Played my first game of A&A in 30 years last night (has it been that long?).
My retired Navy buddy wussed out (never count on the Navy… ugh!), but my kids were happy to play… I taught my 8yo son and 10yo daughter the game then let them choose who they wanted to play (after a brief run-down of the differences in abilities and overall strategy of the Axis and Allies… quick use of forces for Axis, or holding out for economic power to win the game as Allies).
My son wanted to play with his Dad, and my daughter wanted to play as the Germans, so I took over the US/UK, let my son play the USSR and had my daughter take over the Axis.
She pressed Moscow pretty hard early, and it was touch and go for awhile, I thought we might lose Moscow, but I was able to divert enough fighter protection to Moscow to keep her from victory… she was aggressive early with Japan, attacking Pearl Harbor and the Philippines right out the gate, followed by an invasion of Australia, but after that, she sat still with Japan, missing out on the East Indies and not pushing in China, eventually losing it to the Chinese and British forces. As Germany stalled on the Eastern Front, I drove her out of North Africa… she made a terrible mistake, I tried advising against it, but she thought I was bluffing and she re-invaded North Africa, against superior forces, and ending up losing most of the Luftwaffe in the process… OUCH… that of course doomed Germany, which began to collapse immediately after that, with my son’s Soviet forces pushing into Eastern Europe and the British landing in France… meanwhile, the US had amassed a large navy and was prepared to push into the Pacific against the faltering Japanese.
At this point, something happened that I doubt few of you had encountered… bedtime for school! Anyways, my daughter surrendered as the Axis but said she had fun… I know my son wants to play again, so hopefully we’re off to a good start… I think my Daughter wants to try the Allies next time around. I gave some advice to her about adjusting her priorities and hopefully she’ll get better… she has defeated me in Risk before, so I have hope for her adjusting in A&A.