I would like them to be close to historical as possible without breaking the game. :)
The AT-tank was a specialized artillery unit that was designed to target tanks, and as we know artillery don’t blitz. If it should move 1 or 2 depends if it have wheels or not
Is their any room for a fixed Anti-Tank gun? Like a Flak 88 adapted to fire horizontally.
It would be different from the guns mounted on a tank frame, like Stug III, which was built upon a Panzer III frame.
So, you can still get a preemptive anti-tank gun moving like an AAA.
Here I would say:
A0D1NCM1C3, 1 hit, 1 preemptive against 1 Armored vehicule (SPA-ATG-Tank). After first round, act like a regular unit at D@1.
And a Self-Propelled Anti-Tank Gun, which can move at 2.
Maybe I’m wrong but I thought that some Stugs III were following the same pace than regular Panzer, and able to give them a good hand on offence (during Russian campaign), even if it wasn’t the “real” Blietzkrieg on France (which do not have such weapon then).
So, for my part, I think it should be played as a MechInf, which need a Tank to be able to blitz.
They were very popular, even more were built than Tank, so I also think it should cost 5 IPCs.