• Thanks, dboss.  That’s good to know, because I priced plexiglass, and it would be over $100 to get enough to cover this monster.  I’m already going to have to fork over some cash for, at a minimum, a big piece of plywood to lay over my 30" x 72" folding tables.  Fortunately, plywood is available in 4’ x 8’ sheets.

  • Get the good plywood with one side sanded. Then I cut mine in half for easy moving and bought 4 x 8 plexi for 75.00. I would cover the map with something. Just keep lights on it to the sides so you don’t have glare.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11


    Hi, folks,

    My map is at the house in my wife’s closet, and I have to pretend I don’t know what she got me for Christmas.  In the meantime, I have a couple of questions.  First, I have counted the US IPC totals on the online map, and I keep getting 40 on the Pacific side, but only 39 on the Atlantic side.  The set-up chart says the total should be 80.  Here’s what I see on the Atlantic side:

    Great Plains - 2
    Deep South - 2
    Appalachia - 6
    SE US - 4
    Washington - 8
    New England - 4
    Cuba - 1
    Panama – 2
    2 convoys at 5 each

    Am I just missing something, or is there a misprint?  If it’s a misprint, I guess we could add a U.S. national objective for 1 point.  Maybe “U.S. Treasury Secretary finds loose change under couch cushions after martini is spilled on them upon hearing that Germany invades Poland?”

    My other question is:  How hard is it to get the map to lay flat?  Would a stack of quarters on the corners be enough?  Or will I want to get some plexiglass to put over the whole map?



    I got 41 IPCs on the Pacific side and 39 on the other one. I think you missed Guam at 1 IPC, or is it Alaska ?  You realised that I had to take out and unrolled my maps because it bugged me too.  :wink:

    J. 8-)

    PS It is the same # on the first and second edition map ( yeah, I have both of them :)  )

  • I like the fact you took my map and took it one step further, but it does piss me off that I gave it to you and the community for FREE. Now you charge people for it.
    Alot of time and effort went into making that map which you have openly admitted to using it as a template for yours.

    Some where in these pages it says that the map file will not be released for down loads and it has to be purchased thru HBG. I call shenanigans.

    that map is still my map with new clothes on.
    its like if I bought a new ford car, repainted it and sold it as a Danmobile. Its still the same car.

    Now I don’t have any problem with HBG providing a service, ie printing and shipping of the map.
    I do have a problem with any variation of my map being sold because it is otherwise unavailable any where else.

    Any map or variation of the map that will use MY map as its base template, WILL be available for free as a down load with suggested ways for the downloader to be able to print that map.

    I have received no royalties (not my objective) otherwise which gives you no right to sell my idea, no matter what clothes you dress it up in. By all legal rights, those maps are my maps, unless you started with a completely blank sheet of paper, which you have admitted you didn’t.

    I absolutely love A&A and I encourage the development of this beautiful map, your variation and my original. But a FREE download WILL be available for all period.
    I don’t care if you are a site sponsor or not.

    If you so choose it to be only available via purchase thru HBG,  I want some sort of compensation for my time and effort. Again not my main objective.

    How would you feel if some one stole your free idea and started making money off of it?

    Not saying I will because I definitely do not want to, but I can and will kill this thread on the basis of plagiarism. I Really Really hope it doesn’t come to that because I know alot of people enjoy the maps in the “global war” section. And as long as there is a free map download for everyone to enjoy, we won’t have any problems.

    aka Death

  • @Deaths:

    I like the fact you took my map and took it one step further, but it does p�ss me off that I gave it to you and the community for FREE. Now you charge people for it.
    Alot of time and effort went into making that map which you have openly admitted to using it as a template for yours.

    Some where in these pages it says that the map file will not be released for down loads and it has to be purchased thru HBG. I call shenanigans.

    that map is still my map with new clothes on.
    its like if I bought a new ford car, repainted it and sold it as a Danmobile. Its still the same car.

    Now I don’t have any problem with HBG providing a service, ie printing and shipping of the map.
    I do have a problem with any variation of my map being sold because it is otherwise unavailable any where else.

    Any map or variation of the map that will use MY map as its base template, WILL be available for free as a down load with suggested ways for the downloader to be able to print that map.

    I have received no royalties (not my objective) otherwise which gives you no right to sell my idea, no matter what clothes you dress it up in. By all legal rights, those maps are my maps, unless you started with a completely blank sheet of paper, which you have admitted you didn’t.

    I absolutely love A&A and I encourage the development of this beautiful map, your variation and my original. But a FREE download WILL be available for all period.
    I don’t care if you are a site sponsor or not.

    If you so choose it to be only available via purchase thru HBG,  I want some sort of compensation for my time and effort. Again not my main objective.

    How would you feel if some one stole your free idea and started making money off of it?

    Not saying I will because I definitely do not want to, but I can and will kill this thread on the basis of plagiarism. I Really Really hope it doesn’t come to that because I know alot of people enjoy the maps in the “global war” section. And as long as there is a free map download for everyone to enjoy, we won’t have any problems.

    aka Death

    Your map was a great inspiration to ours but our revised edition map is completely redrawn. Your original map does not look like ours anymore. We have added Roundels, different colors, text, different water, among many many other changes. There are many Global maps, the world is the world. We have spent many hours arriving at setups, rules, among other changes, your game does not play like ours. Our next variation map takes it a step further and change even more, you will not recognize it. You are more than welcome to offer your original map as a free download, we cannot stop you or someone else making a map and making their own to sell, but we have spent too many hours working on ours to offer it. Most car companies copied the Model “T”, but a car is a car, just depends what you do with it. Of the many items HBG offers on their website, I am sure someone has at one point thought of a radar tower or an Airborne troop, or a bunker. One cannot say that they took my idea and ran with it.

    I am sorry that you feel that your idea was stolen but like me, I have seen many of my ideas and works on other peoples site, games, and rules. I have worked out many many new pieces, rules, and maps as well as HBG guys and 3rd party participants who all receive royalties from their work that we sell for them. You can always call me or email me personally if you have problems with the way we do business but we have always been straight and honest with people. We do offer several free download maps from a variety of gamers and would be more than happy to offer your ORIGINAL map as a free download. Send me the file and we can put it on our site.

  • Radar231,

    GUAM!!  D’OH!!  You’re right.  I completely missed it.  And I counted them out about 4 times.  LOL.  Thanks.  That would have driven me nuts.  Although I probably would have caught it eventually once I had the physical map unrolled in front of me.

  • Coach,
    thank you for your response, my objective is in no way meant to do harm to u or ur business.
    I would as I am sure you would, rather discuss my apparent impasse in a more private setting. I felt I needed to get someone’s attention, and I did.
    plz pm me a phone #, as I would like to speak to you.
    My call will be coming from a 920 area code


  • @Deaths:

    thank you for your response, my objective is in no way meant to do harm to u or ur business.
    I would as I am sure you would, rather discuss my apparent impasse in a more private setting. I felt I needed to get someone’s attention, and I did.
    plz pm me a phone #, as I would like to speak to you.
    My call will be coming from a 920 area code



  • Hmmmm now have to decide if want to grab 39’ version or wait until 36’ map……

  • I enjoyed the Imperious leader maps with my friends,now I would like to print Deatheads ones ,but I don’t understand what is the most recent version of 1939 global,what is the most recent one ?Is there a version downloadable to print in a very big measure (like 90x200 or similar)? Because I printed a IL map on Pvc and the results have been spectacular.Can someone give me these link to download the last versions and rules?

  • GO back to Global 39 topics page and at the 3rd post from top is Deathheads map file and rules. The other one I know of is G39 map at Historical Board Gaming and I have that one. They are coming out with a new one in 2014 for I believe 3 different years for setup.

  • Ok thanks

  • I already have the current map, and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. As we have addressed before, its not inflated in the right places, Europe is too small, the US is too big, etc.

