So after they’ve been invaded by Japan, any ally can claim them as their own?
Or will they merely be liberated if the US take them?
The Dutch territories are like the French territories (after Paris falls), except that UK/ANZ has the “special ability” to take control of the (Dutch) friendly territories with a non-com of a ground unit into them.
So if the Axis take control of a Dutch territory, then basically you can forget that it was ever Dutch. Yes, any ally can then take control of the Dutch territory when taking it back from the Axis
Thanks for your help, guys! :)
Yes, I’m definitely enjoying the game. Just finished G6 yesterday and I’m standing pretty in Moscow with 92 IPC’s in my bank and decent control in both theatres. We’ve been playing Friday, saturday and sunday. :D Gotta get some gaming in now as he’s expecting a baby in two weeks. 8-)
I’ve been playing A&A since ca 1990 but mostly revised enhanced.