Its too bad that the development of these games is all cloak and dagger behind closed doors type stuff. I mean, what about some teasers and time for community participation to build up the hype machine?
These things always get rolled out in the same way, someone WotC PR person parachutes in after the thing has already been completed and printed in China, without sufficient fan fare or time to marinate.
I still pine for a flagship World War 2 board, but things seem to trend towards decentralization.
I’d like a single A&A system that can be expanded incrementally over time, with a digital tie in.
Still waiting for the “Black” box, where all my A&A dreams are realized in one core set. Then augmented endlessly with “expansion sets” hehe
Take my money! Please! And don’t give up on the thing yet.
I mean for real, can’t we fly someone to China to find the dude who can make the production happen. Some factory wizard ali baba, who can land us the primo painted sculpts, with all the badass details and decals, and the magnets, and the shiny box, and the razor sharp dice. AA50 was glorious. The beauty was worth the extra loot.
I’d like to see something like that, major, with the digital tie in. Something stand alone.
Not like a GTO contracted-out framework, but something maintained in-house and specific to the franchise. Basically the board-game and the video game together, in one deal.
I’m a fan of WW2. And underwhelmed by “A&A” games that try to tackle timelines outside of the World War period. Keep it pure!
The same kind of Axis and Allies we’ve always liked, just decked out to the nines, with the foxy black dress on! all the bells and all the whistles. Why flirt with another franchise, when the dice are so hot right here at home? Alas