Alien artifact on Mars?
Oh, phooey.
That’s a part they forgot to remove used in the moon landing faking.
Oh, phooey.
That’s a part they forgot to remove used in the moon landing faking.I once heard that in 1997, when NASA was live-streaming the pictures it was receiving from the small experimental Mars Pathfinder rover Sojourner, one group of conspiracy theorists was certain that the pictures were being faked in Arizona, while another group of conspiracy theorists was equally certain that NASA was secretly editing the pictures as they arrived in order to keep us from seeing the Martians.
That’s where I left it…… and to think that I’ve been searching Saturn for decades.
That looks like Predators Shoulder Cannon!
Oh Scrap!!…they found us.
AUTOBOTS Roll out!
NASA has posted a slide show on this object:
And now the fix is in!
Of course, this could always be cunning PR plan to hide the fact that there are Martians on the surface with whom NASA has done a deal to keep quiet about, or a clue left behind by a cunning engineer to warn the public that Curiosity is in fact rolling around a theatrical set somewhere in the Arizona desert
No guy’s is swamp gas from a weather balloon.
Looks like a rock :roll: