Hi, these rules are cool. I did not base my rules off of this. This was developed independently.
A different take on “free for all”. Being able to make alliances though means it should be called “shifting alliances” rather than “free for all”.
Here seems to be a bug. Allies have Normandy (UK) and US landed a Marine in Holland.
However tripleA did not count the NO. Is the engine confused because the only land unit was a marine?
Yup that is the reason, and marines also don’t work for the North African NO. It’s because we added the marine after making those 2 NOs. The UK NO for a land unit in Sicily/Sardinia/Greece registers the marine as a land unit.
ok thanks. So I just add the money manually in those cases then.
ok thanks. So I just add the money manually in those cases then.
Yup, it will be fixed in the next version of BM.
What’s the theory behind the Vichy rules. Seems to make the opening G1 moves automatic, or at least part of them. Attack both Normandy and France. Don’t attack Southern France as Italy.
Historical accuracy?
Italy attempted to gain ground in France but failed.
Das Reich made a deal with So.France and Mussolini was kinda….not amused about it.
Long story short. :-D
What’s the theory behind the Vichy rules. Seems to make the opening G1 moves automatic, or at least part of them. Attack both Normandy and France. Don’t attack Southern France as Italy.
Historical accuracy?
But it is not at all clear yet whether activating Vichy is favorable for the Axis or the Allies.
In the long run the extra money Allies can collect due to Vichy can significantly matter.
Money and territory ownership, which allows for new base possibilities :-)
What’s the theory behind the Vichy rules. Seems to make the opening G1 moves automatic, or at least part of them. Attack both Normandy and France. Don’t attack Southern France as Italy.
Historical accuracy?
But it is not at all clear yet whether activating Vichy is favorable for the Axis or the Allies.
In the long run the extra money Allies can collect due to Vichy can significantly matter.
Seems favourable to the axis to me. You don’t have to hit the French fleet at Toulon, don’t have to attack French North Africa and in fact, these North Africa forces can join your side.
Yes, you lose the 3IPC per turn from Southern France until you activate French North Africa.
What extra money can the allies collect? FIC is all that is obvious.
Madagascar and two of the South African ones, and it puts Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria in play if they aren’t already. Those can be extremely valuable to the USA for bases
Syria too, if the Allies somehow neutralize Italy’s fleet
These IPC’s can really add up over the rounds, which is what JDOW is talking about
I’ve often pondered if Germany should strafe Paris and leave it for Italy to finish it off, which massively improves the positioning of the German forces. I’m wondering if this strategy is done often as Axis in BM?
If it’s improved position of Germany’s forces you want, consider attacking Paris with a bunch of aircraft, and cheat mech/tanks to the east. It’s been done several times
Don’t let one little AA gun scare you - overwhelm it with more than 3 planes
It’s been awhile since I’ve heard talk about leaving Paris for Italy. It hasn’t been done many times, and I haven’t heard anything positive about it. Obviously it’s a shot in the arm for the Italians, but the Germans can make better use of the +17, and also the +4 income per round and the ability to build at that complex and repair that airbase. Do it if you have the need for variety and freshness, but I don’t think it’ll help your chances of winning the game. Not saying it will hurt it, but I don’t think it will help it either. Also keep in mind, you might be letting a British tank move first (and maybe even artillery, depending on how your hit and run goes and if your opponent knows you’re doing this, which he will after you’ve done it once or if he’s reading this - he might take off French fighter before British units)
I know this might be a nonfactor (the British getting to move first) but it also might be a factor. Depending on what the situation in South France is…… if the Germans hit and run Paris and if they take South France light, the British might attack it from Paris
Oh yeah, Vichy in balanced mod. So if you hit and run Paris, you are letting the British move ground to South France without even burning a transport. Whoops
Right, and if the British tank moves into Southern France the Vichy rule can’t be activated. Hmm, so you have to kill that tank before even considering a retreat.
And the Allied player could save that tank until last, so it could be impossible to retreat and also kill the tank
And the Allied player could save that tank until last, so it could be impossible to retreat and also kill the tank
And they should. So the best thing this gambit can achieve against proper allied play is forcing the plane to be killed before the British tank. Unless you attack with overwhelming air forces and weak land forces so you don’t need to retreat, which doesn’t seem a winning move.
How is using overwhelming air on Paris, sending mech and tanks east on G1 and still taking Paris “not a winning move”?
You might even be able to do a G1 declaration on Russia at the same time. Ever considered that? I’ve done it and won, more than once
You can’t put too much pressure on Russia -
ESPECIALLY in balanced mod with all the extra money for Russia. You can’t beat them down too fast
Wouldn’t you lose too many planes in the assault on Paris, at least potentially? I did say weak land forces.
There’s no reason not to attack with all the available infantry and artillery, and maybe a couple trucks/tanks. Without running it, pretty sure it’s highly unlikely you will lose more than the 1 plane that you have a 40% chance to lose to the AAA
The reason I was referring to was to leave Paris for Italy - that isn’t a winning move.
I think we’re talking at cross purposes here.
Ahhh, I appreciate the clarification
On the Lend Lease National objectives.
If Russia declares war on Japan then they do NOT get the bonus +2 for each Lend Lease lane that is open.
Is this correct?
Wow! That’s a real incentive not to declare war on Japan then. Made a schoolboy error there in one game.