1d6<=1: 1; Hits: 1
1d6<=2: 1; Hits: 1
1d6<=3: 4; Hits: 0
1d6<=4: 1; Hits: 1
Find league opponents here
Hi, I’d like a G40 opponent, please PM if you are interested in a game. (Full disclosure it will be my first play by forum game so bear with me if I ask stupid questions)
No such thing as stupid questions when starting out…hope you enjoy!
Things are going at a snail’s pace for me….
Would you like a rematch, SouL?
I could use a new G40 opponent if anyone is up for it.
Looking for a few good men/women for opponents. You can never have too many games going at one time.
Just PM me with a bid to start it off.
got room for a couple games, for those who haven’t played me or only played me once I guess. just pm me.
looking for a game
Looking for opponents who want to try AA50-41. dice ore Lowluck
May the dice favour you
I am assuming it is easier to find a league opponent? I can join at any given notice correct?
That is correct sir
In that case this conscript is looking for an opponent :-D.
shouldn’t be too hard to find… although activity on the site has recently slowed down due to the rolling blackouts and brownouts. which is hopefully nearly resolved.
Yeah, for like two weeks, the website was down every day a couple of hours. Although it seems the admins are working on it, so I’m positive!
I gave him instructions on play-by-forum and we’ll have his first league game coming :-)
For anyone new to the site - don’t be discouraged. These are the worst outages the site has had in many years, so this is not normal.
But I am discouraged :cry:
Get the e-mail of your opponent and e-mail the file back and forth. You can continue playing without the site. Just “save as” after making your move, and e-mail the file to your opponent.
I am willingly to play more then one game at the same time tho. I think I understand how it works now. So it should be fine. And just one game doesn’t seem enough.
Right - well, circumventing the site by e-mailing the file back and forth doesn’t have anything to do with # of opponents…
I’m playing 5 right now and am e-mailing the file as necessary…