Clearly not!
Saw The Martian last night. Would recommend it to anyone willing to suspend disbelief and instead immerse themselves in the story unfolding on the screen.
It is science fiction after-all!
I agree. Not that it was completely unbelievable… I just didn’t find it nearly as good as I thought it was going to be. Which is too bad.
I should have known that it is, after all, a Ridley Scott movie. So you know what kind of formula you are in for. I have not read the novel, but I can only imagine the film feels incredibly compressed in comparison. It seemed that way to me, even without reading. I don’t understand the rabid raving that the movie is receiving. I also did not find the humor to be very effective. It felt either poorly delivered or inappropriate given the circumstances.
Even though it takes place on another planet, the whole plot felt much more grounded and ordinary than a film like Interstellar. Where Interstallar really pushed boundaries of visual, emotional and musical beauty, the Martian felt more like a guy wandering in a desert. The plot was consistently about Watney proving how smart and resilient he was, which I though became tiresome. It was much more akin to Gravity both in subject matter and tone. Gravity was good, but I did not find it very captivating. Same with The Martian.