G40 Balance Mod - Feedback Thread

  • Hmm, I think marines was a great addition. Expensive land unit, but fun. Also like that cr and bs get a new function as tr.

    But sure, making the rules more complex might not be advisable.

  • I can live with the small attack-boats not being damaged. :grin:

  • @adam514 said in G40 Balance Mod - Feedback Thread:

    Battleships can already do everything else when damaged such as bombarding, it’s not worth preventing battleships from transporting marines when damaged.

    That’s not exactly what I suggested though. Marines could still be on a damaged battleship. Not really advocating the idea, but responding and explaining how I considered it.

  • @trulpen said in G40 Balance Mod - Feedback Thread:

    That’s not exactly what I suggested though. Marines could still be on a damaged battleship. Not really advocating the idea, but responding and explaining how I considered it.

    I think the rule should be ONLY damaged battleships can do amphibious assaults.

    Kinda like beaching a ship in its last death throes, and pouring its crew onto land. Epic!

  • '22 '21

    @regularkid In our current house rules playtesting we have destroyers having the ability to transport 1 Infantry in combat or non-combat phase- however the destroyer will not have the ability to fire in the Attack when transporting a troop, also for each matching Battleship/cruiser bombardment then each amphibious matching infantry’s attack at a 2 in the first round of combat!!!

  • @nolimit I like it. Kinda like the Tokyo Express. . . i.e., the use of destroyers by Japan to transport forces and supplies at night onto contested islands.

  • Hi there, I’ve got two questions about G40 BM3 and GO40 BM4:

    • Is the only difference between both modes the IPC costs for the strategic bomber?
    • I read that the average bid in BM3 was about 10IPCs for the allies (please correct me if I’m wrong). Is the average bid in BM4 0IPC now?

    Thank you!

  • '19 '17 '16

    @fasthard said in G40 Balance Mod - Feedback Thread:

    Hi there, I’ve got two questions about G40 BM3 and GO40 BM4:

    • Is the only difference between both modes the IPC costs for the strategic bomber?
    • I read that the average bid in BM3 was about 10IPCs for the allies (please correct me if I’m wrong). Is the average bid in BM4 0IPC now?

    Thank you!

    (a) yes
    (b) Bids went up and up. Early on Axis were getting bids. BM3 vs BM4 has had basically no effect on bids. Typical bid is now around 15 but a semi final game has 22.

  • I’d say the normal bid nowadays is about 20 for Allies.

  • Thanks @simon33 , @trulpen. So the average bid stays the same in BM4? I thought the European Axis is mostly affected to this change, isn’t it?

  • '19 '17 '16

    The effect is so slight that it isn’t really noticed.

  • @fasthard said in G40 Balance Mod - Feedback Thread:

    Thanks @simon33 , @trulpen. So the average bid stays the same in BM4? I thought the European Axis is mostly affected to this change, isn’t it?

    Perhaps early on if you consider Black Skies being less viable, but it also affects especially US to not as easily spam bombers.

    It’s actually not a small change. Bombers are still built, but to a far lesser extent than when they cost 12.

  • I’m curious about that the troops in S Fr are disbanded and not converted when Axis ends the Armistice by entering the territory, while they are converted in other territories during NCM (Axis keeps those).

    I believe the rules/notes has to be clear about this regarding the Zone Libre.

    As the wording is now it only states that the fleet at Toulon is disbanded. The land units in S Fr are not mentioned to be disbanded before the end of the Axis turn, but obviously should since they are (or change the mechanics of 3A so they stay as converts).

  • @trulpen i see what you mean. the rule does state that all remaining vichy units are removed from the board, but does not specify that this takes place before the land units in Southern France can turn. Will clarify in future versions.

  • Hi there, I’ve got another question: What happens to an uk pacific unit if it enters French Indo China when the Japanese enter it (1) with declaring war to UK Pacific and (2) without declaring war to UK Pacific? Thx

  • '19 '17 '16

    @fasthard said in G40 Balance Mod - Feedback Thread:

    Hi there, I’ve got another question: What happens to an uk pacific unit if it enters French Indo China when the Japanese enter it (1) with declaring war to UK Pacific and (2) without declaring war to UK Pacific? Thx

    If UK_Pac have a unit in FIC Japan can’t enter it without declaring war on UK.

    If Japan declares war, the usual rules apply.

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  • FlyingBadgerF FlyingBadger referenced this topic on

  • Hi there,

    I’ve got another question. Following situation:
    Russia is at war with Germany, but not with Japan.
    UK Pacific is at war with Japan.
    Japan attacks Burma with Russian units in it without declaring war to Russia.
    Do the Russian units support defending the territory?
    If not, what happens to the Russian units, when Japan occupies Burma?
    (I now it’s not a special BM question, but due to the 2/4IPC Land lease NO I post it here.)

    Thanks is advanced!

  • @fasthard if Russia is not at war with Japan, Russia can not move into Chinese territory to Support them.
    RUSSIA MUST dow on Japan first to do so.

  • @aequitas-et-veritas Chinese territory is clear, but what about UK territories like Burma, India, etc?

  • If Russia is not at war with Japan then my understanding is that those units wouldn’t participate in any combat, it would just be the Japanese units attacking the UK Pacific ones. But looking in Powers Not at War with One Another of the A&A manual it states:

    A power can’t attack a territory controlled by or containing units belonging to a power with which it is not at war.

    Which would suggest that Japan can’t attack a UK Pacific territory which contains Russian units without first going to war with Russia.

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