Sorry for your loss, Paul. Sad to see another hero go. At least now he has seen the end of war.
Best posts made by WraithZer0
RE: Tall Paul's Dad, a WW2 vet, passes away
Latest posts made by WraithZer0
RE: Good Deal on 1941
That is some awesome tray porn, Wolf. I need that…
RE: Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread
Sweet. Thank you, Krieg!
RE: Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread
Real quick. Can you move naval units in to a contested sea zone, but not conduct combat, just leaving them there for the opposing navy to have to choose whether to attack to move, or otherwise, on their turn? I thought I read that as such, that the naval units to not have to conduct combat when moving in to a contested zone, but still roll for mine damage at enemy port areas.
RE: How to make the Schlieffen plan work?
You’re right. You were a jerk about it, but you’re right.
RE: How to make the Schlieffen plan work?
The WWI version of Sealion, is, technically, the Battle of Jutland. So, it did happen, it just wasn’t well-organized.
RE: A Question Of Balance
Still love this game….we play this or Global 1940 or HBG 1939 and sometimes Anniversary Edition
Man, I want HBG 1939 so bad… I’m jealous.
RE: Opening Moves
And if you feel like being more experimental, swap that fighter purchase for a transport and shovel over 2 inf. and 2 art. on T2. Though, if it’s too crowded in Tuscany, that might be futile and a waste. However, it would be fun to make Italy sweat even more.
RE: TripleA Released
Is there any plans on adding A&A 1914 to the TripleA line up?
Yeah, there are a few WWI maps and modes in there, already. Domination 1914: No Man’s Land is pretty great, as well as Great War. However, now, with the updated client, I cannot get a Lebowski edition one that I loved, from before. It had playable nations such as Portugal and China, etc. Otherwise, the few I mentioned are fun, but they are on the same engine and ruleset (not like 1914 one roll per combat/defense per round).
RE: A&A 1914 2nd edition
That’s really unfortunate for you EU boys. Besides a few waits on restocking, here, in the states, HBG has saved me at least $60 (or roughly half the price I paid for 1914) purchasing additional pieces for it. Now, this is all inclusive with the additional pieces I purchased for my other versions, as well. So, in my case, it was really not worth it purchasing an entire other copy.
Must have additional pieces, for me, were: Dice, GE Inf., RU Inf., Brit. Inf., roundels, and stacking chips. Other than those, it’s just been nit-picky for what I wanted, not needed.
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