• '17 '16

    @SS-GEN said in Global War 1940 2nd ed.:

    Ya I sent in e mail exactly what u posted. I made a decision on going with the ships for sure. If I have to after this weekend I’ll test the planes too.
    Can always lower ship to ship hit -1.

    Problem is I think is everybody’s panicking due to losing planes. Then man I ain’t got money to replace them. Well then retreat after round 1. I mean I’ve seen 3 planes get killed on one side just in 1 round of DF.
    I can see planes going cheaper too and adding more to setup but those new planes in setup got to go where you can’t use them on T1 and at least try the best you can anyway.

    One way to overcome attritrion is to allow each power a free aircraft built.
    Maybe Germany, Japan and USA can get 2 aircraft of their choice while other powers only 1 per turn.
    That way, no need to change the cost while testing and assessing the effect of these mechanics on aircraft.

  • Ok. We played 2 games. The Pacific side was fricken awesome for me and what I saw going on. With 2 new players each flipping for axis countries struggled with Germany but did real good on Pacific side ex specialty with the 3 island colored group NOs. I’ve have never seen so much back in forth in these island especially around Carolinas and new Britain and Solomon Islands. It was like back an forth taking them for Japan and US for a NO of 5 icps. Each group.

    I want to thank Hambone and his son Parker for playing with us and it was great to see new players try something’s a bit different in the pacific but also remember now in game that was played, axis can gain 2 more bonus points for Dutch island controled refineries and maylay which includeds for rubber resource.

    Also the new BB CR AA gun shot too with ship shot was great. Day 1 there was a huge naval battle between japs and US. I will post more here in a bit.

  • Just realized we have a flaw in my game as far as if there’s only planes attacking ships then BB CR would only get plane shots @2. There @7 and @8 shot on a ship don’t count. So now when you have battles with planes, BBs, CRs, and Destroyers and the BB and CR gets a plane shot every turn @2 and is only way for them to hit planes then why is it destroyer hits are going towards planes ? Granted most will pick a ship from destroyer hits and after a few rounds the destroyers are gone in battles first. But still if you have 3 planes attacking 3 destroyers they should not get there normal value AD at a plane
    I did look and yes destroyers have aa guns too. So my idea is to give the destroyer a AA shot plus a ship shot for torpedos. So now it’s.
    Destroyer AD@1 plane. AD@3 ship

    It’s not right for destroyer to get a plane shot @3

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Day 2 game was the same for Germany. Lost 6 or 7 planes T1. That don’t help. But 90% of this was based on new players. So Germany never got a good push into Moscow with some mistakes with ground. But hey we all been there with a new game.
    What I think is happening when new players play game is there mostly used to playing 40 games and of course this game is more focused on historical events and also the game starts almost 2 years later in Dec of 41. So you come out bangin and everybodys at war.
    So for japan on day 2 was another great game in the Pacific. Japan and US going back and forth for 3 island colored group NO’s as I mentioned in first day game report post above. Also Fec And Anzac placed there whole navy in Java and Japan attacked it and lost a bunch of planes and ships when US counter on there turn to kill them off.
    Japan did get 4 Dutch Islands for 2 bonus points for Oil and Rubber resources.
    This extra bonus points is the way to go. Japan gets resources then they deserve the bonus points just like they needed in real war. Even with Germany struggling, due to Japan which they should have options for a win instead of Germany doing all the work, the Axis got to 32 points during last turn in game but by end of turn could not hold the 32 points and went down to 28 or 27. You need 30 and hold a turn for axis win.
    So with some saying Russia is to strong maybe correct with the new changes to Russia this game. But Russia was I believe strong enough to hold Moscow on there own even when allies could land in Russia.
    Now in game no allies units period in Russia so I made a few adjustments to Russia and it may have made them a bit to strong. Will see. Am testing now where I added 11 Ger pieces to front lines so Russia can’t counter so fast back. But some of this strong Russian counter was due to not playing Ger correctly on T1 and 2. But just IMO.
    So once we get the Russian Germany ironed out that’s it for game.
    A Event Card tweak here or there and if its a go in a bit the Plane on Plane rule.

    Fig C9 AD@2 plane & AD@5 ship or ground
    N. Fig C9 AD@2 plane & AD@4 ship or ground
    Tac C9 AD@1 plane & AD@5 ship or ground pick target
    N. Dive C9 AD@1 plane & AD@5 ship or ground pick target
    No Dog Fight for one round now.
    Escorts and Interceptors have the same values.
    All Figs AD@3. All Tac, Dive and Stg. Bombers @1. H Bomber @2.
    But I also need to add the Destroyer now at AD@1 plane & AD@3 ship or Destroyer has to pick. Destroyer AD@1 plane or AD@3 ship. But Should the Destroyer just get 1 shot per combat round and we just leave it up to the defender to chose his casualties ? Also a Carrier tweak.
    Carrier D@3 plane only. 1 damaged D@1 plane only.
    E Carrier D@2 plane only.

    So as far as these Planes will need to be tested soon before any group games on that.

    Want to give a big thanks to , Hambone, Parker, ghr2, Mark, Carl and Steve O for playing 2 games last weekend. I know its not easy to give up 2 days on a weekend let alone 1 day on a weekend in the summer ! Thanks Guys.

    SS OUT!

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    This is my thoughts. Want to make cost of planes lower to C9 or even C8 but think for now C9 is it. If you get industrial tech you have a 33% chance of planes C8. But odds increase hugely due to its a tech and you have a 1 in 10 chance of getting it then the 33% kicks in. So the plane C8 option at start of game is a good possibility.
    Fig AD@2 plane & AD@4 SH or GR
    N fig AD@2 plane & AD@4 SH or GR
    Tac AD@1 plane & AD@4 SH or GR pick
    Dive AD@1 plane & AD@4 SH or GR pick
    CA D@3 plane only. Dam D@1 plane only
    ECA D@2 plane only
    BB AD@3 plane & AD@8 SH
    1 dam AD@2 plane & AD@4. SH
    CR AD@3 plane & AD @7 SH
    DD AD@1 plane & AD@3 SH
    AD@1 plane or AD@3 SH
    AD@3 concern here is DD weren’t that strong against a plane to get a AD@3. Ex specially when DD survives longer in battle and his AD@3 is a plane hit.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Oh Carl in group played last weekend ( Gen Con 2018 42 champ ) and I believe a few more from past is loving this AA BB CR AA stuff and has made a comment in discussions where the figs should be weaker against ships and he said figs should stay normal att def against a plane. So now your looking at
    Fig AD@6 plane or AD@6 ship or ground but I think he is just saying against ships well now for happy meduim and player friendly for players go with
    Figs C8 AD@3 plane & AD@3 ship or ground
    This keeps in line with the escort interceptors AD@3.
    But is this gonna keep guys happy with just a plane ship hit @3 ?
    This all will be some serious play testing for awhile

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Baron. Another thought.
    Figs C10
    AD@6 plane or ground in land combat
    AD@6 plane or AD@3 ship naval combat
    You have to pick a plane shot or ground or ship.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    I’m listing my pieces with values per request.

    D12 system
    Inf C3 A2-3 D4 M1 Art boost +1 on A
    Elite C3 A4-5 D2 M1 Art boost +1 on A
    Para C3 A3-4 D4 M1 Art boost +1 on A
    Can only build 2 Elites or 2 Para or 1 of each per turn.
    Art C4 A4 D4 M1-2 Mech can tow only
    Mec C4 A2 D4 M2
    SPA C5 A4 D4 M2 can pick a motorized unit first.
    Tank C6 A6 D6 M2
    Fig C10 A6 D7 M5 DF AD@3
    N. Fig C10 A5 D7 M4 DF AD@3
    Tac C10 A7 D5 M5 DF AD@1 roll @3 or less can pick target with return shot. Hit subs @3
    N. Div C10 A7 D5 M4 DF AD@1 roll @3 or less can pick target with return shot. Hit subs @3
    Stg. Bom C10 4 dice A@3 D1 M6 DF @1 SBR D8 +1 Attack first round only.
    H. Bom C12 5 dice @3 D2 M7 DF @2 SBR D10 +1 Attack first round only.
    Air trans C10 A0 D0 M5 can transport 2 inf or 1 inf 1 art or 1AA gun 1 inf. Non combat.
    or Elites and or paratroopers. 2 max. in combat.
    Air Carrier C14 A0 D@3 plane only. 1 dam D@1 plane only. M2
    Es Carrier C8 A0 D@2 plane only. M2
    Battleship C15 AD@2 plane & AD@8 ship M2 1 Dam AD@2 plane & AD@4 ship
    Cruiser C10 AD@2 plane & AD@7 ship M3
    Destroyer C6 AD@3 ships only & Depth Charge AD@3 M2 Cannot hit planes.
    Sub C7 A5 fs D2 fs M2
    Tran C7 A0 D1@1 plane or escape @2 M2
    AA C5 A0 D2 M1
    Always 1 round of Dog Fight in any battle.
    1 ship can block 3 ships. 2 ships can block 6 ships.

    Special pieces
    SS Grenader C4 A4 D4 M2 tow Art. Build 2 a turn.
    SS Panzer C6 A7 D7 M2 Build 2 a turn.
    SS Tiger C7 A8 D8 M2 Build 1 a turn.
    2 GER Wolfs A6
    KV Tank C6 A7 D6 M2 Build 2 a turn.
    US Marines C3 A3-4 D5 M1
    US Fletcher DD C6 AD@1 plane & AD@3 M2 ship starting on T3.
    Jap Long Lance Destroyer C6 A4 D3 M2

    AA Gun C5 A@0 D@2 M1
    Built in AA guns
    Refineries D@2
    Air & Naval Bases D@2
    Capital IC D@2
    Minor IC D@1
    Iron, Copper, Wheat, Rubber, Uranium and Oil Derricks. All D@1
    Can convoy raid 3 icps each Refinery or Resource token touching a SZ.
    This represents attacks on transporting vessels.

    Slowly tweaking specific pieces per countries strength.
    Of course a few pieces have more rules to them.
    Any questions ask away.

    SS OUT !

  • ok got it

  • Sorry. The BB and CR have been edited in above post. They should only get a @2 against a plane and not @3.

  • Sorry. The BB and CR have been edited in above post. They should only get a @2 against a plane and not @3.

  • I Have 2 pics from game 1 on last Sat’s game with the big Naval Battle between US and Japan in Carolinas. The Second pic is the end result of battle.


  • image2(2).png

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    This will be the next test coming up this week.
    Fig C7 AD@3 plane & AD@3 ship or ground
    N Fig C7 AD@3 plane & AD@3 ship or ground
    Tac C8 AD@1 plane & AD@4 Ship/Ground pick target. Surfaced subs A@3
    Dive C8 AD@1 plane & AD@4 Ship/Ground pick target. Surfaced subs A@3
    Stg. C10 AD@1 plane & A4@3 1 round only Carpet bombing D@2
    BB C15 AD@3 plane & AD@8 ship Dam AD@2 plane & AD@4 ship
    CR C9 AD@3 plane & AD@7 ship
    DD C6 AD@3 ships only. Depth shot @3. Block subs only 1-1 & 1-1 FS
    SS C7 A@5 D@2 FS No DD. Can dive with DD present. Picks target.
    AC C14 A0 D@3 plane only Dam D@1 and only 1 plane on carrier
    EC C8 A0 D@2 plane only
    1 surfaced ship blocks 3 surfaced ships. Thanks Siredblood !
    Keeping the BB & CR at 8 and 7 for ship shot to keep in line with the Destroyer as far as cost for punch.
    There is no more Dog Fighting.
    Attacking and defending planes can retreat after any round of combat.
    Will add planes to game as turns go on to the affect of for every 3 planes on setup each country will receive 1 plane or it will be for every 2 planes on setup each country gets a plane. These planes will be added to countries at end of each turn placed in there Capitals. Lets say Germany gets 5 more planes. Maybe go with a reinforcement chart where lets say 2 figs and 1 Tac at end of turn one go to Berlin. Just add 2-3 planes per turn. Do not want over kill on Turn 1. Have to see how these planes survive in tests.
    Will have to see how the 3 less in cost makes up for more planes losses.

    Now I’m keeping planes & ship shots at planes @3 and bombers @1 for kiss.
    Now if things go good can tweak a plane piece value or target if need be.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    With the above tests each country will receive reinforment planes per turn at end of a whole turn and placed at Capitals only.
    Ger - 1 fig 1 Tac 1 stg b
    Jap - 2 fig 1 n fig
    Italy - 1 fig
    Ussr - 2 fig
    UK - 2 fig 1 Dive b
    US - 1 fig 1 n fig 1 Tac
    Fec - 1 fig 1 Dive b
    Anzac - 1 n fig
    Ger - 3 fig
    Jap - 2 fig 1 n fig
    UK - 1 fig
    US - 2 fig 1 n fig
    Jap - 1 n fig
    US - 1 stg b

    Granted this is to prevent a over kill T1

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Already with random side test battles this will make your deciding on planes staying longer or not in battles plus both plane and BB CR be on same AD against each other instead of 6 vs 7 or 8 it will be 3 vs 3. Battles will take longer some but gives you more of a chance now to kill planes or if you have 6 planes against a BB and CR May take them out before u all get killed
    Idea here is to get a bunch of more planes in game without over powering planes.
    This is where planes are cheaper and as the norm destroyers are cheaper already so now with destroyers not getting to hit planes u need them as support fodder like real war to protect your capital ships and on land you will need more art and spas where ground troops should win battles more like there suppose to.
    Also could have it where if u have 3 destroyers get a plane shot @1 or @2
    US gets the fletcher dest t3 and them destroyers AD@1 plane & AD@3 ship

    And another thing. Should Inf really get to kill a plane on there AD roll ? I say no they can’t. Now you need a plane on D maybe and you have to bring in extra stronger support in ground battles due to weaker planes and more art and spas I game. I can see even some figs left in territories so there planes can maybe get a kill and then can retreat after 1 round of combat which they can in game anyway.
    This is awesome !

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Ok to whom it matters I got 4 test turns in game with planes hitting planes and also getting ground or ship shots just like the BB and CR.
    Well I got an issue now with planes being weaker than tanks which is good and fine but the issue is tanks get to hit planes at a @6 compared to planes getting. Hit @4. I mean tanks don’t really hit planes.
    I know people will say but that’s the way it is. Well it’s just not right for me. Same thing with an Inf defending at a@4 and a plane attacking at a @4. So I had to tweak a few values to offset the BB and CR being the only ships to hit planes and changing the fig values to make it closer to a reasonable AD number.
    So for game test went with
    BB C15 AD@3 plane & AD@7 ship M2
    CR C9 AD@3 plane & AD@6 ship M3
    DD C6 AD@3 can’t hit planes
    Only change here was raising the ships plane value up from @2 to @3 and lowered ship hit 1 number for both ships. Due to the fact only 2 ships that can hit planes for now.
    Fig C8 AD@2 & AD@4
    Tac C9 AD@1 plane & AD@5 ground or ship pick target
    Same for naval fig and Dive bomber
    Man the Tac and Dive bomber are huge in game when figs only hit on a @4. Need some punch against ships and ground and it’s awesome to pick your target now.
    I also added a plane or 2 after each turn but was not really necessary due to thinking more plane kills so make them cheaper and add to game but this may not be necessary but I may make another change.
    But what is great is you need to buy BB and some CR to get plane hits when you don’t have planes with your fleets or a bunch of destroyers alone. So you need those destroyer escorts for fodder to and blocking and sub defense just like real war.
    So I have a few optional changes I can do. Make figs now C10 AD@1 plane & AD@5 ship or ground. But then figs would just knock out everything to fast. The @5 would be to keep up with Inf D@4 and Tanks AD@6 or make it when figs in a ground battle only AD@5 and AD@4 in naval combat.
    Also seeing that the US gets the Fletcher destroyer starting on t3 there destroyers now AD@1 plane & AD@3. Could also go with for every 3 destroyers you get 1 plane shot @1 & AD3 for rest of countries and US before turn 3.
    One reason why you make destroyers cheaper in game too.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Another thought.
    Keep BB and CR @3 for planes
    For every 3 destroyers get a plane shot @1
    But don’t give plane vs plane hit
    Go with 2 mandatory dog fight rounds for every combat battle
    So figs @2 tacs @1 stg b @1
    Interceptors and escorts
    Figs @3 Tac @1 stg @1 due to just plane on plane more accurate a bit
    Just thought of something. Now the plane will be to strong on ship attacks and ground so may scrap this unless make it figs AD@ 4 ships
    And AD @5 ground only

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Right on. Good action here.

    Trying to get the units represented similar to how they were in the war is the challenge for sure. I like stacks of combined forces, although with certain countries and or situations one might spam something out.

    Yea I found Tacs to be pretty powerful also. Mainly due to their versatility. Obviously different than what you have but same general idea. I have them in a ground support role for infantry as well as going after subs and ships and minor bombing.

    Thought fighters might be unduly affected but they can hit ships ( at a lower value ) as well and still defend better and boost the Tac on offense same as oob global.
    The biggest thing I noticed about them was having them around to intercept the SBR’s though. So they seem to balance out fairly well at the moment. Starting a new test shortly.

    Cheaper DDs definitely the way to go. Fodder and Sub hunters. Huge help to Fleet composition.

    Anyway, Rock On : )

  • Ya Barney. I’m still undecided on figs values.
    As of now don’t want to add any piece boosts to game due to the fact of there’s a ton of stuff to remember for these guys until we get a bunch of games in.
    As of now think will go with
    Fig C8 AD@3 DF 1 round only
    AD@3 ships or AD@5 ground
    Tac C10 AD@1 DF AD@4 or 5 need more tests
    Pick target
    Subs can pick target A@5 D@2
    For every 3 destroyers get a plane shot @2

    I can see fig being AD@4 then go to AD@5 with each Tac or Dive Bombers. 1 to 1

    The countries will not receive the free planes per turn now. With Figs being at AD@3 ships will help with Japan’s major strong hold with figs by taming them down. This will make the BB and CR bought more. The Cruiser now is what it should be. AD@3 plane & AD@6 ship plus it can move 3. Helps with air attacks and faster backup.

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