@superbattleshipyamato “Politics is a can of worms and causes more problems than it solves”-Plato
Clean Up Sticky Threads on House Rules Forum?
Hi there! Would one of the moderators please “unsticky” some of the older, unused sticky threads on the House Rules forum? Right now there are eight sticky threads that haven’t had a comment posted on them since 2015, and there are only eight normal slots left on the front page of the House Rules section! This means that even moderately popular topics can very quickly slide off of the front page and be forgotten before the conversation reaches a natural stopping point.
Argo -
Hi there! Would one of the moderators please “unsticky” some of the older, unused sticky threads on the House Rules forum? Right now there are eight sticky threads that haven’t had a comment posted on them since 2015, and there are only eight normal slots left on the front page of the House Rules section! This means that even moderately popular topics can very quickly slide off of the front page and be forgotten before the conversation reaches a natural stopping point.
ArgoI will take a look at it.
If at all possible move them to customization’s, some of those are still needed.
If at all possible move them to customization’s, some of those are still needed.
Customizations was more full than House Rules… based on the results of the poll, I unstickied many customization threads. I also unstickied some house rule threads that haven’t been active in over 3 years… we now have a balance of 9 sticky threads per forum in the customizations and the house rules. I feel that I have choose well in the interest of those that use the sticky threads and those that wish more space for regular threads.
Thank you! :-)
You almost need to break out house rules into the sub-forums for all the different rules set(s).
You almost need to break out house rules into the sub-forums for all the different rules set(s).
I think David was working on something like that, but it’s been a while since he shared that with me.
Do you now have a role other than Liaison YG? If so, then good. :-)
Perhaps you can either tell me that it would be best if we all forgot about what the roles are and who has them, or tell me what they are and who has them?
Either answer would be much appreciated.
You almost need to break out house rules into the sub-forums for all the different rules set(s).
I believe 1914 need is own HR sub-forum.
It is a different beast.
And it will be a starter.
And it is a much active game than revised HR, for instance. -
Do you now have a role other than Liaison YG? If so, then good. :-)
Perhaps you can either tell me that it would be best if we all forgot about what the roles are and who has them, or tell me what they are and who has them?
Either answer would be much appreciated.
Did you see this YG?
Do you now have a role other than Liaison YG? If so, then good. :-)
Perhaps you can either tell me that it would be best if we all forgot about what the roles are and who has them, or tell me what they are and who has them?
Either answer would be much appreciated.
Did you see this YG?
I’ve always been able to sticky and unsticky threads, I can also move threads, but I can not delete posts like a moderator can.
Thanks for the reply YG. Good to know that a forum colleague with your enthusiasm is able to do this.
The roles, and those in them, remain clouded in secrecy it seems. Nevertheless the forum provides an opportunity for members like me to enjoy ourselves here and I will try to focus on that and forget about the management of the forum.
My head is softer than the brick wall I think.
The roles, and those in them, remain clouded in secrecy it seems.
Here’s an amusing thought: if the “Illuminati” card games produced by Steve Jackson Games, which deal with “ominous secret societies competing with each other to control the world through sinister means,” had their own forum similar to this A&A forum, can you imagine the level of mystery with which the moderator processes of that hypothetical forum would operate? :)
Perhaps our forum “management” are in training for setting that very forum next Marc! :roll: