@dawgoneit 1ed956fe-db53-498e-86c5-f6373b5a6e64-triplea_41681_1chi.tsvg
2015 League Post Game Results Here
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=37050.0 Regularkid (Axis) over Pherman (Allies) Using balanced mod.
regularkid over calvinhobbesliker
Shin Ji over Giallo(allies)
cds (axis) vs dawgoneit (allies +16) - cds wins
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=37002.135 -
Karl7 Axis vs cds Allies - Karl7 won
Art took it to me….I think 2016 isn’t going to be a good season for me. Saying that in Dec 2015 hurts too.
I think I had the allies +23
variance (allies+20) over Radiant
First game I won cause of the dice, and 2nd game the reverse. Oh dice :?
Pherman (allies) over regularkid (axis)
15L Playoff Rd1: [4] JDOW (Axis) wins against [5] Adam514 (Allies +27)
Good game guys, hard fought like a battle between the 4 and 5 should be!
variance over Radiant (allies+24)
3 of the worst games I ever played all 3 decided by dice, waste of time :|
variance over Radiant (allies+24)
3 of the worst games I ever played all 3 decided by dice, waste of time :|
Don’t give up mate! What goes around comes around.
variance over Radiant (allies+24)
3 of the worst games I ever played all 3 decided by dice, waste of time :|
If you want to reduce the element of chance, try low luck dices. While low luck is not as exciting or dynamic as a dice game, it’s a good way to try out the efficacy of a strategy w/o dice getting in the way.
Don’t turn to the dark side (low luck). Just keep playing
Karl7 over giallo(allies)