game.  YG is referring to the early version of the Hipper-class cruiser sculpt, which had a transom stern (meaning a square back part).  It first appeared in Anniversary, and I think it was also used in Europe 1940.1.  The later version of the German cruiser sculpt has a cruiser stern (meaning a pointy back part).  My theory is that the sculpt was redesigned to avoid confusion with destroyers, since most A&A destroyers have transom sterns.

  • @Dajokr:


    Your “rare” cruiser is from the 1941 edition.

    Assuming you mean the entry level AA1941, there are no cruisers in that game. Unless you meant a different game?

    I stand corrected - for some reason I read “destroyer” instead of “cruiser”.

  • Sponsor



    Your “rare” cruiser is from the 1941 edition.

    There are no cruisers in the 1941 game.  YG is referring to the early version of the Hipper-class cruiser sculpt, which had a transom stern (meaning a square back part).  It first appeared in Anniversary, and I think it was also used in Europe 1940.1.  The later version of the German cruiser sculpt has a cruiser stern (meaning a pointy back part).  My theory is that the sculpt was redesigned to avoid confusion with destroyers, since most A&A destroyers have transom sterns.

    Yes, the German cruiser I’m referring to has a square back stern, however, I personally never got them confused with destroyers because of their bow shaped width. The only reason why I would question your theory about why they changed those German cruisers, is because the later ANZAC cruiser vs destroyer sculpts causes the same confusion they maybe tried to avoid earlier.

  • '20 '19 '18 Customizer




    Your “rare” cruiser is from the 1941 edition.

    There are no cruisers in the 1941 game.  YG is referring to the early version of the Hipper-class cruiser sculpt, which had a transom stern (meaning a square back part).  It first appeared in Anniversary, and I think it was also used in Europe 1940.1.  The later version of the German cruiser sculpt has a cruiser stern (meaning a pointy back part).  My theory is that the sculpt was redesigned to avoid confusion with destroyers, since most A&A destroyers have transom sterns.

    Yes, the German cruiser I’m referring to has a square back stern, however, I personally never got them confused with destroyers because of their bow shaped width. The only reason why I would question your theory about why they changed those German cruisers, is because the later ANZAC cruiser vs destroyer sculpts causes the same confusion they maybe tried to avoid earlier.

    Don’t forget the confusion between the French destroyer and cruiser. They will be gone early in the game, but the both have the square stern.

    For me personally I hope all the sculpts are exactly the same as 1940.2 Just for the sake of mix and match.

  • I am hoping for gray German pieces just like noted on the article.

  • I spoke with Larry Harris about the new anniversary edition and he said that he was unaware of any changes except for the some broken rules that he talked WOTC into fixing them before re-releasing the game. They would hopefully have to change a few things to entice us to re-buy this game or buy it for the first time. Only the future will tell? It was and still is a great game!

  • Anybody heard an exact release date on this yet?
    My Amazon pre-order now has delivery between Nov. 7th and Nov. 11th. Pushed back a week or so.

    Thanks for any additional info.

  • Amazon just sent out  an updated shipping notification. It now estimates delivery on or around Oct. 26th or 27th.
    I believe Miniature Market was saying release date of Oct. 6th.
    So hopefully we start seeing these in a few days to 3 weeks or so.

  • Hello,

    We have received new release date information related to the order you placed on July 02, 2017 (Order# 114-2645395-6413051). The item(s) listed below will actually ship sooner than we originally expected based on the new release date:
      “Avalon Hill Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition Strategy Board Game”
        Previous estimated arrival date: November 07, 2017 - November 11, 2017
        New estimated arrival date: October 26, 2017 - October 27, 2017

    If you want to check on the progress of your order, take a look at this page in Your Account:

  • @The:

    Amazon just sent out  an updated shipping notification. It now estimates delivery on or around Oct. 26th or 27th.
    I believe Miniature Market was saying release date of Oct. 6th.
    So hopefully we start seeing these in a few days to 3 weeks or so.

    The WotC page about the Anniversary Edition…

    …says that the release date is 10/20/2017.

  • Did you do a comparison of the rule books yet? What were the changes?

  • Hello fellows any word on what color the german pieces will be? the picture on amazon looks like the black version. curious all around bout which sculpts will be in as id prolly want to use certain sculpts from other games. curious if anyone has used the new rule set for AA guns as far as using the updated AA sculpts and taking as casualties etc. while playing the original version. would this change gameplay too much or not at all better or worse? as this is the only version i dont have. thanks

  • '17 '16 '15

    I still haven’t seen any pictures of the re-release yet, so I’m not sure what color the German pieces will be either.

