A few times. But since I got my Canadian Pardon in the late 1990s I don’t have to tell employers about it! Mind you I only spent a few nights in a holding cell, never consecutively.
The only time swat was involved was when I was 15 shooting popcans in parkinglot with a buddy when we were 15. Some drunk teenagers trying to fishtail in a pickup truck didn’t like it when we were laughing at them. We didn’t like be chased and one CO2 bb pistol versus 4 drunk kids…yeah, ran into a 24 hour grocery store. Things got out of hand when the manager was told we had guns, the police were told and well, the entire department from our city of 45, 000 was at the mall and none too pleased with us…
Being out after curfew and a few other incidents rounds it out, stupid kid stuff. Of course the cops didn’t think shooting a gun while smoking weed was as funny as we thought it was. Twas the last time I owned a gun, damn nearly 30 years ago…