1940 Global: 1st turn, 3 players = Having fun

  • Hello everyone,

    I’m new here (new to this forum and very new to A&A).

    I’m almost 45 and father of a 15 and a 12 year old boys who decided to get A&A for Christmas.

    So far we had a blast (and we played only 1 turn).

    In the last month I studied both rule books, watched almost all YoungGrasshopper videos on YouTube (thanks so much for this), browse this forum heavily, printed additional materials (from this forum mostly) and even purchased additional materials from Historical Board Gaming.

    I’m playing Axis (as player 1), my older son is playing USSR, USA and China, my youngest is playing UK, ANZAC and France.  They do really like it so far, I’m explaining rules as we go (purposely omitting some at the beginning) and so far our 1st turn was long (almost 2 hours) but enjoyable.

    I’m glad I was able to stir them from their xBox and computer game a little.

    I have no particular question (so far), wanted to thanks this forum and the creator of the game as well as YG who has been a great help with his videos (and also helped me register to this forum).

    I have however one comment: I noticed (thru my browsing of this forum) a lot of dead links: sometime to pictures or even materials but considering some of these posts are over 5 years old it is not surprising.  However I found very helpful the fact that a lot of prints are still available thru mediafire download website and for this thank you.

    My first impression of the game is great and can’t wait for this weekend for round 2.

    A fan from Portland OR, USA

  • Welcome to this Forum Thierry.
    I am glad you like it and the triple a.
    One day I will be in your situation and hopefully teaching my son triple a.
    Feel free to ask us anything about triple a.
    I am sure we can help you here.

  • It is great to hear compliments and love fro the game from new players, so thank you too.
    Enjoy the following turns. T1 can be very slow, but that is to be expected.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    My son is 5 and we are already measuring and moving our pieces to learn wargames.  Axis and Allies is the realization of all of those ads on the back of 1950s and 1960s comics;  3000 piece set of army men, tanks, obstacles everything;  thousands of tiny army men but wait!  There are rules!  You replay world war 2?

    Who wouldn’t be in?

  • '15

    Welcome to the board!  Glad to hear you’re enjoying the game with your sons.  Just wait until you find some local gamers and can team up with them

  • so that’s how you get people to play with you!  I just have to make them myself  :lol:  welcome to the board!  Have fun!

  • Sponsor

    I love hearing great strories like this. Amazingly, fathers fighting the digital war that claim sons is more common that we might think… I happen to know many fathers playing A&A with their children, wether it’s to free them from the tyranny of television, or to eslave them as puppet soldiers for dad’s new hobby (most say the television thing).

    Welcome Thierry… and enjoy the ride.

  • I play with my 14 year old son at our local Denver-area meetup G40 gaming group.  The opponents are not happy that we are always on a team.  They complain that we have mastered the game too much… Having the forum advice and the experience of 40 play-by-email games puts us way ahead of the competition.  If you ever want to get your skills higher, play some games on the forum against seasoned players.  I have learned so much, and continue to learn good strategies each time I play (still usually get beaten).  The game gets to be much faster once you have played it several times and know standard openings and overall game strategy.

  • Greetings friend!
    Great to know that I am not alone! I am 15 myself. I play with my dad, siblings, uncle, and cousins as well as many friends!  We have got everybody form 9 years to 52. How old are your sons? We might just get lucky and be in the same area!

  • My boys are 15 and 12.  Going to school in the portland area.

    We just started, it is a family thing right now, My older son might invite his friends for a play someday, have not figure that one out yet.


  • Great to hear that you’re enjoying this great game. Good luck in all your future conquests!

  • '15

    Welcome to the board! Judging by the flood of responses (I’ll pile mine on), we’ll all be happy to help in any way we can.

    While I am overjoyed you’re teaching your sons about A&A, I am terrified that you might also teach them “thru” is an acceptable form of “through”. It is not. Ever.

  • As I have previously welcomed you to the board Thierry I wasn’t going to repeat myself. But I am feeling left out!

    No children but I know plenty of men with the mental age of a young child, so that’s no problem! I include myself of course.

  • @teslas:

    Welcome to the board! Judging by the flood of responses (I’ll pile mine on), we’ll all be happy to help in any way we can.

    While I am overjoyed you’re teaching your sons about A&A, I am terrified that you might also teach them “thru” is an acceptable form of “through”. It is not. Ever.


    I will plead the fact that English is my second language (and French being my native), I do appreciate correction from my peers, it is true that “thru” and “through” has been a struggle for me.

    Looking forward to learn more.

  • Well - according to dictionary.com it is an acceptable informal spelling of through:


    Not that I ever use it myself. But English is so widely used by different cultures and peoples that the variations are endless and beyond control by the spelling and grammar police. What is unacceptable today is common usage tomorrow ……

  • '15



    Stuff I said.


    I will plead the fact that English is my second language (and French being my native), I do appreciate correction from my peers, it is true that “thru” and “through” has been a struggle for me.

    Looking forward to learn more.

    I must be ashamed for my countrymen (Americans), as it is their fault that the abomination “thru” has been spread.

    Hopefully I can teach you something about A&A at some point, and not just English pedantry  :p

  • @teslas:



    Stuff I said.


    I will plead the fact that English is my second language (and French being my native), I do appreciate correction from my peers, it is true that “thru” and “through” has been a struggle for me.

    Looking forward to learn more.

    I must be ashamed for my countrymen (Americans), as it is their fault that the abomination “thru” has been spread.

    Hopefully I can teach you something about A&A at some point, and not just English pedantry  :p

    No harm done, I always appreciate some help.  I will always appreciate A&A help as well.


  • Sponsor

    I don’t know what all the fuss is aboot eh?

  • I blame Canada.

  • I say Canada is great and faultless here  :wink:

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