    But I WILL purchase a 1936 map if the map is more aesthetically pleasing. More like the A&A maps with a hint of topography, but not too much noise printed on the map. Roundels, values, names, and cites are fine. But of course no more printed on bases, and convoy zones done away with.

    You guys are putting a lot of effort into this, but don’t do what Larry does, let us see the work in progress and critique it before the final cut.
    I know you fear people printing it out on their own and losing money. Well you wont on me, the vinyl is great and I am willing to support you guys.
    But the quality has to be there.

  • I guarantee you that we cannot please you all.


    I already have the current map, and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. As we have addressed before, its not inflated in the right places, Europe is too small, the US is too big, etc.

    But I WILL purchase a 1936 map if the map is more aesthetically pleasing. More like the A&A maps with a hint of topography, but not too much noise printed on the map. Roundels, values, names, and cites are fine. But of course no more printed on bases, and convoy zones done away with.

    You guys are putting a lot of effort into this, but don’t do what Larry does, let us see the work in progress and critique it before the final cut.
    I know you fear people printing it out on their own and losing money. Well you wont on me, the vinyl is great and I am willing to support you guys.
    But the quality has to be there.

  • @thenorthman:

    Hmmmm now have to decide if want to grab 39’ version or wait until 36’ map……

    Decided on 39’ map. Then will pick up 36’ version later. Heck 39’ map can always be used for a game room decoration once get 36’ map. ;-)

  • Hi at all,

    im new here. I have many Axis and Allies games. I am playing A & A over 7 years now. I ordered the map of Global War 1939 and some game pieces. We played a first test round. It is the best  A & A version ever. Even better than A&A 1940! This map is awesome. I have got a question. I heard that you guys are developping Global 1936. I will order it immidiatley when this version is finished. Can you tell me when it will be finished and released in 2014 (in witch period of time in 2014) and can i order it from Historical boardgaming in Europe? Because im from germany (sorry for my bad english).

    Greetings to all of you

    p.s. And thanks for this awesome Global 1939 map it is the best i have ever seen you guys did very very good work

  • I am sure we can get our German website to carry them once they are out. Thank you for the compliments.


    Hi at all,

    im new here. I have many Axis and Allies games. I am playing A & A over 7 years now. I ordered the map of Global War 1939 and some game pieces. We played a first test round. It is the best  A & A version ever. Even better than A&A 1940! This map is awesome. I have got a question. I heard that you guys are developping Global 1936. I will order it immidiatley when this version is finished. Can you tell me when it will be finished and released in 2014 (in witch period of time in 2014) and can i order it from Historical boardgaming in Europe? Because im from germany (sorry for my bad english).

    Greetings to all of you

    p.s. And thanks for this awesome Global 1939 map it is the best i have ever seen you guys did very very good work

  • Guys,



    Hmmmm now have to decide if want to grab 39’ version or wait until 36’ map……

    Decided on 39’ map. Then will pick up 36’ version later. Heck 39’ map can always be used for a game room decoration once get 36’ map. ;-)

    ––The above seems like a frequently recurring decision. I know that I am tremendously happy that I decided to order the 1939 map NOW,….and then buy the 1934/36/39 map later, too!
    ––HBG really has their stuff together with their latest incarnation of an A&A variant game.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Love the map!!!

    I was a little hesitant on having all the “roundels” but I like how with the revised map you made the capital roundel normal then all the other territories for that nation subdued or partially transparent.  It made it not so “busy” looking.

    Very nice!  Cant wait to pick up the 34/36/39 map this year!

    Plus highly interested in the little expansion packs you have coming out.


  • thenorthman & Others,


    Love the map!!!
    ––Me, too! This revised map is Great!
    I was a little hesitant on having all the “roundels” but I like how with the revised map you made the capital roundel normal then all the other territories for that nation subdued or partially transparent.  It made it not so “busy” looking.
    ––I, too, like this feature.
    Very nice!  Cant wait to pick up the 34/36/39 map this year!
    Plus highly interested in the little expansion packs you have coming out.
    ––You should Check out the HBGwebsite as they have added MORE Expansion Sets to their que of new units coming out.

    “Tall Paul”

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







