A Fighter Scramble question has come up in a game I am playing. The sea zone I want to enter is empty, but there is an adjacent enemy territory with an airbase and fighter(s) in it. There is to be no amphibious assault attempted. If a sea zone is empty, is it considered hostile, when it is adjacent to a territory with an enemy airbase and fighter? If it is hostile, then I could only move surface ships in during combat movement, and therefore the fighter could scramble to defend. If the empty sea zone is NOT considered hostile, then my movement of surface ships into the empty zone could only take place during NON-combat movement, and therefore would be unopposed (no scramble).
Is the empty sea zone in this case hostile or non-hostile, and is my logic correct?
That sea zone is not hostile because there are no enemy surface warships in it. The enemy fighter and airbase would only come into play (given that the sea zone is empty) if you were attempting an amphibious assault from that sea zone (even if to a different territory than the fighter/airbase territory)
Your movement of surface ships into the empty zone could only take place during non-combat movement and therefore would be unopposed
We-ll, actually it could take place during the combat movement, if you were moving to escape a hostile sea zone, but even then the fighters at the airbase would not be a factor because you are not going to conduct combat in that sea zone or make an amphibious assault.