Well if you have naval dominance at the moment, hit and run in Africa, and get those money islands in the Pacific back if you haven’t already. I would advise going all out on Japan if you can, and quick. If the Axis is making more money than you, it’s possible that they can very quickly close that gap in the naval field.
Just finished 2 games
seems that japan can easily reach (and take?) india and caucasus by round 2.
if germans then take down egypt…man, so many options in such a smell game. i like it!
only change would be introducing artillery from other versions (cost 4, but no support). -
I think it looks like the kind of game we can all play around with and if I do not see it for sale in England soon I am bally going to burst like a balloon!
Hey Wittman, I am still huntin’ high an’ low for it mate. Will let ye know as soon as I find it. Whereabouts are ya, anyway? I’m down in Pompey mate.
I think it looks like the kind of game we can all play around with and if I do not see it for sale in England soon IÂ am bally going to burst like a balloon!
same thing! ship it to europe! :)
with the lowered income i assume usa is not as powerful as in past editions.
they can afford 1 loaded transport per turn, that does not really have the same feel as previous versions where the axis felt like they had to rush before the usa income monster gets into the game.
I am sure the values of units has been decreased greatly. I can’t imaginge infantry still costs 3. Everything should be quite a bit cheaper. If not Russia has absolutely no chance.
Hereford. 20 years now.
Did we find out if Axis won the 2nd game too? Might be we get Alpha revisions before it comes out! Am not happy about that lone US transport. Should be a Destroyer with it.
Hi Gosanchez6: is 3 for Inf. Details on Preview Set Up. We all thought it would be cheaper units too, but meant to be a quick game. Thing is might be too quick. Looks like they expect Russia to fall quickly, thus facilitating Axis victory.
One thing is for sure, with all the territories being worth so little, even grabbing a 1 IPC territory will be a big thing.
Remember those times in Global 40 where you might end up fighting some HUGE battle, with lots of pieces on both sides and it’s all for some 1 IPC territory like Bryansk or Shan State or Yunnan? Sure, some of those territories also have important strategic value, but it still would suck after all that dice rolling and losing valuable pieces that your income only goes up 1 IPC. Well, it won’t be that way in this game. Heck, there are a lot of rather large territories that aren’t even worth a plug nickel.
Heck, there are a lot of rather large territories that aren’t even worth a plug nickel.
Or as we’d say in this edition of A&A, not worth a cardboard stacking marker.
We called it a draw but I think the Axis had it. Russia was captured, economies were actually about even, but I think the Axis had a much higher TUV (total unit value) on the board.
Did we find out if Axis won the 2nd game too? Might be we get Alpha revisions before it comes out! Am not happy about that lone US transport. Should be a Destroyer with it.
When should we expect a review?
Is there something behind the US 15/17-income-issue - or is it just a misprint?
P@nther: Toyah said it best: “it’s a Mystery”.
There is an issue. Larry is aware of it and has contacted Wizards. Wizards is now supposedly taking care of it.
Is there something behind the US 15/17-income-issue - or is it just a misprint?
Work has been consuming my time. I was hoping to do an article on the rules and a review before Tuesday, release day (I think).
When should we expect a review?
I know right? they should totally run this stuff through the forum ringer before releasing games. We’d point out all their mistakes and let them avoid embarrassment.
P.S. I’m only half joking about this as this particular game would be purchased by us regardless and the mass market would be oblivious to our spoilerific aforeknowledge.
Seriously? I was reserving judgment until I knew all the facts, but I guess I know now. After all the uproar about the mistakes on Global? They didn’t see this mistake (coming)? Wow. I’m seriously shocked after all the mistakes on Pacific 1940, for example. So surreal.
That is the norm for WOTC. Consider:
- MB edition didn’t have enough Japanese tanks
- Guadalcanal had mixed up cruisers ( japanese cruisers were American sculpts and vice versa)
- Bulge had 2 missing UK troops for setup
- AAP40 had not enough tactical bombers for Japan
- Global 40 was only playtested 3 times
You could actually blame all of those accept #5 on the manufacturer. If you’re making this stuff in China for cheap, you’re going to have quality issues. I’m going to guess that Wizards does not have the same access to the good manufacturers as the rest of Hasbro. Or they just don’t bother to be as integrated in the manufacturing process as, say, a company like Apple.
However, this 15/17 snafu, likely could have been avoided.