Strategic Bombing Raid Rules
A strategic bombing raid is a direct attack on a facility. During this step, you can bomb enemy industrial complexes, airbases, and naval bases with your strategic bombers. When you damage these facilities, their capabilities are decreased or eliminated.
To conduct a strategic bombing raid, the attacking player moves his or her bombers to the targeted territory on the map. Fighters (not tactical bombers) can also participate in strategic bombing raids as escorts and interceptors. Escort fighters (those accompanying the attacking bombers) can escort and protect the bombers, and they can originate from any territory, range permitting. They cannot participate in any other battles during that turn, including a battle in the territory in which the bombing raid is occurring. This applies whether or not the defender commits any interceptors.
Any number of defending fighters based in a territory that is about to be strategically bombed can be committed to participate in the defense of that territory’s facilities. If the defender has elected to commit fighter interceptors, an air battle will be fought immediately before the strategic bombing raid is conducted. This air battle is resolved in the following way:
Air Attrition
• fighter escorts must match (numerically) the amount of fighter interceptors that have been committed to defend the facility. All escorts and interceptors that have been matched together must be removed from the battle board and returned to their territory of origin, any interceptors that are not matched with an enemy escort may intercept and attack the strategic bomber/s. any escorts that are not matched with an enemy interceptor may be used as AA flak casualties.
Dog Fight
• Interceptors and strategic bombers that engage each other in a dogfight do so for one combat round only. Each interceptor attacks bombers @3 & each strategic bomber / tactical bomber defends @1.
AA Flak
• Any surviving strategic bombers / tactical bombers must now declare their target facilities and withstand an AA gun that is an automatic part of every facility (naval bases and air bases included). If the target facility has 1 or more damage points before the bombing, the built in AA Guns are deemed inoperative and do not fire. Defending AA guns receive one roll per aircraft @1. The attacker who is bombing decides what casualties to remove if hit (escorts that were not matched by interceptors may be used as AA Gun casualties).
High Altitude Bombing
• Any surviving strategic bombers / tactical bombers must now drop their pay load. Each strategic bomber rolls 1 die to cause damage points and than adds 1 additional damage point to their target facility (each bomber may only target one facility),
A Major Complex may receive a maximum 20 damage points (inoperative after 10 damage points).
A Minor Complex may receive a maximum 6 damage points (inoperative after 3 damage points).
A Naval or Air Base may receive a maximum 6 damage points (inoperative after 3 damage points).
Tactical Bombers
Tactical Bombers can also conduct bombing raids. However, they are limited to attacking only naval bases, and air bases. They follow the exact same procedure as strategic bombers presented above.