• Just finished a game of Global after two days.  I controlled the Allies and my opponent took command of the Axis.

    My opponent had Japan go for an India Crush from the start.  I sent the US into the Pacific first in response.  Japan crushed India turn 3 but lost most of it’s air force.  While Japan crushed India it opened up a window for the US to get a very large Navy into Sea Zone 6 and capture Korea.  The Russians then declared War on Japan giving them some points but reinforced Korea with 17 Russian Infantry and an AA Gun.  I had Australia build tanks and inf to insure I did not lose Sydney and allow the axis to gain the needed 6th victory city in the Pacific.  China meanwhile began to grow strong as Japan lost its airforce and many ground units going into India.

    Meanwhile  on the other side of the board my opponent built the Baltic fleet G1 and took France, Southern France, and Normandy.  He allowed the Royal Navy to live.  On UK1 I bypassed attacking the Italian fleet and rallied together all the UK starting Navy in sea zone 92 inside the Med touching Gibraltar also landing some fighters on the airbase there.  I left the Battle Ship and Destroyer from Scotland as blockers so that the Baltic fleet would not land units in Gibraltar.  Russia built mostly artillery and tanks early to try and hold the Germans out of Russia as long as possible.  Italy took Greece turn one but was a little starved for points with the sizable UK navy in the Med.  On G2 my opponent built some subs and prepared building large amounts artillery for operation Barbarossa.  UK2 I moved my very sizable Navy to block Egypt from being taken over and then built a minor there.

    As the game progressed my opponent sent the German air force along with the Baltic fleet into the Med and defeated my UK Navy but sustained sizable losses in the battle.  The US sunk the rest of Japans Navy as it tried to come back up to sea zone 6.  China went viral and drove the Japanese out of the mainland and captured two victory cities.  Between China and the US they had ended any risk that Japan might win the game for the axis in the Pacific.  At that point my opponent starting mass producing tanks in India, West India, and Persia with Japan and peeled points off of Russia.  He still had owned the money islands so his economy was strong enough to do this.

    Germany moved into Eastern  Poland all in turn 4 and I attacked his stack with Russia as I had massed all my starting inf and bought art and tanks.  The battle resulted in just about mutual destruction for both sides.  I realized at this point that Russia was on a timetable for being eliminated by Germany and the tanks from flank from Japan.

    At this point the US mounted up to save the day on the Atlantic side of the board.  They also moved to capture the money islands from Japan with the help of Australia.  They produced a large fleet of carriers, destroyers, transports, bombers and headed for Africa.

    The remnants of the Baltic Fleet captured Egypt and it was reinforced by Italian planes and Japanese tanks.  Both of us built up for a couple of turns and then my opponent staged himself to kill Russia.  At this point I set myself up to take back Cairo because with the capture of Russia my opponent had all the cities he needed to win on the Atlantic side of the board.

    Russia was hit by a one two punch by the Germans and then fell to Japan.  In my US turn I had to retake Cairo or I would lose the game.  Thankfully I had 22 transports full of US troops to attack Cairo with supported by 9 bombers 3 fighters and 1 Tac.  I defeated the multinational force in Cairo handily and had it on lock down with fighter patrol on the way next turn.

    At this point my opponent offered me his hand for an Axis concession as he did not see a way to get the last victory city on the Atlantic side of the board.  The US, China, and Australia had conquered all of the Pacific side of the map aside from the island of Japan itself.  I did not liberate UK Pacific because I recaptured West India from the Axis and had a US factory there.  I had also liberated several UK Pacific IPCs from Japan and decided to keep them for the US.

    After I examined the map I concluded it was a draw because while my opponent my not be able to get his last victory city I had no plan to destroy a 100+ point Germany even though my US was also 100+ points.  It is also worth mentioning there were over 30 infantry in London and I had a careful eye on that should he choose to Sea Lion at that point.

    It was a very fun and close game.  My guess is it is probably better to head for Africa first as US so Germany doesn’t crush all of Russia but I had a lot of fun messing up Japan’s day as the allies.

    Final Economies

    Germany 100+ points
    Italy 15 points
    Japan 20 points
    TOTAL 135 points

    Russia 0
    USA 100+ points
    China 26 points
    UK Atlantic 25 points
    UK Pacific 0
    Australia 29 points
    TOTAL 180

  • Nice battle report, I also just finished a long game and had some similar results at the beginning, but divergent strategies later.  I assume that 22 trn threat had also been used keeping Germany honest in France?  Did you try pressuring Germany directly?  Because of the allies 1-2-3 punch in between Italy and Germany its possible to punch your way into the baltic and then really mess with the enemy.

    In my game the beginning was very similar, but Japan ended up focusing on China instead of India, and also managed to never lose position on the US Fleet.  This meant that although the US eventually recaptured the DEI, Japan was always active taking other islands or attacking the asian coast.  I was playing as the Axis, and I found my early assault into Russia eased by first hitting the territory with Italians, then moving the Germ air and ground army in later.  Worked great to get me to the Pripet marshes, where he wrongfully split his army.

  • This sounds like a fun game!

    did you think putting the USA all in against Japan was a good starting strategy?  I am finishing a game as the allies and I put the first 2 (maybe 3) turns just into the pacific navy and it turned out I didn’t do enough so the USA hadn’t done too much in force, but still have managed to support the British in Africa and liberate France.

  • @HMS_Artemis:

    This sounds like a fun game!

    did you think putting the USA all in against Japan was a good starting strategy?  I am finishing a game as the allies and I put the first 2 (maybe 3) turns just into the pacific navy and it turned out I didn’t do enough so the USA hadn’t done too much in force, but still have managed to support the British in Africa and liberate France.

    First, thanks for reading my report and posting a response.  I honestly think in most games against a skilled Axis player it is better to hit Europe hard first with minimal spending in the Pacific as USA.  That being said I play this game sometimes twice a week for 8 hours at a time with my friends and like to try different things.

    The reason I was able to defeat Japan in the Pacific and isolate them was mainly because my opponent decided he wanted to kill India turn 3 no matter the cost.  With Japan building an Airbase and Naval base combined with a J2 attack to eliminate any blockers I see no way to save India on turn 3 if it is hit by the whole Air Force.  That being said the allies can make it very, very bloody for Japan and that is what happened this game.  He took India turn 3 but when it was all said and done he did not even have enough planes left to fully staff his carriers.  Also my opponent moved the entire Japanese Navy down to India to make sure he sealed the deal.  This is the reason I was able to get the US Navy into Sea Zone 6 and capture Korea.  The 18 Russian Inf then moved in to hold it down and they were able to accomplish this because the starting Japanese Air Force was decimated in India.   Also China was able to run wild because of the high cost in Japanese units in India.  So it was a Perfect Storm that allowed me to be so successful against Japan.  I have seen other games where Japan conserves the Air Force and pumps up it’s Navy.  When that happens the US just can not build enough to take that all out in a straight fight no matter how many IPCs it spends.

    That being said I still almost lost the game in Europe.  My opponent captured 8 victory cities but I was able to liberate Cairo immediately after Moscow fell thus he did not make it to the end of the turn order with 8 cities to achieve the victory.  At this point USA was at over 100+ IPCS with their gains in the Pacific.  That being said Germany had taken all of Russia and was at over 100+ IPCS points itself.  He conceded because he saw no way to get the 8th victory city with Cairo and London on lock down but in reality there was no way I was going to be able to take down Germany as big as it had grown.

    All and all I think it is probably better to hit Europe first and try to rein Germany and Italy in first.   Hopefully if the US is successful enough Russia and UK London will then be able to stand on their own 2 feet while the US then makes sure Japan does not win the game in the Pacific.  It is a tight balance but I think it is more realistic to deal with a pumped up Japan than a pumped up Germany.

  • @JimmyHat:

    Nice battle report, I also just finished a long game and had some similar results at the beginning, but divergent strategies later.  I assume that 22 trn threat had also been used keeping Germany honest in France?  Did you try pressuring Germany directly?  Because of the allies 1-2-3 punch in between Italy and Germany its possible to punch your way into the baltic and then really mess with the enemy.

    I was too late to the dance in Europe to really pressure Germany and France.  I know that sounds crazy with a pumped up US and 22 transports but I spent a long time in the Pacific, making sure I broke the back of Japan before I left.  While I had a lot of points as US my opponent had almost as many points with Germany but I had to build transports for my units.  While Russia was still alive when I got to Africa it had been forced to fall back to Moscow so my opponent surrounded the city.

    Going in the Pacific first with US can be some fun times but in the future I will probably hit Europe first so Germany doesn’t get so out of hand again.  I think it is easier for the US to deal with a pumped Japan than a hyped up Germany.

  • Idi just trolls, he doesn’t have any insights to add to any discussion.  Best to ignore him.

    My opponent concentrated on Italy and to a smaller extent Japan, leaving Germany to grow unstoppable and take Moscow.  I get the Allies next, and I was thinking of going subs first in the Pacific, and then attack craft to clear the Atlantic once US goes to war.  This will allow me to set up a shuck, first to Africa and then to Europe.

    After the major purchases of capital ships and trns I hope to then shift my production to the Pacific.  I also plan on using the few US assets in the Pacific to help defend ANZAC prior to the US fully committing to the Pacific.

    Basically my plan is to have US help clear the way for UK and save the day for ANZAC.

  • I think it sounds like you have sound plan.  I don’t think I will spend nearly as much time in the Pacific next game as the allies early because I have seen that Germany becomes a beast if it is allowed to have it’s way with Russia.  I agree that you will have to most likely come back to save the day in the Pacific at a certain point with the US but hopefully you will have accomplished your goals in Europe by that time with the US.

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