WAR ROOM - New Larry Harris Game

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    Larry Harris and Thomas Gale loaned me one of their prototype games of WAR ROOM… I will be shooting video all about it on my YouTube channel The Cliffside Bunker… stay tuned.

  • Having play tested this with Larry Harris and Tom Gale and the guys at Y.G.'s Global '40 invitational tournament, I now have a better feel for the mechanics and game-play than just from my reading of the rules on-line and looking a production pictures and stills.
    In terms of the artwork/graphics, just remember guys that it is still in a prototype stage of development. Being a prototype, I must say that the quality of the majority of pieces is better than some other wargame’s finished product quality.
    Larry added a new feature to the command stack counter/tokens for our playtest. A rapid set-up feature that uses a colored pip system to represent what types of units are included in each command stack at start. Instead of placing each unit in a stack, you simply place the command token in the territory specified on the token{ex: a square token has a German Flag and large number. In the upper corner of the token, it shows a G8, along the bottom it show 3 yellow pips, 2 blue, 2 green. You place this one token on the territory G8(Germany) and wait to place the units themselves until you need them. Yellow=infantry, Blue=artillery, Green=armor}
    This cuts out a lot of set-up time and makes the game a quicker playing game, you have no need to populate the stacks until you actually need them in combat, or for breaking them up in movement.
    The units themselves are communal in that any country can utilize the infantry, artillery, armor, etc.(except China: they are limited to infantry and artillery)
    One more thought on the command tokens: Remember guys, this is a grand strategic level game, and the command tokens represent complete combined arms equipped army groups, and not individual infantry divisions, or panzer groups, or artillery brigades/regiments.
    Think large scale Army Groups. To have country specific differentiation of units with logos for each type of unit will add a large number of tokens and clutter the map. The tokens we played with were a mix of plastic, metal and wooden tokens that had the countries flags and unit number. Air, naval, and land command tokens all had their own range of numbers that helped quickly identify what type of unit a command issued was for.

    I have complete faith that the final artwork will be beautiful and of high quality material. The kickstarter process will also offer plenty of opportunities for continued development and exchange of ideas.

    I will be posting more content and thoughts on War Room in the future on this forum, as well as my YouTube channel(The Big ‘E’ A&A) and will also be working closely with Y.G. as he puts out great content on Larry’s new game.

    Thanks for taking a moment to read this,
    Yours Truly,
    The Big ‘E’

  • Shut up and take my money!!  :-D

    VERY excited about this.  Can’t wait for the Kickstarter.

  • '14

    Just 10 days away! I’m going to get mine!

  • I was backer number 4 with a signature edition!

  • Kickstarter is active now.

    Hurry up US and Canada, early bird offer for three days: No additional shipping costs for standard game.

    Not for UK and Europe, unfortunately (shipping is USD 55 + additional fees)  :-(

  • '19 '18 '17

    Excited - Backer #7 here, in for the Signature Edition.

  • '19 '18 '17

    $10K in 10 minutes …. keep it up, gents.  :-o :-D

  • Yeah, it’s kind of weird that it’s not EU-friendly. I don’t know when the last time was I came across a project that was not, let alone having backed one.
    Well, I backed a signature edition to help getting it funded and hope they’ll figure eu-friendliness out till the end of the campain.
    Otherwise waiting for retail looks like the better option, especially since I’d really only need the core game actually.

  • Can’t support this alternative History game because Germany never controlled or got any resources from French West Africa or Madagascar and after making this point relentlessly on Facebook, they choose to do nothing to correct this situation. It makes not sense to me that they choose to make up these facts and i can only conclude a total lack on understanding of this periods History.

    If this was changed by making those two areas neutral, it would be different.

  • Germany starts with resources that come from these cards which is totally false. Look at her inventory of cards and the map they made.

    Why doesn’t anybody else care about this? Its like awarding Germany Switzerland. Why?

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I imagine it’s a game balance issue. Would it be better if there were an asterisk next to those territories with a note in the rule book?

    “Germany never controlled or got any resources from French West Africa or Madagascar but this scenario is included in this game in order to balance the game and utilize the entire map.”

  • I suspect Madagascar is similar to Algeria and Morocco which, even if never controlled by the Axis, the Allies invaded anyway. French West Africa is somewhat more questionable on that front though.

    Also, maybe it somehow represents Germany “trading” with its Vichy puppet (aka, looting them for occupation costs).

  • I suspect Madagascar is similar to Algeria and Morocco which, even if never controlled by the Axis, the Allies invaded anyway. French West Africa is somewhat more questionable on that front though.

    Also, maybe it somehow represents Germany “trading” with its Vichy puppet (aka, looting them for occupation costs).

    Its not. Algeria and Morocco were also Vichy, but those were not directly occupied by Axis forces. Germany did have a few police ( gestapo) elements for the purpose of rounding up some people. These areas and other Vichy areas did not “trade” with the Reich, however, indemnity payments for the war in 1940 were ordered and as a whole, the Vichy government was responsible to meet this obligation. So the truth is the entire group of areas under Vichy control had to make payments to Germany, but that was not really “trade” . Also, most of these areas outside of France proper, never made any contributions to satisfy that requirement, because frankly the terms were ridiculous.

    It is also true that the Allies invaded Madagascar, The Levant States, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia…all of which were under Vichy control, but in most cases the resistance was of a very short duration and the opposition quickly came to be part of the Allies.

    But to make them “German” is totally ridiculous.

  • I imagine it’s a game balance issue. Would it be better if there were an asterisk next to those territories with a note in the rule book?

    “Germany never controlled or got any resources from French West Africa or Madagascar but this scenario is included in this game in order to balance the game and utilize the entire map.”

    It could be. But why not just attribute whatever resources they have and add it to German controlled areas that are in Europe and leave whatever these areas could have as neutral.

    And actually when the Allies did land in Morocco, Hitler was so upset about how easily the Vichy Forces gave up, he reneged on the treaty with Vichy and directly occupied Southern ( Vichy) France as retribution. He obviously could not occupy those other areas like FWA and Madagascar.

  • **Moderator’s action:

    Postings containing accusations and responses to them have been removed as being personal attacks and irrelevant to the topic according to the Forum Rules.**

  • Thanks!!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Wow!  $94,000+ in 9 Hours.   That’s pretty wicked;  I wonder how high it will go - we’re only just getting started.  Lots of interest!

  • @Gargantua:

    Wow!  $94,000+ in 9 Hours.  That’s pretty wicked;  I wonder how high it will go - we’re only just getting started.  Lots of interest!

    Yep, it’s amazing! Can’t wait to see all the stretch goals.

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