You say “the simple fix to allow for this is to remove the word “hostile”” and so on. I suppose this would be on agreement of both of the players, but until the rulebook is officially changed with official FAQ or errata, the rule book is still the rule book. So we are all playing this as written. We shouldn’t have to explain to every new player who comes along to the site, about this rule. Any player who is reading the rule book and playing the game according to it would be playing that you are not allowed to leave a non-hostile zone in the combat movement phase only to avoid the combat. We can’t play by intentions of the rulemaker - this isn’t the US constitution.
I completely agree, and I wasn’t suggesting otherwise. I was merely indicating exactly where the mistake in the rules is so that people may play by the designer’s intent if they wish to.
So you are saying a transport should be able to pick up units and move to another zone during combat phase, then drop those units off in the non-combat phase.
No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying that the intent was that moving away from a sea zone in which you’re attacking a sub or transport should be treated in the exact same way as moving away from a sea zone in which you’re attacking a warship. The word “hostile” in the rule excludes a sea zone containing a sub and/or a transport, and that was not the intent.
I mention this case because it conflicts with another rule which is if a transport is loaded in combat phase it must also unload in combat phase right?
No, it doesn’t conflict, as it’s exactly the same. This wording change has no impact on that rule.
The other boats that leave the zone so as to avoid combat, must the do so in combat phase or could some boats not be part of the sea battle and then move in noncom from the zone?
They must move in combat movement, following all applicable rules, and may not move in noncombat.