• Customizer

    Appreciate the report

  • Customizer

    Here’s a couple of more comparison pics. First the new fighters. It’s the tops and bottoms of each plane, first two rows are the German fighters in this order from left to right: OOB Me109, 1941 Fw190, HBG Fw190.
    The next two rows are US planes from left to right: OOB P-38, Pacific F6F Hellcat, 1941 P-40, HBG P-40, HBG P-51
    The HBG versions seem to have quite a bit more detail on them while the 1941 versions seem to look a little more like the actual plane because they are a little bigger. Now I kind of wish HBG’s planes were a little bigger.
    Next pic is all the German vehicles available to us now. The new Tiger is on the far left, followed by a mix of OOB and HBG Axis Minor units. I think all the different vehicles match up very well.

    Plane comparisons.JPG
    Vehicle comparisons.JPG

  • Customizer

    Here’s another couple of pics I just wanted to share. It’s all my German and USA vehicles all lined up. Soon I will have a large set like this for Russia as well.

    German Vehicles.JPG
    US Vehicles.JPG

  • Customizer


    Did you and your buddy switch sides during any of your games?  If the Axis wins regardless of who plays it, the rules may indeed favour the Axis.  If on the other hand the two of you always play the same side, then relative player strength may be the explanation.

    Yeah, that also occured to me. When our group gets together, we roll dice to determine who gets which country. However, I prefer to play Axis and Steve prefers to play Allies, so in our first few games of 1941 I was always Axis and he was always Allies. Hopefully next week we can get the rest of my group together to play this and take different countries to try it out and give it a more varied experiment. While we all are really into Global 1940, all of us have been very interested in 1941 since we first heard about it at the end of March.

    When I get a few more games played, particularly with different people changing Axis and Allies, I will let you guys know if there is any difference.

  • Well I just got my copy today. I was impressed with Amazon’s shipping. I ordered on July 4th (US holiday), chose the free super saver option, and got it today. So it was basically 3 day shipping.

    I busted it out, and got my wife to sit through my explanation of the rules. I’ve been trying to get her to play for a while, and this (hopefully) shorter version was the persuasion I needed. We didn’t have time to play, we’ll do that on Thursday. We were saddened to see the 15/17 IPC misprint. I feel like it really can’t be anything but a mistake, since the board seems to contradict itself.

    I’m excited to see how it goes!

  • TripleA

    holy hell they shippy before release date!

  • TripleA '12

    Order update:

    Status:  In transit

    Location: UK

    Event Details: Initiated customs clearance process

    Love it!  :-D

  • @Cow:

    holy hell they shippy before release date!

    Go to Amazon and search for the '41 game there are two of them up there. One says you have to wait till the 27th and is cheaper the other will ship today but you pay the full $30 for it plus shipping

  • TripleA

    i didn’t see the other one.

    anyway, I hope not all the boards have the misprinted money thingy. Like maybe they printed two seperate batches.  Early release has the wrong stuff and later release has it right.

  • I didn’t either till the other day so i’m waiting too

  • TripleA

    maybe we get a prize, a version that has the correct money for our wait lol.

  • TripleA

    I am just glad the board is small. I actually like being able to finish a game

  • TripleA '12

    Order update:

    Status:  In transit Â

    Location: UK

    Event Details: Completed customs clearance process

    Maybe I’ll get my copy before July 18th?!  :-o


    Status:  In transit

    Location: GB

    Event Details: Arrived at destination country

    Confused - I thought it was in the UK already.  :? lol  Oh well.

  • Customizer


    Order update:

    Status: � In transit �

    Location: UK

    Event Details: Completed customs clearance process

    Maybe I’ll get my copy before July 18th?! � :-o


    Status:  In transit

    Location: GB

    Event Details: Arrived at destination country

    Confused - I thought it was in the UK already.  :? lol  Oh well.

    Great Britain’s not a country. It’s an island. Perhaps it came from Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man or Sodor!  Ok the Isle of Man isn’t technically part of the UK and Sodor is a fictions Island, but you get my point; or more likely the tracking system is simply sloppy in its inconsistent syntax. Kinda like my punctuation and grammar.

    Either way it’s good to hear you will get your game soon.

  • hmm, coolstuffinc.com stlll has it listed as:
    “Expected release: July 27, 2012. Date subject to change.”

  • Don’t worry Loz;just means it has been opened and being played by someone else. Maybe our Prime Minister is playing David Milliband for control of the next parliament. You should be honoured!

  • TripleA '12

    :-D LOL  Thanks guys, I’m currently trying to get in touch with ‘Yodel’, the UK courrier company that are trying to deliver the game to me. Latest update:

    Location: GB

    Event Details: Delivery attempted

    Thing is, I work during the day and there’s noone else at home! I will see what I can do…

  • I work evenings, should have sent it to me. Would have opened it to check nothing had been lost in transit. Would have done a great job sellotaping it all back together for you(minus 1 Tiger). Good luck and enjoy your weekend. Am happy for you.

  • I ordered mine from Amazon on 7/5, and received it 7/11.  I did the super saver shipping (free shipping for items over $25).  When you realize that getting it from Amazon for $29.99 with no tax and no shipping is about the same amount as getting it from CoolStuff for $19.99 plus tax (because I live in Florida) plus shipping, then it was a no-brainer to get it from Amazon now instead of waiting to get it from CoolStuff later.

  • I ordered A&A 1941 from Amazon on July 9th and paid for 2-3 day shipping.  It shipped out of Fernley, NV on the evening of July 9th and arrived at my home in California on July 11th.

    Interestingly, I can no longer find the listing for A&A 1941 from Amazon.  I can only find the pre-order listing of A&A 1941 on Amazon from Funagain Games.

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