There were no changes to the treatment of neutrals in general, but the Soviet-Mongolian Defense Pact was added in the 2nd Edition.
Global 2nd Edition Rules?
I haven’t had time to jump around and find out for myself, can anyone tell me if the 2nd edition rules are a mirror image of Alpha+3 (latest), or is there a surprise or two?
They renamed West Usa to Gargantua.
Italy now starts with 23 IPCs but Euro Axis need 1 more city to win
Italy now starts with 23 IPCs but Euro Axis need 1 more city to win
How are they given the extra $13? Do they start with more territories, national objectives, or a combination of both?
I am trolling you YG :)
From ppl sshots looks like its alpha3
I am trolling you YG :)
From ppl sshots looks like its alpha3
Well, your April fools joke was more believable than Gargantua’s, that’s for sure.
Well if I was given 4 and a half months, I`m sure I could have delivered just as well. :P