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2017 League Post Game Results Here
Yes, units bidded to retake FIC in case of a J1DOW is quite a good deterrence, and if you needed more you could bid an inf in Borneo.
A legal bid can’t prevent you putting down a blocker on Shan State. Assuming SZ36 is navally blocked, FIC is guaranteed to be holdable to J2.
Borneo is similarly illegal.
I don’t know of someone who plays with those rules, but if you prefer you can bid a mech in Burma to take back FIC on UK1.
Well they are the written default rule for league.
Did you miss my point? Japan can use one of its two inf in Siam to take down Shan State J1 which blocks this Mec.
Yes, units bidded to retake FIC in case of a J1DOW is quite a good deterrence, and if you needed more you could bid an inf in Borneo.
A legal bid can’t prevent you putting down a blocker on Shan State. Assuming SZ36 is navally blocked, FIC is guaranteed to be holdable to J2.
Borneo is similarly illegal.
I don’t know of someone who plays with those rules, but if you prefer you can bid a mech in Burma to take back FIC on UK1.
Well they are the written default rule for league.
Did you miss my point? Japan can use one of its two inf in Siam to take down Shan State J1 which blocks this Mec.
Mech passes by Yunnan.
Oh yes. Sorry. And if Yunnan is fortified that is likely an option.
Pete Allies over Karl7
Tried risky sea lion with 65% chance, 4 AA hits spelled the end, lost everything, game over, dice have declared it.
oh man what did i do? i caused this results page to blow up with discussion on bidding! :-o
Pete Allies over Karl7
Tried risky sea lion with 65% chance, 4 AA hits spelled the end, lost everything, game over, dice have declared it.
and you are krazy karl for attempting a SL at those odds.
^ I was very, very worried. I think maybe Karl was counting on bombards, but the french cruiser was able to block those…
oh man what did i do? i caused this results page to blow up with discussion on bidding! :-o
No worries
I could always split posts to a separate discussion if needed -
Pete Allies over Karl7
Tried risky sea lion with 65% chance, 4 AA hits spelled the end, lost everything, game over, dice have declared it.
and you are krazy karl for attempting a SL at those odds.
Yeah, it was a little crazy…. but it looked fun. If it had paid off, I would have been an A&A hero…
^ I was very, very worried. I think maybe Karl was counting on bombards, but the french cruiser was able to block those…
65% was without the bombards… w/the bombards it would have been 75%
The simple fact was the dice went against me hard. AA’s shot way over average, I got only 3 hits R1… disaster right out of the gate :lol:
Interesting that you would ignore Yunnan if strengthened enough. A UK1 DOW could occur as Omega1759 did and then enough could be moved into Yunnan to make it hard to take down.
Zhuk did the same against Juan. I was surprised that the Yunnan stronghold is rather shaky. Japan can sooner or later create unbearable pressure on Yunnan. Of course this is a big plus for the Allies but Axis can overcome this.
^ I was very, very worried. I think maybe Karl was counting on bombards, but the french cruiser was able to block those…
65% was without the bombards… w/the bombards it would have been 75%
The simple fact was the dice went against me hard. AA’s shot way over average, I got only 3 hits R1… disaster right out of the gate :lol:
And in case you win the SL attack with 1 tank and 1 bomber remaining. Would this have resulted in an auto axis win? No chance the Germans would be crippled even if the win closely?
Interesting that you would ignore Yunnan if strengthened enough. A UK1 DOW could occur as Omega1759 did and then enough could be moved into Yunnan to make it hard to take down.
Zhuk did the same against Juan. I was surprised that the Yunnan stronghold is rather shaky. Japan can sooner or later create unbearable pressure on Yunnan. Of course this is a big plus for the Allies but Axis can overcome this.
A Japanese move into Kweichow threatens both Szechwan and Yunnan and the allies can’t defend them both. This means that the Allies hold the Burma Rd for another couple of turns which is real trouble for Japan. Although if you aren’t attacking Yunnan J1, buying 3art C1 is the beginnings of a reasonable offensive Chinese force.
Talleyrand beat variance(allie) - Balance mode 2.0, league 2017
Good game!
Talleyrand19 (Allies) over simon33 (X) BM2 http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=39070.195
AxisDominion (Aliies) dominates Odonis (again) - BM 2.0
Axis Dominatrix over Pete bm ofc http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?board=54.0
:wink: -
Surprise Attack (Allies +12I) over StuckTojo (Axis)
Some strong play by my opponent and some seriously sh*t dice for me make for a quick game:
WOW never seen karl play like this, ever! can’t mess around with this dude anymore, he’s like totally upgraded now. karl 2.0 :lol:
WOW never seen karl play like this, ever! can’t mess around with this dude anymore, he’s like totally upgraded now. karl 2.0 :lol:
AD has beat me tons of times… it’s like AD 10, Karl 1. :lol: