That’s what I believed.
The only special case is, for example, when 2 Subs first strike (Wolf Pack) get only 1 hit on 1 DD and 2 TPs.
So, there is no other attack roll from Subs but does TPs get an escape roll for the on going round or not?
Does 2 TPs get there evade roll right away, even if at the beginning they were escorted by single DD?
Or have to wait until the end of second combat round, once 2 Subs first strike have rolled?
According to your first answer it is still a yes.
When TPs get unescorted during a combat round, they make an escape roll.
So, my other comment and proposal is still valid:
Having to separate between first strike roll and regular ones and decide if TPs are allowed to roll for escape is slowing the combat process, IMO.
Maybe this slightly different rule may solve this and still be according to your previous view:
TPs get evade rolls at the beginning of combat rounds before Subs first strike (same time as Subs submerge phase) but these rolls only begins at the start of second combat round.
Escorted TPs can get this roll, not just unescorted.
(IMO, this is simpler, but the other way can be manageable too. If escorted at the start of a given combat round, there is no roll.)
You wrote this:
I know what you mean by rolling escape roll after attack roll to keep things more simple. But the 1 transport that did survive wouldn’t have survived unless it was an escape roll after attacking FS subs and before sub not FS attacked.
about this case:
Baron, The escaping transport rule every body liked a lot. Transports get a escape roll before attacker rolls for every round.
Except if subs have first strike it kills them first.
3 German subs attacking UK 1 dest and 2 transports.
2 german subs (WP) attacking @5 FS Dice rolls 2 ger subs - rolled a 2, 11 1 hit
UK picks Dest as casualty. So now with the transports being alone on ships attacking ( 1 Ger Sub yet to attack )
lone transports they ea get a escape roll. 2 rolls = 2,12 1 transport gets to escape. Place on map.
1 Ger sub @5 rolls a 6 no hit 1 transport escapes and other has to stay for next round of combat.
3 Ger subs (WP) @5 FS roll a 4,9,12 1 hit 1 Transport casualty.
In that case, the last subs would have get a roll, then all surviving TPs may roll at the beginning of second combat round.
In this special case, you get same results:
End of round 1
1 Ger sub @5 rolls a 6 no hit.
Next round, 2
All transports get an escape roll. 2 rolls = 2, 12 1 transport gets to escape. 1 TP is placed on map.
3 Ger subs (Wolf Pack) @5 FS roll a 4,9,12 1 hit 1 Transport casualty.
For the other case…
4 German subs attacking UK fleet of 2 dest 2 transports
2 german subs (WP) @5 FS rolls a 6,7 miss
2 german subs @5 rolls a 2,12 1 hit
UK takes dest casualty
UK 2 dest roll a 3,4 2 hits
Ger removes 2 subs for casualties.
1 ger sub (WP) @5 FS rolls a 9 miss
1 ger sub @5 rolls a 2 1 hit
** UK removes 1 dest left**
UK dest rolls a 3 1 hit
Ger removes a sub.
** 1 ger** sub @4 FS rolls a 2,10 1 hit ???
UK removes a transport
UK 1 left transport rolls a 8 for escape. Has to stay.
1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 9 miss
UK transport rolls a 11 no escape
1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 3 1 hit
UK removes transport for casualty.
Combat round 1
2 german subs (WP) @5 FS rolls a 6,7 miss
2 german subs @5 rolls a 2,12 1 hit
UK takes dest casualty
UK 2 dest roll a 3,4 2 hits
Ger removes 2 subs for casualties.
Combat round 2
Transport roll for escape: 2 rolls (not done according to your rule)
1 ger sub (WP) @5 FS rolls a 9 miss
1 ger sub @5 rolls a 2 1 hit
** UK removes 1 dest left**
UK dest rolls a 3 1 hit
Ger removes a sub.
Combat round 3
Transport roll for escape: 2 rolls (not done according to your rule)
** 1 ger** sub @4 FS rolls a 2 1 hit
UK removes a transport
UK 1 left transport rolls a 8 for escape. Has to stay.
Combat round 4
Transport roll for escape: 1 roll (it is the 8 done according to your rule)
1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 9 miss
UK transport rolls a 11 no escape
Combat round 5
Transport roll for escape: 1 roll (it is the 11 done according to your rule)
1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 3 1 hit
UK removes transport for casualty.
In this case, a different rule would have allowed 2 more rolls per TPs, since it take 5 combat rounds.
Allowing 4 evade phase for rolling.
IMO, my proposal is more forgiving for TP.
If use the variant which requires that TP is unescorted at the start of combat round, in the example above, it would be combat round 3 and you would get 1 additional roll because you still have 2 TPs before Subs first strike.