• Ha! :-)

    Actually, then, you might like a triple A variant called (I think) World at War. France is in plus powers survive the loss of their capital, meaning France continues to play a meaningful role after Paris falls. Can’t remember whether it is one of the standard maps or an experimental one.

    Happy to help you find it if you are struggling.

  • It’s great to see second generation A&A fans as well as youngsters (that’s you CDG) playing the games.

    It’s interesting to see the different perspectives on the various editions of the game.  Having played since 1984 (as have most of my opponents), we find the 41 and 42.2 scale to be more to our taste. 40 just has way too many units on the board and it feels like it should be reduced to the LCD to eliminate the clutter.  That’s why I agree with you PP, 41 is a breath of fresh air for its simplicity.

  • What really sells 1940 to me are the units. Tanks and infantry are boring. I also like the other countries. What would be great is 1940 units and countries but without the complicated political situations NOs and huge number of units. I made a mod of 1941 that incorporates 1940 units and countries;maybe you can take a look at it. Btw to us a youngster is my nine-year-old brother.  He almost has every rule of 1940 down. Me and my friends call him Little Guy wih Big Ambitions. The oldest player in my group is my 52 year old dad. Most of us are under 18.

  • Trying to stay OT here, using 41 piece counts and IPC values with 40.2 units and maps could make a very interesting 40 light.  41 is a great game that I hope more will come to appreciate for its simplicity.

  • I will always love it. How Classic is for many older players, 1941 is for me.

  • @Charles:

    I will always love it. How Classic is for many older players, 1941 is for me.

    My sons are excited that my father will be down visiting. We will have him play. He will insist on Germany and will hold in prize the Battleship Bismarck, it’s his favorite subject.

  • Have fun (and let him win).

  • @wittmann:

    Have fun (and let him win).

    I couldn’t find it in my heart to sink his German Battleship, he is my father.

  • 1941 is becoming a true family game for you AB. Just as it should be. Imagine achieving that by jumping straight into 1940, or even 1942.2!

    I don’t believe witt, by-the-way - he wouldn’t even let his one legged, visually impaired, Alzheimer suffering grandmother win! If he’s got one. And his Dad’s German battleship would be at the bottom of the ocean UK1!

    I know that 'cos he never lets his still-learning, much befuddled friend PP even the slightest whiff of victory! :cry:

  • I wouldn’t need to, PP. I could win and tell them they had won; they would not have long to relish it.
    Having a young child has taught me humility. And the fear of the wrath of said loser!

  • My father, working in heavy construction all his life now in his late 60’s, worked with many former WW2 era tank crewmen. In his twenties, he worked with a gentleman who had two Sherman tanks knock out from under him. One was by a Tiger!

  • @Private:

    1941 is becoming a true family game for you AB. Just as it should be. Imagine achieving that by jumping straight into 1940, or even 1942.2!

    I have one son wanting to play a more advance game. Both my older sons, told me the other day, “we can never go back to Risk”. I told them, “well said”.

  • I can’t remember having played Risk since I first played A&A in 87.

  • My dad plays with me a lot. Hes 52. I was a late child ;) There is no need for me to let him win; his years of chess have really made him great( my friends swear he knows how to throw dice to lol)

    RISK? When I got that my past birthday I said, “Thanks a lot but I couldn’t; it would be betrayal to Larry.”

    P.S. Worsham could you take a look at my 1941 with 1940 units mod? I added all the other units to the setup without changing anything else.

  • '17 '16

    Played my first game of A&A in 30 years last night (has it been that long?).

    My retired Navy buddy wussed out (never count on the Navy… ugh!), but my kids were happy to play… I taught my 8yo son and 10yo daughter the game then let them choose who they wanted to play (after a brief run-down of the differences in abilities and overall strategy of the Axis and Allies… quick use of forces for Axis, or holding out for economic power to win the game as Allies).

    My son wanted to play with his Dad, and my daughter wanted to play as the Germans, so I took over the US/UK, let my son play the USSR and had my daughter take over the Axis.

    She pressed Moscow pretty hard early, and it was touch and go for awhile, I thought we might lose Moscow, but I was able to divert enough fighter protection to Moscow to keep her from victory… she was aggressive early with Japan, attacking Pearl Harbor and the Philippines right out the gate, followed by an invasion of Australia, but after that, she sat still with Japan, missing out on the East Indies and not pushing in China, eventually losing it to the Chinese and British forces.  As Germany stalled on the Eastern Front, I drove her out of North Africa… she made a terrible mistake, I tried advising against it, but she thought I was bluffing and she re-invaded North Africa, against superior forces, and ending up losing most of the Luftwaffe in the process… OUCH… that of course doomed Germany, which began to collapse immediately after that, with my son’s Soviet forces pushing into Eastern Europe and the British landing in France… meanwhile, the US had amassed a large navy and was prepared to push into the Pacific against the faltering Japanese.

    At this point, something happened that I doubt few of you had encountered… bedtime for school!  Anyways, my daughter surrendered as the Axis but said she had fun… I know my son wants to play again, so hopefully we’re off to a good start… I think my Daughter wants to try the Allies next time around.  I gave some advice to her about adjusting her priorities and hopefully she’ll get better… she has defeated me in Risk before, so I have hope for her adjusting in A&A.

  • Thanks for sharing Wolf.

    If I had an 8 yr old son and 10 yr old daughter to play I might win a few more games! :-D

  • Thats awesome to play with your kids and hopefully 1 or both become longtime AA players. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

  • '17 '16


    Thanks for sharing Wolf.

    If I had an 8 yr old son and 10 yr old daughter to play I might win a few more games! :-D

    I tried really hard to give my daughter a solid chance for a win… obviously I didn’t sit there and say ‘attack here and attack there’, and ‘buy this, and buy that’… but I did hint strongly about “you sure you are done with all your combat moves”… or “you sure you want to leave those fighters doing nothing this turn?”… I did a lot of that sort of thing… trying to encourage her to use the forces she had at hand (as we all know, the Axis has to strike hard and fast, or it will get overwhelmed).

    I was really hoping my Navy buddy would show up, but he wussed out… it would have been good to have an adult on both sides of the board.  Still, I have faith in my kids… my daughter can be pretty cunning when she wants to be!

  • So there are younger A&A gamers than me? ;) I started at 12….Still I am only 15

  • '17 '16

    I played it myself when I was 17-20 in the 80s… I got my kids to play earlier this year at 8 and 10… but I think they were more interested just to play a game with daddy, than what the game was… they haven’t played again… I got an older friend of mine to play with me once, but his schedule is so busy, even though he liked it, he can never make the time… So I have a game I really love, customized, got extra maps and units for it, and I’m having a really hard time finding anyone to play with.  Might try again with the kids later, but for now, they’re probably a tad too young… back to Risk until they are ready for A&A again.

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