I like your idea Young Grasshopper. Coastal batteries as sort of a naval AA gun, or at least using AA gun rules. So basically, if 2 ships attack and there is 1 coastal gun, the coastal gun only rolls 2 dice. If 3 ships attack, the coastal gun rolls 3 dice. If 4 ships attack, the coastal gun still only rolls 3 dice. Correct?
Correct, That’s it.
Regarding submarines, I think coastal guns should NEVER be able to hit subs. That’s just not what they were built for.
Regarding Transports, I think coastal guns SHOULD be able to hit transports, but use the “chosen last as casualties” rule for transports. For example, say 1 cruiser and 2 transports try an amphibious assault. The coastal gun rolls 3 dice and gets a lucky 2 hits. The first hit MUST be taken on the cruiser. The second can be applied to either one of the transports, attacker’s choice.
Agreed, although for the attackers perspective, an expensive loaded transport should be the last thing removed even if it has zero defense capabilities. considering all this, if coastal guns get lucky and really hurt the amphibious operation, the attacker at this point (before sea combat) should be allowed to retreat (especially if that sea battle includes 3 scrambled fighters waiting to engage the wounded fleet).
Now we have the question of the un-hit transport. Can that transport continue with the amphibious assault? (assuming no enemy ships in that sea zone)
If the attacker chooses to do so, than I think yes.
I think in this case, coastal guns should use the same rules as enemy submarines regarding amphibious assaults. In other words, attacking transports MUST be accompanied by at least 1 surface warship when attacking from any sea zone that is covered by a coastal gun.
I can see players buying coastal guns just to avoid an assault knowing that there are no surface warships around. Also, if an attacker really needs to make a landing with 4 defenseless loaded transports and is willing to risk his opponent rolling a 1 on 3 dice… than I say let him.
So, say you have a bunch of transports loaded and ready to attack. They move into a sea zone covered by a coastal gun. In this case, the coastal gun would not fire on the transports because there is no warship to fight with. However, the transports can not unload their cargo to attack any territory adjacent to that sea zone. Just like an enemy submarine.
I don’t think a player would bring loaded transports alone into a sea zone adjacent to guns if they’re not willing to attack a territory, I mean anything else would be a non combat movement where coastal guns are useless. How about this… if you bring just loaded transports for an amphibious assault, the guns won’t fire. Call it a sneak landing maybe at night, the point is… the attacker can avoid their surface warships from getting hit by coastal guns during an amphibious assault by only using transports, but there can’t be any sea battle or scramble opportunity or else it would be suicide. In this case, the attacker would need to decide if they wish to risk a sneak landing which will not allow them any possible bombardments, or if the attacker brings surface warships which make their transports susceptible to getting hit by coastal guns (a little bit like the way kamikaze tokens work).
Good ideas?
In general Yes, I really like that your suggestions were in the spirit of the original idea. As you know, so many posters will reply to your idea with a “how about this….” and it’s nothing like you first suggested (lol). I always enjoy your comments KNP, you’re the easiest member to speak with around here and you always contribute.