    The main article on this site was updated though with some additional info on the sculpts (I’ve added my comments).

    Next, we have some information regarding the sculpts for some of the pieces. Because Wizards was unable to reuse some of the original sculpts a few of the sculpts are the same as Axis & Allies 1942 SE.  These are listed below:


    Fighter is from 1942 - boo, no Hellcat fighters :(
       Tank is from 1942 - okay


    Battleship is from 1942 - okay


    Tank is from 1942 - okay, but would have been cool to have the original sculpts
       Artillery is from 1942 - big upgrade here, the original artillery was pretty bad for Italy!
       Fighter is from 1942 - nice upgrade

    I’m guessing they mean 1940 second edition as 1942 doesn’t have Italy.

    USSR (Russia)

    Destroyer is from 1942 - nice upgrade
       Cruiser is from 1942 - nice upgrade

  • @84tigers:

       Tank is from 1942 - okay, but would have been cool to have the original sculpts
       Artillery is from 1942 - big upgrade here, the original artillery was pretty bad for Italy!
       Fighter is from 1942 - nice upgrade
    I’m guessing they mean 1940 second edition as 1942 doesn’t have Italy.

    I’m hoping so too, otherwise that would mean we’re getting German pieces as Italy, which would be very disappointing.

    I’ll probably be mixing pieces together from the original to get a desired mix. Just hoping the colours are the same. Also odd that we haven’t seen any updated pictures of the product yet.

  • '17 '16 '15

    Yes, pictures would be nice

  • Theres a how to play video on the wizards anniversary page showing off components of the game. the young lady in the video is really hyped lol. So my post point is theres a clip showing bombers in france doing a AA gun example that im curious about. were they italys color or japan? i was under the impression that italy would match that of the europe 2nd edition. but they look very different in color almost japan like.(at the 644 mark they do show the japan bombers and thats how they look in the earlier video in france) Does anyone have thoughts on this part of the video whos bombers they are and what color italy is? i bought some extra italy peices as a upgrade fill in asuming theyd be the same color as eur 2nd. thanks

  • '17 '16 '15

    Here is a link to a quick video on the setup of what appears to be the new addition:

    This looks encouraging to me as Italy’s Tank, Artillery, and Fighter sculpts appear to be from the Europe 2nd edition (not German molds).

    edit: the Italy Artillery piece is definitely not Europe 2nd edition, so now I’m not sure.  Oh well, we only have a few more days to find out :)

    edit#2: plug your ears, but I think they used Japan’s 1942 second edition sculpts for Italy’s Tank, Fighter, and Artillery :(.

  • I’ve just had a look at the video to which 84tigers provided a link.  I wish the section showing close-ups of the individual sculpts didn’t flash by so fast as to spend just a fraction of a second on each sculpt.  I managed to randomly stop it on a few sculpts, and to my surprise and puzzlement I saw that the Italian artillery sculpt shown in the set-up part of the video is NOT the same as the Italian artillery sculpt shown in the close-up.  See the picture I’ve attached below for details, which includes two silhouettes from my unit identification charts (  The close-up picture seems to indicate that in the new edition of Anniversary Italy has a brand-new artillery sculpt which is different from the Canone Da 75/32 from the 1940 game…but that doesn’t explain the presence of the Japanese-style Italian gun on the left, which is what Italy had in the original edition of Anniversary.  The only possible explanations that come to mind are that: a) the people who prepared the video mixed up the two editions, which is perhaps the most plausible explanation, or b) that the new edition of Anniversary has been produced in two different versions, which makes little sense, or c) that the new edition of Anniversary contains two different models of Italian artillery pieces, which makes even less sense.


  • Thank you Marc, for trying to get to the bottom of all that, and 84Tigers, for the video.

  • And here’s a picture I managed to grab of the Italian tank.  For ease of comparison, I’ve reversed it so that it’s oriented like the silhouettes in my identification charts.  It seems to be neither the M14/41 model from the original Anniversary nor the M15/42 model from Europe 1940/2nd ed., though it’s closer in shape to the M15/42.

    [Edit] Actually, I think that may be the Russian T-34, photographed in lighting that makes it look brown rather than maroon.


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