Over the years since anniversary edition came out I’ve gotten the urge from time to time to paint the pieces… I’ve started a few times and I’ll do a few dozen components here and there but generally Ive barely made a dent. I’m going for a hybrid look between accuracy and ease of identification when in use on the board afterall these are gaming pieces not scale models.
On my last RnR from work I was in the mood for some painting and knocked out quite a few pieces! The following pictures were taken over a few days to show my gaming mate the progress and get him keen for a game soon… I have got more stuff from previous painting fads done up but at this stage no photos to show.
First of all on this round was the French navy.

In previous painting stints ive managed to knock out sufficient japanese, American, British and soviet fleets with only german, italian and australian having minimal painted pieces and I’d like to square them away soon.
Next up was a random impulse… I did a spare set of British navy pieces and a set of the ships from the HBG allies set as the Canadian navy, this was mostly just for fun and the celery green decks are in the same vain as tan decks on my UK fleet and the lighter Blonde on FEC ships. This is a prime example of the gaming piece aspect taking over from the painted model angle.

Next I did a quick set up to draw inspiration on what to work on next

I ended up doing more italian ground units, which I didnt snap a phot of but I shouldn’t ever need anymore after how many I did!
It also became clear that I’d been avoiding the air units for too long, with only a dozen german Me109’s and a few dozen mixed RAF units done I’d need to bunker down and make some headway

Needless to say I’m very pleased with the results and the look great with the IJN As well

Inspired by my japanese planes I decided to get started on the Italians!

And that’s us mostly up to date…. I did do another 22 japanese infantry but I didn’t quite get them 100% before I flew out for work.